The Woodlands High School
Highlander Happenings September 6, 2024 - September 20, 2024
Senior Campus Administrators
Dr. Ted Landry, Principal
Ms. Beth Wyrick, Associate Principal Operations
Ms. Jaime Cassidy, Associate Principal Curriculum
Senior Campus Assistant Principals
Mr. Clint Rushing, A-Car
Ms. Paige Jeanes, Cas-Fue
Ms. Laura Braun, Ful-Jai
Ms. Stefanie Roland, Jam-Med
Ms. LeighAnn Wolfe, Mei-Ramd
Mr. Craig Harbin, Rami-Sto
Mr. Chad Lanham, Str-Z
Senior Campus Counselors
Ms. Julie Emmons, A-Bru
Ms. Brittany Darden, Brv-Dew
Ms. Lisa Algaze, Dex-Gou
Ms. Keisha Clarke, Gov-Joh
Ms. Monica Frank, Joi-Mas
Ms. Jane Iribarren, Mat-Pag
Ms. Elizabeth Bowling, Pah-Ros
Ms. Venitra Bradberry, Rot-Tay
Ms. Tiffani Jaqua, Taz-Z
Ms. Kristi Tabor, Lead Counselor A-Z
Ms. Kayla St. Romain, College & Career A-Z
9th Grade Campus Administrators
Mr. Dennis Muehsler, Principal
Ms. Shawne LeDee, Associate Principal
9th Grade Assistant Principals
Mr. Ryan Clapsaddle, A-L
Ms. Riqui Boyles, M-Z
9th Grade Campus Counselors
Ms. Vicky Woods, A-Gr
Ms. Allison Chambers, Gu-Pe
Mr. Matthew Kelley, Ph-Z
BOYS BASKETBALL: Boys Basketball begins their Fall League for Varsity and JV levels. These games will be on Monday nights in September. The 9th and 16th will be at TWHS 9th grade campus. The 23rd and 30th will be at the TWHS Main campus. Times will be 5:30-8 p.m. We will have the schedule on our website at www.highlanderbasketball.org.
CROSS COUNTRY: A huge congratulations are in order for your Highlander Cross County team after dominating every single race at their first meet at College Park! From Varsity boys and Varsity girls, JV boys and JV girls, all the way to Freshmen boys, the Highlander runners were able to get the job done. Upcoming XC Meets: 9/07 Brenham Hillacious and 9/14 Lovejoy XC Festival
SWIM & DIVE: Swim and Dive practice is picking up the intensity this week as we get ready for a great season. All teams have team building this Saturday, September 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Stop by Chick Fil A for our spirit day on September 7th. September 17th will be our Red vs. Green meet, senior night, and team picture day.
TICKETS: How to get your tickets to all of TWHS Sporting Events : https://conroeisd.hometownticketing.com/embed/all
CLIMBING CLUB: Explore your sense of Adventure and Fun! The Climbing Club at TWHS provides hands-on experience. We climb for free once a month, at CLIMB Woodlands. Practice climbing, bouldering, or learn how to belay. Everyone is welcome to join, no experience is needed. Bonus: bring a friend! If you have any questions, please come to our next meeting on Friday, September 27th at 3:00 p.m. in Room 243, or see our advisor, Ms. Rogers-Wilson.
INTERACT CLUB: TWHS Interact Club, in partnership with Rotary, offers a fun and fulfilling way to get involved in community service. The Interact Club is dedicated to improving the community through a wide range of volunteer activities. Anyone can join at any point in time throughout the year, so it’s never too late to join the club! Our next general meeting is Tuesday, September 10, at the Main Campus in LGI 1, and our freshmen meeting is on the freshmen campus in the LGI at 6:55 a.m. We hope to see you there!
JROTC: We had our first two weeks of after-school activities and are glad to be back. Tryouts for both our Drone and Raider Teams are in progress. Our first Blues Uniform Days are September 10th and 11th for upperclassmen. We will conduct a Campus Cleanup after school on September 11th at the Senior Campus. We’ll be celebrating the Air Force 77th Birthday after school at the Senior Campus on Friday, September 20th, and on Saturday the 21st our Orienteering Team will compete at Challenger 7, the first meet of the year.
JROTC SPIRIT NIGHT: Everyone is invited to eat at Torchy’s Tacos on Research Forest on Wednesday, September 11th. Mention you’re supporting JROTC and our Booster Club will receive a portion of the proceeds. Tell your friends and family!
JROTC SPIRIT DAY AT KENDRA SCOTT JEWELRY: On Sunday September 15th, visit Kendra Scott from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mention you’re supporting JROTC when you make your purchase and our Booster Club will receive a portion of the proceeds. Tell your friends and family!
MEET IN THE MIDDLE: Our mission is to bring students with intellectual disabilities together with their typically developing peers for food, fun and physical activities! Everyone is welcome to join! Our kickoff meeting with pizza and a scavenger hunt will be held on Monday, Sept.9th, at 2:45 - 3:30 p.m. in Room 107. Pickup is in the front loop at 3:30 p.m. sharp. We meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Questions? Contact the sponsor, Dianne Maberry at dmaberry@conroeisd.net. Check us out on IG @twhs.mim.
PICKLEBALL CLUB: We are looking for students interested in being an officer for Pickleball Club at TWHS. Come by Room 171 on the Senior Campus or send an email of interest to Lsteele@conroeisd.net. Listen for the announcement for Pickleball Play in mid September.
ROBOTICS: TWHS Robotics is having a Shoe Drive August 1 - September 30. We are collecting new and gently used shoes. Drop off sites for the shoes are here at the school, South Regional Library at Lake Robbins Drive or Mitchell Library at Ashlane Way. Your shoe donations help support our robotics build projects and our community outreach programs, while improving the lives of people in developing countries through microenterprise. It's a win-win!
SNHS: Science National Honor Society is accepting applications for membership from Juniors and Seniors. You must have taken an Honors, Dual Credit or AP Science and earned at least an 85 average for last year's spring semester to join. You also must have earned an 85 semester average in your Math class and either English or Social Studies. Sophomores will be invited to join in January after taking one semester of Honors Chemistry. See Mrs. Parker in Room 307 or Ms. Eklili in Room 312 for more information.
SSHS: The National Social Studies Honor Society (Rho Kappa) is now accepting applications for membership. Applications are due by September 12th at 2:45 p.m. Membership is open to all juniors and seniors. GPA and leadership requirements are listed in the application, which can be found at bit.ly/twhsrhokappa
STUDENT COUNCIL: Student Council will have meetings on September 9th and 23rd in the Main Campus Cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. We hope you will join us to find out more about how you can 'plug in' here at TWHS. We would like to thank those who donated backpacks, shoes, popsicle sticks, and candy during the month of August. This month we will be teaming up with DECA to provide supplies for Birthday Bash Boxes to be donated to our local food banks. More information will be shared at our meetings, and/or you can check our website for the agenda after each meeting, for the items to be donated. Items can be dropped off in Room 240 on the Main Campus or Room 207 at the 9th Grade Campus.
TWHS BAND & COLOR GUARD: The first home football game is September 6th and is also Senior Night! Congratulations to our incredible seniors on completing four years in high school band and guard. Your dedication, talent, and hard work have brought music to life and inspired everyone around you. We are proud of our Seniors ~ Olayimika Akande, KK Amaya, Conner Anderson, Sotonye Ayeni, Frank Azzarello, Carson Bonds, Juliana Branham, Chet Brown, Callie Chefas, Zian Chen, Ascher Couch, Taylor Crenshaw, Sarah Davis, Sara Davis, Krisya Dugas, Blake Eaton, Miles Estrada, Lucas Feng, Finnegan Fitzgerald, Collin Fontenot, Emily Fritsche, Gabriel Fuenmayor, Sophia Ghezzi, Bria Havey, Ben Heffernan, Doris Hu, Stanley Jaskot, Zara Khan, Julia Larson, Leilah Lawrence, Marissa Leach, Ben Lussier, Maira McConnell, Dylan McGinniss, Colton Moore, Calvin Nyeholt, Jacob Pagan, Emma Pedercini, Felipe Perazzo Beine, Fernando Perez, Resnu Pham, Scout Pipes, Joshua Price, Sophia Reyes, Oscar Robles Gil, Sergio Rodriguez, Caden Sample, Jake Shumate, Whitt Stacks, Anna Stoner, Mackenzie Stumpf, Avery Sullivan, Stephen Swan, Jadyn Syer, Justin Teall, Alex Thomas, Olivia Thomas, Alex Torres, Ainsley Treutle, Abby Tuttle, Max Van Beest, Nicolaas van Poppel, Alyson Wagh, Avery Warren, Ajah Wilson, Evan Work, and Lance Ylagan.
TWHS IMPROV: The Woodlands High School Improv Troupe is thrilled to host their first show of the year on September 14th at 7:00 p.m. in The Woodlands High School 9th Grade Campus LGI. Tickets are $5 and all money raised from the night will be going to the Stars Vipers Rainboas, a special needs cheer team! Make sure to join us, along with your family and friends, for a great time while helping an amazing organization!
We still have some students with incomplete vaccine records. If you have received a letter or email from the clinic notifying you that your student has overdue vaccines or an expired Conscientious Objector exemption, please take care of it as soon as possible so they may remain enrolled.
ATTENTION PARENTS OF SENIORS: You may not be aware that colleges and universities require a second dose of the MCV4 (meningitis) vaccine, received on or after a child’s 16th birthday. There is also an optional Meningitis B vaccine that is available to protect children against additional strains of the meningococcal bacteria. Please discuss that with their pediatrician. If you need a copy of your child’s vaccine record to take to their physician, you can request it by emailing Mrs. Ansley at aransley@conroeisd.net with your child’s name.
If you indicated on the annual online enrollment that your student has a chronic condition that may require medication during the school day, there are action plans that need to be signed by a doctor every school year and turned in to the clinic before your student may begin carrying his or her medication; inhalers, Epi-pens, and diabetic supplies are the ONLY medications that students may carry. Those forms are available in the clinic or on our website, https://twhs.conroeisd.net/departments/department-home/clinic/
Parents or guardians are welcome to check in over the counter (OTC) medications to be kept in the clinic and administered by the clinic staff. We ask that medication be unexpired, in its original container, and no more than a 30-day supply (No Costco-sized containers). We are also only allowed to give the medication according to the directions on the container, unless it is accompanied by a doctor’s note.
We are starting to see many students with illness at school. Please discuss with your child the importance of good handwashing, avoiding touching their face, not eating or drinking after each other, getting a good night’s rest, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Eating something with protein in the morning can also be a huge help in being successful at school.
Please keep all sick students at home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications, and have overall improving symptoms. We have many medically fragile students and staff members, and want to avoid spreading illness at school.
AP TESTING: All students should be enrolled in the AP classes through College Board at this time. Please check myap.collegeboard.org and have your student sign in and confirm they are enrolled in each of their AP courses. If not, they must ask their AP teacher for their join code ASAP.
On September 16, all enrolled AP students will have exam fees added to their school cash online accounts. Fall-semester, full-year, and Exam Only AP courses will be added beginning September 16. If you do not see the exam fees added, contact Ms. Braun immediately. Exam fees MUST be paid by 2:00 p.m. November 7, 2024.
Please see the AP testing website for additional information! www.tinyurl.com/twhsAPexams
ATTENDANCE: To report an absence, call:
9th Grade: 832-592-8025
10th Grade: 936-709-1236
11th Grade: 936-709-1233
12th Grade: 936-709-1234
Early Releases: If your student needs to leave early, please send them with a note to be delivered to the Attendance office before school. Doing so will ensure that the check-out process will be as quick and efficient as possible. There are no early releases after 2:00 p.m. Please feel free to call the Attendance office with any questions or concerns. We are happy to help!
CLASS & CLUB FEE PAYMENTS: Please remember to pay class and club fees through School Cash Online. The website is: https://conroeisd.schoolcashonline.com/
If you have not used the site before, you will need to add your student using the student ID number, full legal last name, and birthdate. Once this information has been added, you will be able to view and pay fees throughout the school year that are made available for payment. If you have questions or concerns about specific fees, please contact the teacher for the class or club to discuss them. Thank you for paying fees promptly to ensure materials for class and club activities will be available when they are needed.
CLUB SPORTS: Parents, do you have an athlete in Club sports such as Lacrosse, Hockey, or Rugby this school year? If your athlete is in need of PE credit, please have them sign up in the Grade Level Office, GLO, for our Club Sports Meeting. We will meet in the GLO on September 12th, during advisory. The application process and requirements to obtain PE credit will be discussed with your athlete. Applications are due on October 4th. Late entry or late applications will not be granted PE credit.
LANGUAGE CLASSES: The Chinese, German, French, and Japanese teachers at The Woodlands High School would like to introduce ourselves and speak more about our language programs. If you're interested in languages that provide a distinct advantage in college admissions and future employment, offer several fun, educational after-school programs, and offer more one-on-one attention to our students, please visit our newsletter: TWHS Foreign Language Newsletter
LIBRARY: TWHS Library is ready for you! Here are some things to know:
We open at 7 a.m. every school day and stay open after school until 4 p.m. Monday-Thursday. On Friday, we close at 3 p.m.
Students can print items for 10 cents a page. If it is a color print, it will cost 50 cents. They can pay in cash or with a print card. Print cards are purchased on School Cash Online for $2.00. After purchase, bring a picture of the receipt to the library to pick it up. It won't be automatically delivered. Print cards can also be bought in the library in cash. We do not accept credit/debit/gift cards in person.
We have a basic selection (pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, glue sticks, etc.) of school supplies that can be purchased if needed throughout the year.
Any books that were not returned in previous years can be brought in and turned in here even if it's from a different campus in CISD, AND there is no late fee!
When a student checks out a book, the parent will receive an email daily for notification purposes. It does not mean the book is overdue. If you want to turn off this notification, please see how at https://www.conroeisd.net/library-services/
PHOTOGRAPHY: Commercial Photography Texas State Fair Contest Winners! BEST OF SHOW - Cameryn Buckland, 1st Place - Animals - Cameryn Buckland, 2nd Place - Action - Taryn Farnsworth, 3rd Place - Architecture - Elida Murphy, Hon. Mention - Animals - Taryn Farnsworth, Hon. Mention - Reptiles - Holly Mullins, Hon. Mention - Cityscapes - Kaydence Colon, Hon. Mention - Architecture - Aiden Fritsche, Hon. Mention - Children - Aiden Fritsche. LINK TO VIEW PHOTOS
YEARBOOK PICTURES: Don't forget to make your appointment for a Senior Portrait at Blu Moon—Deadline is Oct. 19.
TWHS 2025 YEARBOOKS may be purchased at jostens.com
Design your SENIOR MEMORY AD at: jostens.com
There is a link to all the above at: thewoodlandsyearbook.com
Submissions for 2024 are now OPEN! Please pass this on to Texas Artists!
Have you ever noticed the 66 works of art by established Texas artists that are permanently displayed in the hallways at school? This is The Woodlands High School Art Trust Collection and we are celebrating our 14th year! This collection of art works has been selected and purchased by our students over the past 13 years. Each year we add new works to the collection and our next selection process has begun. Submissions will be accepted until October 6th for consideration into our collection for 2024. We invite established Texas artists who have had work accepted into a juried show and are at least 22 years old to submit works to be considered for acquisition in 2024. If you know an established Texas Artist that might be interested, please pass this information on! Click HERE to learn more.
In mid-October, our student committee will narrow down the works submitted to 12-15 artworks that will be voted on by the entire student body in mid-November. Posters of the artworks will be on view at school in November and the original pieces will be displayed in the cafeteria just prior to voting. The students will purchase as many as possible of the pieces that receive the most votes on November 15.
The artworks are purchased through funds set aside by Student Council from the Homecoming Dance, however, the framing, lighting and conservation of these pieces need funding. Consider helping with that funding and show your support for The Woodlands High School Art Trust by joining our "One Hundred Friends of Art." Our goal is to have 100 arts supporters make an annual donation to support our cause. Donations are tax deductible and start as low as $10!! Visit our website to make a contribution: www.twhsat.org
The Woodlands High School Art Trust (TWHSAT) a 501(c)3 organization, was established in 2011 to help maintain, conserve and display the student-selected, student-purchased collection of established artists at The Woodlands High School. The vision for the TWHS Art Trust is to see the art collection grow each year and to have it extend through the hallways of the high school. We also offer FREE tours of our collection to schools and other groups by appointment.
Other than the public sculptures around The Woodlands, this is the ONLY permanent collection of art available to the public. It is seen by THOUSANDS of people every day. Please consider supporting this unique collection that sets us apart from other public high schools and strengthens our goal of being one of the best high schools in the state and country.
For more information on The Woodlands High School Art Trust please visit our website: www.twhsat.org or contact Susan Cosculluela at twhsat@gmail.com
The Woodlands High School Calendar
September 6, 2024 - September 20, 2024
Friday, September 6, 2024
SNHS 6:40 & 2:40 LGI 1
Volleyball @ Caney Creek 4:30
Orchestra Social 6:00 LG 2 & Orchestra Room
Vars Football v Deer Park 7:00 Woodforest
Cross Country Pasta Dinner 8:00 Cafeteria
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Cross Country - Brenham Hilacious
Vars Volleyball Clear Creek Tournament
Sub-Vars Volleyball Tournament
PSAT 8:45 LGI 2
Swim Team Meet & Greet 9:00 LGI 1
Monday, September 9, 2024
Choir Officer Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
PSAT 3:15 Rooms 203 & 206
Student Council Meeting 5:15 Cafeteria
Cheer Parent Meeting 6:00 LGI 1
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Interact Meeting 2:25 LGI 1
Choir Parent Meeting 2:30 Choir Room
Vars Tennis @ College Park 3:00
Volleyball @ Summer Creek 4:30
Choir Concert 6:00 Cafeteria
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Model United Nations 3:15 LGI 1
PSAT 3:25 Rooms 203 & 206
Water Polo v College Park 4:00 Natatorium
French NHS 4:45 LGI 1
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Robotics 2:30 Room 170
JV Tennis v College Park 3:00
9th Football @ Grand Oaks 4:30
JV Football v Grand Oaks 4:30 TWHS
Friday, September 13, 2024
Volleyball v Cleveland 4:30 TWHS
Water Polo v Grand Oaks 6:00 Natatorium
Vars Football v Grand Oaks 7:00 Woodforest
Saturday, September 14, 2024
ACT Testing
PSAT 8:45 LGI 2
Monday, September 16, 2024
Choir Office Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
PSAT 3:15 Rooms 203 & 206
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Vars Tennis @ New Caney 3:00
Volleyball @ College Park 4:30
Swim & Dive Red & Green Meet 5:15 Natatorium
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Letter Jacket Fitting 10:00 Front Foyer
PSAT 3:15 Rooms 203 & 206
Model United Nations 3:15 LGI 1
9th Football v Willis 4:30 TWHS
JV Football @ Willis 4:30
Boys Basketball Meet the Coaches 5:30 Cafeteria
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Letter Jacket Fitting 10:00 Front Foyer
DECA Meeting 2:30 LGI 1
JV Tennis v New Caney 3:00
Vars Football v Willis 7:00 Woodforest
Friday, September 20, 2024
SNHS Meeting 6:40 & 2:40 LGI 1
Vars Tennis v Clements 3:00
JROTC Air Force Birthday Celebration 3:00 Cafeteria
Volleyball v New Caney 4:30 TWHS
Water Polo v Caney Creek 6:00 Natatorium
The Woodlands High School
The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Active of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752.
Website:Main Campus http://twhs.conroeisd.net/
9th Grade Campus https://twhs9.conroeisd.net/
Phone: (936) 709-1200
Twitter: Main Campus @TWHSCISD 9th Grade Campus @TWHS9thCISD