RCHS Juniors - PSAT/NMSQT Testing
October 9, 2024
❌ If you want to opt your student out of the PSAT/NMSQT,
please email Assistant Principal Karly Bloom at Karly.Bloom@dcsdk12.org.
PSAT/NMSQT Testing Information
11th Graders ONLY
Hello Rock Canyon High School Juniors and Parents of Juniors, I am writing today to share some details about the upcoming PSAT/NMSQT exam, which will take place on Wednesday, October 9th. Testing will begin at 7:40 a.m. Standard time for the test is less than 2.5 hours and will be followed by time for lunch and then a 7-period schedule. All College Board tests are now in a digital format, and students will test on Rock Canyon High School computers. Students cannot test on their own devices for this test. Student room number assignments will be shared in Seminar on Tuesday, October 8th. They will also be posted in the main hallway. Pencils and scratch paper will be provided. There is a graphing calculator tool embedded in the testing software for all students, but students can bring their own calculator and writing instruments if they’d prefer. The PSAT/NMSQT is an excellent indicator for student success for the upcoming SAT test in April. NMSQT stands for National Merit State Qualifying Test. Students who test well can earn scholarship money to a college or university of their choice. Students are encouraged to prepare for the exam by utilizing the resources they received in Seminar via their College Board accounts. Here is the Bell Schedule for the week of October 7th - October 11th. All 9th, 10th, and 12th graders will begin school on Wednesday, October 9th at 11:32 a.m.
For more information about the PSAT/NMSQT test, please visit the College Board website.
RCHS Schedule for the week of October 7th-11th
Principal / Andy Abner
5810 McArthur Ranch Road, Highlands Ranch, CO 80124
Main Line 303-387-3000
24-Hour Attendance Line 303-387-3002
Visit us at: rockcanyonjags.com