News from BJSHS
August 25th, 2023

News from BJSHS: May 17, 2024
Information for Families of Seniors
Tuesday, May 21st:
8:00 am - Senior Breakfast in the cafeteria, provided by the Food Service Department as a gift to the Senior class
8:50 - 10:30 am - MANDATORY Commencement rehearsal with NHS Honor Guard
7:00 pm - Senior Recognition Night (Seniors should arrive by 6: 30 pm)
Thursday, May 23rd: Graduation at 7:00 pm
Seniors should arrive between 5:30-6:00 pm
Wednesday, May 29th: 10:00 am - Diplomas will be available for pick-up in the office
Spring NWEA Reports/Report Cards
Student reports will be mailed home, along with a final report card the first part of June. Senior students' reports will be placed in their final folder.
Chromebook Collection
Student chromebooks and chargers will be collected on Thursday, May 30th. Students will be turning them into their Seminar teacher. Please make sure that the device is labeled with the student's name. It is recommended that the charger be placed into a ziploc-type baggie with the student's name written on it. Students will receive the same device and charger when they return in the fall.
Student Dress Code/Handbook Reminders
With warm weather on the way, please be sure to review the dress code. To note: Students should make sure that shorts, skirts, and dresses are at least knuckle-length as measured when fists are made with shoulders relaxed and arms fully extended down on the sides. Shirts must have at least a 3 finger-width amount of material covering the shoulder. Thank you for reviewing this with your child(ren).
IMPORTANT: Materials to Monitor
We have been made aware of several books that students have brought to school that contain inappropriate (pornographic) material. While the back of the book or inside cover may look/sound harmless, please take a moment to skim the material that your child is reading/know what your child is reading. If you are aware of material in question, please let us know using this Google Form, which is aligned with Board Policy 9130. https://tinyurl.com/bronsonbooks
Additionally, we have also had several instances of students when students have had inappropriate material (pictures/videos) on their cell phones. Please be checking your child's device regularly to make sure that they do not have material on it that could have negative consequences. Please speak with your child(ren) about the dangers of putting something out there. Once it is sent, you never know where it will end up and it can never be completely "erased"/deleted.
Finally, I have been told that there are some items on Tik Tok that are very concerning. If your child has access to this, I strongly encourage you to be talking with them/reviewing their account with them.
Student Chromebooks
We kindly ask that you remind your child(ren) that the Chromebook they have been issued to use is an expensive piece of technology. A new device costs $250 and a screen replacement is $50. Sadly, we are seeing what looks to be intentional damage. The handbook states (page 20), "Destruction of Technology Equipment - Knowingly and willfully..will result in the student having to reimburse the district...". Thank you for your help with this.
Viking Care Center Help is Available
As a reminder, the Viking Care Center was established as a way to give students and their families help by providing items that are needed. We currently have clothing, including dress pants and shirts & ties, shoes, toiletries, some food items, and some laundry products available at the school. Please have your child talk with someone here at school or feel free to contact the office about the needs your family may be facing. We would love to help!
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, May 21st: Senior Recognition Night 7:00 pm BJSHS Gymnasium
Thursday, May 23rd: Graduation 7:00 pm BJSHS Gymnasium
Monday, May 27th: No School- Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 29th: Awards Assemblies- H.S. 8:00-9:30 am; J.H. 9:45-11:15 am
Thursday, May 30th: JH VPL to Pokagon
Friday, May 31st: Last Day of School- Half-day: Activity Day; Dismissal at 11:20 am