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St. Luke Weekly SMORE
January 16, 2022
Leadership Message
This week focused on the importance of connections and how these connections can help support our mental wellbeing. Miss Bracken, our Mental Health Capacity Builder, supported our grades 5 - 8 students in finding connections with their classmates. Students learned a little more about each other and how each of us are very unique in our own way. It was great to see and hear the conversations that followed the activities. We are ultimately wired for connection and teaching each student how important it is to connect can make a huge difference in themselves and others.
Have a great week Everyone!
Mrs. Cathy Hinger
*Updated* 2021-2022 EICS School Plan
Elk Island Catholic Schools will continue to support our school communities in reducing the risk of transmission of illnesses and maintain a safe and healthy environment for our students and staff. The health, safety and well-being of our students and staff will always remain our first priority. EICS continues to respond and updated some elements of the 2021-2022 School Plan.
*Please read through the full updated School Plan linked in the button below.* Included in the updated plan:
Stay Home if Feeling Unwell
● All individuals must review the Alberta Health Daily Checklist with their children before sending them to school each day. Students and staff exhibiting any symptoms must remain at home until symptoms resolve. This is the single most important thing each of us can do to support our schools at this time.
● If your child has any of the core symptoms, you are legally required to isolate. If they test negative on a rapid covid test, they must still stay home and away from others until symptoms resolve.
● For fully vaccinated students and staff (2 doses) who test positive on a rapid test for COVID-19:
○ Isolate for 10 days from the start of symptoms or until they resolve, whichever is longer, if symptoms are not related to a pre-existing condition. Fully vaccinated students may return to school after five days if non symptomatic and have made arrangements to be masked at school
100% of the time (including during lunch)
● For students not fully vaccinated (1 dose or less) who test positive for covid on a rapid test:
○ Isolate for 10 days from the start of symptoms or until they resolve, whichever is longer, if symptoms are not related to a pre-existing condition.
● Additional isolation information can be found here.
- All eligible staff and students are encouraged to be fully vaccinated for respiratory illnesses, where applicable, such as COVID-19 and influenza.
● All staff and volunteers must comply with Administrative Procedure 489 - Covid 19 Vaccination
Respiratory Etiquette / Masking
● Masks are required at all times while at school with the following exceptions:
○ A teacher/staff may remove a mask when alone at a workstation/in a classroom
○ While eating and drinking
○ While engaging in physical activity
○ During recess and outdoor activities
● Face shields are not equivalent to non-medical face masks and offer insufficient protection on
their own. Other alternatives (e.g., neck gaiters, buffs or bandanas) offer less protection than
masks and are therefore should not be used.
● Anyone unable to wear a mask due to an approved medical condition will require a medical
exception letter from an authorized health professional.
The Government of Alberta is providing rapid test kits and medical-grade masks for use by students and staff members. We have not yet received the rapid tests or masks yet but will send home as soon as we do.
The rapid tests will come in a box of five. Each K -12 student and staff will be given one box at distribution that will provide them with enough tests for 2.5 weeks; a second shipment will follow. It is recommended that Rapid tests be used twice per week, 72 hours apart (e.g. Sunday and Wednesday or Monday and Thursday). Information regarding the Rapid Test Kits can be found in the following links:
Education At Home Rapid Testing Program
Covid 19 Rapid Testing Guidelines
Confirmed cases of COVID-19
● Alberta Health Services (AHS) is currently unable to support COVID-19 and respiratory illness
outbreak management in schools at this time. This means that families no longer receive
letters home regarding positive cases.
● To keep our schools as safe as possible, please continue to inform your school if your child
has tested positive on COVID-19 test, is exhibiting symptoms or will be staying home from
school for any reason. Schools will continue to monitor school absenteeism due to illness.
Please contact the school with any questions or concerns. Thank-you for all you do to keep everyone safe!
MONDAY! School Council/Parent Association
Come and Connect at our next School Council Meet on Monday, January 17, 2022 @ 6:30pm using this Google Meet link.
A great way to stay informed and connected with our school community!
Upcoming Dates
Monday, January 17:
School Council Meeting @ 6:30pm
Tuesday, January 18:
9:00am: Praise and Worship Grade 2 Virtual Link
Boys Basketball Game @JP II
Wednesday, January 19:
Girls Basketball Practice 3:00 - 4:30
Thursday, January 20:
ELL/Curriculum/Indigenous Lead Meeting (Rotating sub. Laura T)
Boys Basketball Practice 3:00 - 4:30
Girls Basketball Game @ St.Theresa
Friday, January 21:
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacremental preparation.
Read the lastest bullitin from OLPH or visit www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is administered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sherwood Park. Please contact the parish for confession times and more information.
Clergy: Reverend Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Mass Time: Sunday 11:00
Email Address: StFrancisAssisi.Tofield(at)caedm.ca
5523 - 50 Street Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
See map: Google Maps
Phone: 780-467-5470St. Luke Catholic School
Email: Stl@eics.ab.ca
Website: stl.eics.ab.ca
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stlukeeics
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS