The Connection Corner
Your "Whole Child Hub"

Thank you for connecting with us!
Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights, resources, and stories that spotlight the ways in which Hawthorn students are actively engaging in their social, emotional, and behavioral development. We'll explore topics that help strengthen connections between home and school, fostering a supportive environment for your child's holistic growth. Together, we'll navigate the journey of nurturing well-rounded, resilient, and socially aware young minds. Thank you for being a part of The Connection Corner!
My child(ren) will be attending a Hawthorn Summer Program!
Navigating Social Development
Communicating Effectively
Every interaction you have with your child is a form of communication. It's not just about the words you say, but the tone of your voice and nonverbal communication all convey messages to your child. The way you communicate with your child not only teaches them how to communicate with others, it shapes their emotional development and how they build relationships later in life.
Reflective listening: Repeat what the child says using different words to show understanding without judgment. "I hear you saying you feel...am I correct?"
Use 'noticing' statements: Praise specific actions to reinforce positive behaviors. "I noticed you have really thought about this." "I like how calm you are."
Lead by example: Be mindful of your actions as they serve as a model for your child, and maintain trust by keeping promises.
Navigating Emotional Development
ACEs and The Power of Relationships
Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years). For example:
- experiencing violence, abuse, or neglect
- witnessing violence in the home or community
- having a family member attempt or die by suicide
Also included are aspects of the child’s environment that can undermine their sense of safety, stability, and bonding, such as growing up in a household with:
- substance use problems
- mental health problems
- instability due to parental separation or household members being in jail or prison
Please note the examples above are not a complete list of adverse experiences.
ACEs are linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance use problems in adolescence and adulthood. ACEs can also negatively impact education, job opportunities, and earning potential.
The good news is that ACEs are preventable. 👏 Creating and sustaining safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for all children and families can prevent ACEs and help all children reach their full health and life potential.
Navigating Behavioral Development
Misbehavior? "HALT" to turn it around!
All behavior is a form of communication. When a child is upset or dysregulated, they are not using their "thinking brain", but rather, they are in their "emotional brain". This can lead to behavior that is not desirable. Your child may be feeling a loss of emotional control. Also, this may be a sign that your child has an unmet need.
One way you can try to uncover the cause of the misbehavior is to use the "HALT" method:
H - Hungry?
- Hunger may cause your child to lose focus, become distracted easily, and experience mood shifts.
A - Angry?
- Is my child angry? When children are unable to manage their anger, it can damage relationships and cause stress to them and others around them. Help your child name their feelings, and then take proper steps to help calm their feelings. Help your child take deep breaths and try your best not to respond emotionally.
L - Lonely?
- Feeling lonely can cause a wide variety of emotions in children. Children have a need to feel connected to others. Having strong relationships with other children and adults is crucial for their emotional well-being.
T - Tired?
- Fatigue can have a negative impact on decision-making. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 9-12 hours of sleep for children ages 6-12, and 8-10 hours per night for children ages 13-18.
If the HALT method does not get to the root of the behavior, remember to stay calm, listen, and help your child to name their feeling. By naming their feeling, they can start to regain rational thinking and begin to problem-solve.
Behind the "SEL" Scenes
5th Grade SEL Workshop with Simply Bee!
Hawthorn 5th graders are participating in a social-emotional learning workshop at their school with Simply Bee Counseling throughout this spring. During the workshop, students will learn about the 'Big 4'—thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and urges to act—and how to become more aware of them.
Whole Child Wellness Committee
The Whole Child Wellness Committee met for the 3rd time this April to collaborate around Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan. Our task for this meeting was around measuring Whole Child Success. Watch the May 16th Board Meeting for an update from the committee!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
Hawthorn District 73 is committed to the well-being of our community. We've partnered with ReferralGPS to provide a confidential, no-cost service helping students, staff, and families connect with local mental health and substance use treatment.
Access it at ReferralGPS - Hawthorn73 to find the right help when looking for mental health resources.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Volunteer Opportunity!
Hawthorn is looking at expanding our partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters this coming fall. We currently partner with BBBS for an after-school program at one of our schools on the south campus.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago is currently looking for more local volunteers so we can invite more students to participate in this program.
If you are interested yourself in becoming a mentor, please go to https://bbbschgo.org/volunteer/ for more information!
If your corporation is interested in partnering with Big Brothers Big Sisters, please reach out to:
Dawn Steffen
Regional Director, Lake County
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago
Cell: 312.625.2690
Email: steffen@bbbschgo.org
Educate and Empower: Parent/Guardian Education Series
When would you prefer to attend a parent/guardian event?
Community Events
Look for Sam the Eagle and make a craft at Vernon Hills Days!
Hawthorn District 73 will have a table set up at the Summer Celebration from 1:00 - 3:00 PM on July 20 and July 21st at the Vernon Hills Summer Celebration! Bring your kids and make a "Calming Kit" with Sam the Eagle!
For more information, go to: https://vhdays.com/kids
Social Workers
Our students benefit from access to school social work services. Our social workers provide ongoing support in several ways. They collaborate regularly with grade-level teams to promote a positive school climate for all students, and help support staff in using instructional practices that support social-emotional learning across all subjects. Our social workers may also lead class lessons or work in small groups with students to provide more targeted support.
District Social Workers:
Meghan Frazier - Lincoln School - frazierm@hawthorn73.org
Rhonda Malina - Hawthorn School for Young Learners - malinar@hawthorn73.org
Shelby Behrens - Aspen, Dual Language - behrenss@hawthorn73.org
Andrew Meyers - Aspen -meyersa@hawthorn73.org
Julie Gange - Dual Language - gangej@hawthorn73.org
Kathleen Falotico - Townline - faloticok@hawthorn73.org
Paul Mazzetta - Elementary North - mazzettap@hawthorn73.org
Connie Travis - Elementary North - travisc@hawthorn73.org
Nesrin Unlu - Elementary South - unlun@hawthorn73.org
Brittany Langton - Elementary South - langtonb@hawthorn73.org
Lauren Brownstein - Middle School South - brownsteinl@hawthorn73.org
Amunn Jaffery - Middle School South - jafferya@hawthorn73.org
Jaime Medbery - Middle School South - medberyj@hawthorn73.org
Brian Van - Middle School North - vanb@hawthorn73.org
Kelli Cordes - Middle School North - cordesk@hawthorn73.org
Scarlett Davalos - Middle School North - davaloss@hawthorn73.org
Connect with ME!
Megan Goldman
Social, Emotional, Behavioral Coordinator
Follow me on X (formerly known as Twitter) @D73SOARS
Check out my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj-L3MVWzHT7xxgWytCWmYA