Principal Message
April 28th, 2024

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Poetry Week
Students began to share poetry this week at Runkle. Some 5th graders came read to me in the office. Other students in 5ALM couldn't wait to read a "Poem in their Pocket" to Ms. Shinohara! Ms. Bigda's students will be sharing their poetry with families next week.
Persuasive Writing in 1st Grade
First graders in Ms. Madden's room have started their Persuasive Writing Unit. On Friday, they shared some of their first drafts. Students wrote about their favorite stuffed animal in the classroom. They had to choose one of four. Their writing was impressive. These first graders where using descriptive language, similes, and metaphors! Next week they will be writing about Runkle....persuading everyone that it's the best school. I can't wait to see their work!
Congratulations Shira and Charlotte!
This is a belated CONGRATULATIONS to Charlotte Doench and Shira Hagan! These Runkle 8th Graders were invited to compete in the BAA 1000 Meter Race on Marathon Weekend. Their times in Brookline's Town-Wide Cross Country Meet in the fall qualified them for this amazing event. Charlotte and Shira have been friends since kindergarten at Runkle. We are very proud of these young women! Thank you Coach Dan Hack for supporting Runkle athletes like Charlotte and Shira.
Please Join Us for the PTO Social on May 2nd!
Please join Runkle Parents, Guardians and Staff this Thursday, May 2nd, for a great party on Dean Rd. Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite. Everyone who attended last year had a great time. This year the social will be held from 7-10 pm. It's an 80's Theme and we have some Runkle teachers who can embrace this! I hope to see you there!
Important Dates
Extensive List...Maybe more to come:)
Wednesday May 1st: First Day of Asian Pacific Heritage Month
Wednesday May 1st: K-6 Early Dismissal for Parent Conferences
Thursday May 2nd: Runkle PTO Social from 7-10 pm
Thursday May 2nd-Friday May 3rd: Grades 5 and 8 Science MCAS
Monday May 6th: Grades 4 and 7 Math MCAS
Tuesday May 7th: Grades 3 and 6 Math MCAS
Wednesday May 8th: Grades 4 and 7 Math MCAS
Thursday May 9th: Grades 3 and 6 Math MCAS
Tuesday May 14: Grades 5 and 8 Math MCAS
Wednesday May 15th: Grades 5 and 8 Math MCAS
Thursday May 16th: RUNKLE FUN RUN!
Thursday May 16th: Grade 3 Concert in Multi at 8:10 am
Friday May 17th: International Night
Tuesday May 21st: Grade 8 Civics MCAS
Wednesday May 22nd: Grade 8 Civics MCAS
Wednesday May 22nd: Grade 7 Field Trip to Kimball's
Monday May 27th: Memorial Day - No School
Wednesday May 29th: Grades 6-8 Choral Concert in Multi
Tuesday June 4th: Runkle Art Show (?), 4-6 pm
Wednesday June 5th: Peek and Practice for New Kindergarten students
Friday June 7th: 8th Grade PAAR Shakespeare 9:45 am
Week of June 10th: 8th Grade Field Trips (TBD)
Friday June 14th: 8th Grade Graduation, 4-5 pm