Art Newsletter
Updates from Lowell Artists & Ms. Chroneos
The Joy of Clay
April Learning Goals
Kindergarten: Self-Portrait Assemblage in Motion
I can create a self-portrait assemblage with cardboard shapes.
I can think about how to show my self-portrait "in motion" using
the position of the shapes.
I can learn what an assemblage is.
I can use a variety of textures, colors, and patterns to add details,
such as hair and clothing onto my self-portrait assemblage.
First Grade: Pinch Pot Monsters
I can create a pinch pot monster.
I can slip and score to attach pieces of clay together.
Second & Third Grade: Pinch Pot Pets
I can create a pinch pot pet.
I can slip and score to attach pieces of clay together.
I can glaze my pinch pot pet.
Fourth & Fifth Grade: Creative Clay Mugs
I can can create coil pot bowl or mug.
I can add a creative element to my clay bowl or mug.
I can slip and score to attach pieces together.
I can glaze my creative coil pot bowl or mug.
More Fourth & Fifth Grade Creative Clay Mugs
Students in fourth and fifth grade have been so creative. Soon, each student will glaze (paint) their clay piece and it will be put in the kiln one more time for a glassy finish.
More Second & Third Grade Pinch Pot Pets
Second and third graders could create a pinch pot pet inspired by any animal of their choice.
More Kindergarten Self Portraits in Motion
In April, Kindergarten artists finished their self-portraits in motion.
April Artist of the Month: Nick Cave
Contact Information
Meet Ms. Chroneos
My name is Sofija Chroneos and I am the art teacher at Lowell School. A little about me, I have been teaching art for two and a half years. Outside of teaching, I work on ceramics, jewelry-making, and gardening projects. I come from a proud Greek-Croatian first generation immigrant family. If you ever have any questions about art classes or just want to say hello, please never hesitate to reach out.
Contact Information
Email: sofija.chroneos@watertown.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.instagram.com/ms.chroneos_artclass/