Deer Canyon Echoes
August 30, 2024
To Do β
- Check out the minutes from this week's PSO meeting.
- Get a jump on our fall fundraising! Register to donate and make your contribution.
- Order DCES Spirit Wear.
Save the Date
- 9/2 - Labor Day - No School and No ESS
- 9/3 - Picture Day
- 9/4 - Special PSO Meeting @ 8 pm
- 9/6 - Funky Friday @ 8:50 am on blacktop; Coffee with the Principal immediately following, in Room 14
- 9/6 - Fall Fundraising Extravaganza begins (direct ask and gift wrap)
- 9/16 - DC Dining @ Panda Express in Carmel Mountain
- 9/25 - PSO meeting @ 4 pm
- 9/30 - Staff Professional Day β No School for Students and No ESS
Principal's Message π
Good evening, Deer Canyon families!
It was a pleasure to see so many parents on campus last night at Back to School Night. Campus was bustling! We hope you found the brief town hall informative and enjoyed the opportunity to learn about your student(s)β classroom and teacher(s). Here is the link to the town hall slide deck. Many thanks to the PSO for organizing childcare for families. We are poised for an incredible school year!
This week, Mr. Higgins and I visited classrooms to further discuss school expectations (Respect Yourself, Respect Others, and Respect the Environment) and our commitment to creating and cultivating a culture of belonging at Deer Canyon. We emphasized what expected and safe choices look/feel like and when to seek help from a trusted adult. Our DC students are ready for a year of fun and learning in a safe, inclusive, and joyful environment.
Fridayβs Spirit Day kept the summer vibes flowing through the start of our school year! After classroom visits from 5th grade students, explaining the purpose of school Spirit Days and this monthβs theme, we filled our campus with summery cheer. Check the Deer Canyon Instagram page for some fantastic photos! @deercanyonpusd
Next week, we start our week with School Picture Day on Tuesday, Sept. 3! I look very forward to capturing studentsβ start-of-year smiles, as a reminder of how much they will grow (and have grown!). Please join us on Friday, Sept. 6, for our FIRST Funky Friday of 2024-25; the DC Staff looks forward to performing for our students at this event! Immediately following Funky Friday, parents are welcome to join me for Coffee with the Principal in Room 14.
We have many campus needs and wishes! Help us start the year on the right note:
We are still looking for one more parent to participate on our School Site Council (SSC). The role of the SSC is to be a vehicle for parent and community input in the process of needs assessment and the setting and monitoring of goals and objectives. The SSC reviews and recommends the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Please email mastanley@powayusd.com if you are interested.
Interested in being a member of Deer Canyonβs Safety Committee? The safety committee will convene regularly to discuss physical campus safety, digital/online safety, and mental health and wellness, in addition to alternating member participation in four district-wide safety summits. Email mastanley@powayusd.com if you are interested in being part of this committee!
We are still seeking a PE Teacher! Thanks to your generous donations and the fundraising efforts of our Parent Staff Organization, we are ready to hire a PE Teacher! Unfortunately, the candidate I had been coordinating with all summer was unable to move forward with committing to the role. We are back in search of a Multiple Subject credentialed teacher that is interested in providing Physical Education instruction to our students for 16 hours per week. If you are or know someone who is a qualified candidate, please reach out to me directly at kbendix@powayusd.com.
In addition to these opportunities to join campus committees and councils, I encourage you to get connected through your classroom teacher and the Deer Canyon PSO. There are myriad ways to give your time, talent, or treasure through this organization and enhance the school experience for each and every Deer Canyon student!
This school year we have new ways for parents to be involved in classroom activities. In addition to our Room Parent Teams and Art Docents, each classroom will have a dedicated parent responsible for the classroom Yearbook Spread! The PSO Yearbook Committee will lead introductory and learning sessions to help this parent understand the needs and responsibilities of the role.
Additionally, after witnessing the positive impact of many No Place for Hate and character development activities during library visits last year, Character Counts lessons will now be delivered through our scheduled class Library visits in partnership between Mr. Higgins and Mrs. Lewis. Your classroom teacher will inform you of opportunities for parent participation as an assistant in these activities.
Please be sure to bookmark the Deer Canyon school calendar and follow us on Instagram (@DeerCanyonPUSD) for event information, reminders, and celebrations!
Have a wonderful long weekend, Deer Canyon!
Katie Bendix
Counselor's Corner π¦
What an amazing school! It has been such a pleasure getting to meet our wonderful students. Ms. Bendix and I were able to visit every classroom to talk about our Deer Canyon Community. We reviewed expected behaviors, where students can find help when they need it, and how we all benefit when we respect ourselves, each other, and our environment.
Thereβs lots in store for September. Next week, we will begin the process for selecting our DC Leaders. Iβm so impressed with the number of students who would like to participate. The application window will be from Sept. 4 through the end of the school day, Sept. 13. More details will follow. Soon, we will also start our new student and friendship groups, as well as Second Step/SEL lessons.
Additionally, our districtβs Caring Connections Parent Education website has new and exciting courses offered this Fall. Each term we have different parent education courses; feel free to periodically check the website at the beginning of each term for the new courses offered to parents, families, and our school community. Beginning next week, click HERE to view the PUSD CCC Parent Education Fall Courses.
Itβs going to be a great year!
- Mr. Higgins
Updates from the PSO π¬
Special Meeting: Sept. 4
We will be holding a Special Meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 4, at 8 pm on Zoom to vote in the Treasurer position and any Chair positions that have been filled.
Please join us by clicking here.
We Need Your Help: PSO Open Positions
We're seeking volunteers for a few key PSO positions this year:
- Treasurer: This is an Executive Board voting position. The treasurer oversees our budget, communicates with the president and Board on a regular basis, coordinates paying our taxes, pays our insurance, writes checks for reimbursement, and oversees the Financial Secretary in their duties β among other things.
Monster Mash Co-Chair: This annual Halloween festival will take place on Friday, Oct. 25. This person will work closely with the existing chair to lead a committee and help run the event for the school.
Volunteer Engagement Chair: This person helps coordinate volunteers on campus to help run various events that take place throughout the year. This person also organizes Room Parent volunteers. This position is a voting chair on the PSO.
Promotion Chair: This person will help lead a committee of volunteers, in conjunction with office staff, to plan Promotion for the 5th graders. This position is a voting chair on the PSO.
Winter Recital Chair: This event will take place on Jan. 30. This person will be in charge of organizing auditions, holding rehearsals, and running the recital itself. This position is a voting chair on the PSO.
Art Adventures Co-Chair: This would be a great position for someone with a passion for art who wants to help engage our students in visual arts. This person will work with our current chair, Annie Baig, to oversee the Art Adventure program in our classrooms. This is a voting chair.
- STEAM Night Chair: This event will take place on Friday, April 25. This person will be in charge of a committee that works together with the STEAM teacher to organize the event for the school. This position is a voting chair on the PSO.
- Deer Canyon Website: This would be a wonderful volunteer opportunity for someone with website experience who would like to help intermittently (only a few hours a month at most).
If you are interested in any of those roles, please contact the PSO president at president@deercanyonpso.org.
Seeking Yearbook Photographers πΈ
We are looking for yearbook photographers! If you are interested in taking pictures at DC events, we'd love your help. Info session and training will be on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 5 pm in Room 14.
Please email yearbook chairs Donna & Razan if interested! deercanyonyearbook@gmail.com
Get Your DCES Spirit Wear
Let's start off the school year with some Deer Canyon Spirit Wear!
Our Spirit Wear shop is open and taking orders. There is a variety of options to choose from: tie-dye (perfect for FUNky Fridays), cartoon (fun for lower grade students β and adults!), school logo, hoodies (perfect for cold weather), zip-up jackets and more. Orders are placed online and can be delivered to school for free or you can pick up at Big Frog (next to Stater Bros).
Place your Spirit Wear order here.
If you have any questions, please contact Razan Lin vpprograms@deercanyonpso.org
Upcoming Events π
Get Ready for DC Dining - Sept. 16 at Panda Express
We are so excited to invite our Deer Canyon family to join us at Panda Express (12330 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego) on September 16 for a fundraising event.
20% of all event sales will be donated to our PSO to help support our school. You can order on the app or at PandaExpress.com and enter 377058 in the fundraiser code box or bring in the attached flyer.
This year, we are reviving our esteemed DC Dining Trophy. The class with the most attendance at Panda Express will get the DC Dining Trophy for September. When you go to Panda, please fill out this simple google form (also on the attached flyer) so that we know that you attended. https://forms.gle/KPB5frsAnr1a7Gmd9
Also, we have a couple other DC Dining events on the horizon. Rubio's in Carmel Mountain will be on October 9 and CPK in Carmel Mountain will be November 18-19. More information to come soon!
Thank you for your help!
Clubs and Activities π
Fall Musical Theater Workshops
Our PSO is sponsoring after-school musical theatre workshops taught by Angie Serrano and Leasa Thernes. For more information and to register, visit Deer Canyon PSOβs Theatre Workshop Registration.
Class size is limited and first come first serve, so don't delay! Email the teaching artist, Angie Serrano, at jserrano@me.com with any questions.
Interested in Science Olympiad?
Attention 3rd, 4th and 5th grade parents:
We're working to start Science Olympiad at Deer Canyon and would like to assess interest. Please take a minute to answer this survey, which will help us in planning.
Science Olympiad is designed to increase a studentβs interest in STEM fields and provide recognition for outstanding achievement in team events. Science topics include earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering.
Is Your Child 'Science Minded'?
Have a 3rd-5th grader who can't get enough science?
Science Minded is offering classes on Tuesday afternoons at Deer Canyon with Mrs. Irene Lerner, a science teacher with over two decades of experience. Classes teach the scientific method and involve hands-on experiments.
Click here to sign up before classes start on September 3!
Office Updates π«
DCES Wishlist Items
Youth Boys pants for the Health Office (gently used OK)
Office Hours
In order to effectively and efficiently serve our students and families, Deer Canyon office staff want to communicate our office hours for the upcoming school year. We look forward to seeing you and supporting your needs! Please call us or reach out by email to schedule an appointment.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays:
8 to 8:20 am, by appointment
8:20 am to 3:30 pm, OPEN
3:30 to 4 pm, by appointment
8 to 8:20am, by appointment
8:20 am to 2:10pm, OPEN
2:10 pm to 4 pm, by appointment
Interested in Volunteering?
Interested in volunteering at Deer Canyon on a semi-regular basis? 2024-25 Level 1 Volunteer forms are available in the office. Anyone interested in starting the process for volunteer clearance can and should start now! Remember, everyone has to reapply for volunteer clearance every year.
Level 1 Volunteer: Regular and semi-consistent volunteering on campus. Level 1 Volunteers are always required to have certificated staff present when working with students. Application is linked above, and includes requirements and criteria. If you were a Level 1 volunteer last year, you need to reapply this year!
Level 2 Volunteer: Regular and semi-consistent volunteering on campus. Level 2 Volunteers are able to supervise groups of students without direct PUSD staff supervision. Level 2 clearance is required of club advisors and to chaperone most field trips.
To become a Level 2 Volunteer, you must first complete a Level 1 clearance.
If you were a Level 2 volunteer last year, you'll complete the attached Level 1 form and when you come to campus to submit your form, please let our office staff know that you are interested in a Level 2 renewal (they'll check a box for you and get that ball rolling).
We look forward to having you on campus as frequently as you are able! *If you are planning to volunteer irregularly or at a singular event(s), volunteer clearance is not required β irregular guests can sign in as Visitors.
Other Updates π
Reminders from ESS
Hello and welcome back to another amazing year!
We would like to remind families (new & current) that ESS is now centralized for enrollment. Please use this link to register for the Interest List. For questions on enrollment, please email enrollment-ess@powayusd.com.
- Hours of operation:
- Mornings: 6:30-8:20 am, Monday through Friday
- Afternoons: 3-6 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
- Thursday Afternoons: 1-6 pm (TK), 1:25-6 pm (K-5th) (K with TK through 9/27)
- PM snack provided daily
- Time provided to complete unfinished class work
- Daily games and activities
- Friendship & fun
- Coming soon: BAM enrichments
~Jennifer DeRosier
Deer Canyon ESS Supervisor