Weekly High School Updates

Monday, January 20, 2025
This Week at Central York High School
Flex Cycle
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Day 2- Extended CLC, No Flex
Wednesday: Day 3
Thursday: Day 4
Friday: Day 5- Clubs/CLC
CYHS Calendar Reminders
Tuesday, January 21st- Start of the 2nd Semester Classes
High School Updates
2nd Semester Begins!
Please check your Skyward for your most up-to-date class schedule.
Modified Bell Schedule- Tuesday, January 21st
CLC 7:45-8:41 (Via CTV…Student Rights and Responsibilities and Course Selection Overview)
Seniors can report after CLC.
Pd 1: 8:45-10:01
Pd 2: 10:05-11:21
Pd 3: 11:25-12:21
- A lunch- 11:21-11:51
- B lunch- 11:51-12:21
- C lunch- 12:21-12:51
- D lunch- 12:51-1:21
Pd 4: 1:25-2:45
Inclement Weather Notifications
In the event school must be canceled or delayed due to inclement weather, the decision to close or delay will be made by 5:30 AM. Please refrain from calling campus administrators or the transportation department. Information regarding school closings will be made through the following outlets:
Emergency Notification System: Our mass notification system can call, text, and email the emergency contact numbers we have in our system (up to six for each student and staff member) simultaneously. Your child's emergency contact information must be up to date in your Skyward Family Access Account to receive these alerts.
Television Announcements: Official announcements regarding delays and closings will be made on local broadcast stations.
District Website & Social Media: Social Media is one of the first forms of communication for the Central York School District. You can follow us for official alerts and notices at https://www.facebook.com/CentralYorkSD and www.cysd.k12.pa.us. The District also utilizes Instagram and LinkedIn.
Keep Your Contact Information Up-to-Date
Ensure your child's emergency contact information and Skylert settings are up-to-date in Skyward
If you have issues accessing Skyward, please contact Family Access.
- For any other questions or concerns regarding emergency communications, please contact our Communications Department.
Inclement Weather/Closing Learning Options
Two Hour Delay
- A two-hour day may be called if the District feels additional time will allow for the safe transportation of our students to school. If the decision is made for a two-hour delay, bus transportation will arrive two hours after their normally scheduled time, car rider drop will take place two hours after the normal arrival time and the school day will begin two hours after the normally scheduled start time.
Early Dismissal
- There may be some rare occasions where it will be necessary to dismiss school early. On these days, we will communicate the specific dismissal schedule for each building if that event arrises.
Flexible Instruction Day
- All school buildings will be closed, however, students will be provided school work to complete independently through Schoology or printed materials. This will eliminate the need to make up days at the end of the school year.
- Teachers will be available through their usual electronic communication methods during school hours to support students.
Remote Learning
- All school buildings will be closed, however, students and staff will complete the school day from home through Schoology and Zoom. This will eliminate the need to make up days at the end of the school year. Remote Learning Days will follow the normally scheduled Cycle Day listed on the District Calendar.
- Additional communication will be sent to students by their school/teachers with directions on accessing their teachers and assignments. Students should log in as directed by their school for attendance purposes.
School Cancelled
- All school buildings will be closed and students will make up the inclement weather day at the end of the school year.
Clubs- 2nd Semester
Add/Drop Process
Club Roster Change Procedure
For students who need to be added or removed from a club for the second semester, the student must see their guidance counselor to make that change. Any other method to communicate that change request will not be processed.
School Lunches Update
High School lunches are $3.00 each day. A la carte items from other food lines are available at an additional cost.
Students with a negative food account balance of $5.00 or more cannot add the additional a la carte items from the alternative food lines to their meals. The daily lunch menu meal will still be available for these students.
If your student has a negative account balance, which can be viewed in Skyward, you may deposit funds to their account using the online Revtrak system (Deposit Meal Account Funds Online) or by sending a check with your student to school. Please make checks payable to “Central York School District.” Checks may be given to the cashiers in the cafeteria for deposit into the student’s food services account. If you cannot log in to Skyward, please email familyaccess@cysd.k12.pa.us to update your contact information or reset your account password.
Please complete the Free and Reduced Meal Program application if you need assistance, Free and Reduced Meal Program. If you need additional information or assistance, don't hesitate to contact your student's school counselor or assistant principal.
From The School Counseling Office
Please contact the School Counseling Office with any questions regarding this information.
All students will receive course selection on the first day of the 2nd semester. The deadline to submit course requests on Skyward is February 9. Students and parents are encouraged to consult with teachers and school counselors as they make scheduling decisions. Course selection documents can be found at tinyurl.com/CentralCSG.
Every senior who is planning to attend a college or technical/career school after school should be completing the FAFSA online and applying to scholarships. More info & opportunities can be found at tinyurl.com/CentralYorkfinancialaid. Additionally, Commonwealth University is offering Virtual Financial Aid 101 Information Sessions to help students and their families understand the financial aid process on January 22, February 18, March 20, and April 23 at 7pm. Families should register online in advance.
Looking for ways to learn new things, build your resume, and/or serve the community? Check out tinyurl.com/summer-opps to see some of the great summer programs out there -- and take note that many deadlines are upcoming!
Want to help make the world better and also earn service hours that will impress colleges? See tinyurl.com/student-opps!
The Rotary Club of York-North is inviting students to enter their essay and speech contests about the importance of community service to their lives. The deadline has been extended to February 14. Requirements can be found at tinyurl.com/CYHSRotaryContest.
Attention JUNIORS!
It’s time to register for the SAT or ACT, if you’re planning to apply to colleges. Go to sat.org and act.org for information, free preparation tools, and registration. If you get free or reduced price lunch, ask your counselor about getting a fee waiver.
NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Eligibility
Student-athletes planning to play sports in college should learn about the NCAA initial eligibility requirements at tinyurl.com/CYHSNCAA and see their school counselor with any questions.
Career Center News
Registration is now OPEN! YCAL is offering the following Career Exploration Programs this Spring, and it is on a first come first serve basis. If you are interested in any of the following careers, use this link to sign up! Registration will only be open for 2 weeks, so apply today! Students must provide their own transportation.
Artistic Careers
Automotive Technology
Building Trades
Children's Therapy
Commercial Driving (CDL)
Early Childhood Education
Hospitality & Tourism Management
HVAC & Plumbing
Information Technology
Manufacturing Careers
Medical Assistant
Psychology/Human Studies
Sports Management
Water and Environmental Technology
Are you interested in Engineering?
HACC - Harrisburg Campus will be hosting an Engineering Career Day on Friday, February 21, 2025. They will be doing an engineering overview presentation and two hands-on sessions. The engineering disciplines that will be represented include: Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Chemical. If you are interested in attending, please stop by the Career Center to sign up. CYHS will be providing transportation for the students.
Do have an interest in learning about Logistics?
York College is hosting CYHS students on Friday, February 28, 2025 to get students interested about Supply Chain and their Supply Chain Management field. At this presentation, there will be activities to help students understand supply chain and the operations. If you are interested in signing up, please stop by the Career Center. CYHS will provide transportation for the students.
Attention Juniors and Seniors!
If you are interested in becoming a Teacher, School Counselor or a School Social Worker, this summit is for you! Shippensburg University is hosting an Aspiring Summit on Friday, March 7, 2025. If you are interested in attending, please stop by the Career Center to sign up. CYHS will be providing transportation for the students.
Looking for a job? Check out Central's
virtual job board!
Volunteers Needed
Click here for volunteer opportunities!
Your Mental Health Matters
Need to talk with someone? Concerned about someone's safety?
Suicide/Crisis Lifeline
24/7 Support and Assistance
Safe2Say Hotline
Submit anonymous tips and safety concerns online.
Crisis Text Line
Text "Home" to 741741