Otsego Junior High
May 24, 2024
Otsego Families,
Monday - No School
Tuesday-Thursday - Modified White Day Schedule (with Success)
Friday- Early Dismissal- Students will be released at 12:00 PM
The finish line is within sight. Only four more days of school until summer break. Stay focused and finish this year strong!
There is a button below with next year's school calendar. Please take a look at next year's school calendar. (2024-2025 District Calendar)
Please familiarize yourself with the Homework Calendar located on our website. I have enclosed a link below for quick reference. This is the location where homework/classwork will be posted for you to view.
Here is the link to our Homework Calendar:
Non-emergency/crisis Referral Form
If you have an emergency/crisis school situation and need to speak to someone at the school please call the office at 419-823-4381 ext. 3100
May 27: Memorial Day - No School
May 31: Last Day of School (half day)
June 24: Sports Physicals, 8:00 (HS Commons)
August 7: Back to School Day *More information will be communicated out over the summer.
The 8th grade class will be attending a Mud Hens game on May 29 during the school day. The cost is $15 which includes the game ticket, hot dog, chips and a drink. Please have money turned in to the office by May 24. Checks can be made payable to Otsego BOE. There were two different prices on the google form that went out to the students. The error has since been corrected. Correct cost is $15.
Back to School Day- 24/25 School Year
SnapShot of 24/25 School Year
Sports Physicals
Otsego Sports Physicals are scheduled for Monday, June 24th starting at 8:00 AM in the high school commons.
OHSAA Physical Form - Complete online on final forms, print, THEN student AND parent signatures after printing (signing online in final forms will NOT print the signature!)
Outside of these forms, there are a few other things to keep in mind when getting ready to complete the physicals:
- Athlete must be going into the 7th grade or older to participate.
- If the athlete wears glasses or contacts, please make sure they are wearing them to the physical!
- If the athlete is seeing a specialist (cardiology, orthopedics, etc.) please have a note clearing them for sport participation.
If an athlete cannot make it to this event, we are able to complete the sports physical in either our Bay Park or Bowling Green office FOR FREE! Just call the office number and let the staff know that you would like to schedule a sports physical (if any parent receives a bill for the physical, please contact me directly and I will resolve!).
For the most effective/efficient day, please ensure all paperwork is completed/signed, printed, and brought to the physical. Having paperwork filled out the day of can cause delays, and we cannot complete a physical if there is not a parent signature!
Thank you,
Justin Slauterbeck
Otsego High School Administration
You can pay fees via Payschools (info below) or by sending a check into the office. You will also have an option to purchase a yearbook if you pay through Payschools.
You can use Payschools to pay for fees and lunches online.
Quick Setup Guide:
Manage your account:
Payschools Signup Information:
The 8th Grade Washington DC trip for 2024 has some welcome changes to the itinerary. In previous years, we have traveled through the night, but next year we will be daytime traveling! We will be leaving from OJHS at 5:30 AM on Tuesday October 22, 2024 and returning Friday October 25, 2024 at 11:30 PM. This change will allow for some additional activities as well as one more night in the hotel, rather than traveling on the bus. Please see the attached information for registration forms. The registration process is all done online through Student Adventures. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. (jrife@otsegoknights.org). If you register early, please take advantage of the payment plan. We apply fundraiser money towards the last payment (s) of the trip, depending on amount of money we have and the number of students attending. Please DO NOT pay in full, I will be applying funds towards each paying student's account. I can not apply funds until I know how many students are going. In past years I have put anywhere from $100 to $175 dollars towards each student's registration fees. The total amount for this year's trip is $898.00. If we meet our goal of 78 students and 10 adults, each student will receive a $35 discount. With this discount and the money I apply from our fundraiser account, this should decrease the cost of the trip by at least $135, if not more.
Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
Recent polls show that parents’ first concern about schools today is their child’s safety. That is my concern as well. Fortunately, the Otsego is very safe. However, no community is immune from the threats of violence and drugs that endanger public schools nationwide.
We are introducing a Safe School Helpline® to help prevent such actions. It is designed to assist you in reporting any wrongdoing that impacts our schools, our students, or our staff – anonymously, so as to protect your privacy. For example, you may wish to report acts of violence, theft, drug or alcohol use, weapons, or sexual harassment.
Just call from a touch-tone phone to 1-800-4-1-VOICE, ext. 359 (418-6423) to leave your information. Or TEXT: 614-426-0240 Then type: TIPS Your message will not be traced, and you will not be identified. The Safe School Helpline® team will transcribe and fax your message to school officials, so appropriate action can be taken.
Thank you for your continued support to provide a better education for all Otsego students.
800-418-6423 (800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359)
TEXT: 614-426-0240
Then type: TIPS
Wood County Dept. of Job and Family Services
The Wood County Department of Job and Family Services is now accepting applications for the K-12 Fitted for Success program for the 2024-2025 school year. 680 children who live in Wood County will be provided with backpacks filled with grade appropriate school supplies, new shoes and socks and a new winter coat.
Assistance is provided on a first come/first serve basis. Proof of household income, birth certificates or other proof of citizenship and Social Security cards for all family members must be provided. Families must have an income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level to qualify. For a family of 4, this is $5,200 or less in gross income per month. The income amount varies based on family size.
Applications should be received by August 2, 2024 but will be accepted until 650 children are approved. Assistance will be distributed to approved families in August. Coats will be ordered at that time and distributed in the fall. Interested families may call 419-352-7566 ext. 8492 or visit woodcountyjfs.com to request an application to be sent by mail. Applications are also available to print on the website or to pick up at WCDJFS 1928 E. Gypsy Lane Road Bowling Green. Completed applications may be returned by mail or dropped off at the above address. The agency lobby is open M-F from 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and a secure outdoor drop box is available 24/7.