TJH Update #39
May 15, 2024
Note from Mrs. Haworth
Good morning,
I apologize for sending this on Thursday morning instead of the usual Wednesday afternoon.
This Friday we will have a Bonus Fun Food Frenzy! It will be much smaller than our normal FFFs and PTSA will sell soda and snacks so that we are not keeping any food over the summer. There will not be any hot food, so students will still need to bring their lunch or buy their lunch from the cafeteria.
Locker Cleanout will be on Wednesday, the 22nd next week, so students may want to start bringing home any items they do not need now so they have less to carry on Wednesday.
Have a great rest of the week!
Tara Haworth
Tays Junior High
Library News
Deliveries to Campus
Just a reminder that Door Dash deliveries or any other food delivery service is not allowed on campus.
Food can always be dropped off by parents or guardians at the front office and placed on the bookshelf for your students to retrieve during their lunch break.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us adhere to these campus requests.
Spring Final Exam Schedule
Character Strong
Counselor Corner
Tays Junior High Parents:
Over the past several weeks, TJH Counselors met with any student who was failing 1 or more courses for the school year (Average of 1st-5th 6 weeks.) These conferences reviewed their current yearly averages through the 5th 6 weeks as well as the requirements for summer school credit recovery. Students received a district-generated letter during the conference with their grade-level counselor that outlined their current yearly average as well as what they will need to make during the 6th 6 weeks to pass for the school year.
Please review the Credit Recovery summer school requirements below. Any student who is required to attend summer school will be notified by the campus counselors after all final exams have been completed and entered the grade book.
- Students in grades 6-8 who fail 2 or more CORE classes (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies)
- Students who fail all or part of a high school credit course (Algebra, Spanish 1, Art 1)
- Students who only fail 1 core class will NOT be required to attend summer school for promotion.
Course recovery will be offered online and asynchronously with teachers available to provide support both online or in-person at the KSAT summer campus. Students may recover one or more courses during the 4-week window, based on their pace on the self-driven coursework.
Dates: Online courses will open June 3, 2024 and will close at noon on June 27, 2024.
In-person support will be available with academic support lab sessions at Raines Academy:
Monday through Thursday, June 3 - 27, 2024
7:30 am - 10:30 am or
11:30 am -3:00 pm
Transportation: JH Bus Routes (students report to the (PAC) Performance Arts Center at the high school campus in their feeder zone for transportation to the MRA complex)
Application: Opens May 1,2024 and Closes May 29, 2024 @11:59PM KSAT Application
Cost: No cost
Application: Opens May 1, 2024 – May 30, 2024
Registration: KSAT Application
Cost: No cost
Current 8th Grade Students’ Parents Only
If you have registered your student for summer school, please make sure to check your email for the confirmation email.
If you would still like to register your student for original credit summer school and have not, you have until May 31st.
If for whatever reason, your child can no longer complete the summer school course; please email KVS - katyvirtualschool@katyisd.org and request to unenroll them.
Parents can register by going to HAC and clicking on the Registration tab, update enrollment, or visit www.katyisd.org/KVS and click on the registration tab. The application is for summer 2024 and fall/spring 2024/2025. All HS original credit will be online through KVS. Students can only take a maximum of two courses during KVS summer school.
Application Process – Reminders
Students will not be enrolled unless their application is marked campus approved.
Students will not have the ability to pay for a course until we have enrolled them.
Status emails (approved, denied, wait listed) emails will be sent by KVS to students’ Katy ISD email account and to the parent and alternate student email account listed on the application. The sender is noreplyregistration@powerschool.com
Once a student has submitted their application, they do not have the ability to go back and change it. Please have the student contact the Katy Virtual School with any requested changes. (katyvirtualschool@katyisd.org)
Payments will be through Pay N Go
Course Fees
Each course is $200/semester
Summer fee for a year-long course is associated with the A semester of the course
Fees for free and reduced have changed
Reduced: $50/semester
Free: no cost
Fees display in Pay N Go
Visit https://katyisd.revtrak.net
Create an account (if needed)
Click on Student Course Fees
Enter parent last name and parent HAC ID
Thank you,
Tays Counseling Team
Yearbook News
Sci-Oly Team
Summer Adventure Camp
Join us for a week of fun and adventure at Summer Adventure Camp, facilitated by science teachers from across the district! Students in grades 6-8 will enjoy activities such as a private tour of Texas A&M, zip lining at Lost Pines, and taking flight at iFly. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity! For more information, contact NicoleKram@katyisd.org or visit SummerAdventureCampktx.com.
Study Skills Camp/Incoming Freshman
Clinic News
ATTN 6th grade parents: Tdap and MCV are required immunizations that are given at 11 years of age. Please send updated copy of your immunization record to the Campus Nurse. Please note: The immunization record must come from the medical provider and have the student’s name and date of birth on it. All 6th grade parents have been emailed if immunizations are missing February 2024. Another email will go out in the next 2 weeks to parents whose students are missing the required vaccines. Those without required immunizations will not be able to enter 7th grade and will not get their schedule for the 2024-25 school year. Please check your email. Updated immunization records can be emailed or faxed. See below. Kimberly Wheeler, MSN, RN Campus Nurse, Tays Junior High School Office: 281-234-2414 Fax: 281-644-1946 This is a friendly reminder to please keep students’ home if they are sick. Please keep in mind that students who exhibit vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever≥ 100, must be excluded from school for 24 hours. A doctor’s note does no supersede the 24-hour rule. MEDICATIONS: Did you know? Students are not allowed to carry any medications on campus. If your student needs to carry emergency medications, please contact your Campus Nurse for Katy ISD forms. Kimberly Wheeler, MSN, RN Campus Nurse, Tays Junior High School Office: 281-234-2414 Fax: 281-644-1946
Summer Meals
The United States Department of Agriculture requires that each campus notify families about the meals served each summer through the Summer Food Service Program even if the campus does not serve summer meals.
All children 18 and under can eat breakfast and/or lunch FREE; they do not have to be enrolled in summer school or a KISD student. Free breakfast and lunch will be available at: MPE, SES, USE, HJH, OAC and lunch at MCHS, and PHS. Check the link for specific dates and times available at each site.
If you have any questions, please contact the Nutrition and Food Service Department at 281-396-6240. Thank you for your support
Fun Food Frenzy Bonus Sale!
Tays PTSA is excited to announce a Fun Food Frenzy Bonus Sale, this Friday, May 17th in the rotunda during all 4 lunch periods. We will be selling the remaining treats from our event last week, including:
Candy for $2
Gum for just $1
Drinks for $1
Chip and cookies 2 for $1
AND Blow pops, ring pops, and airheads 3 for $1.
Entrees will not be sold.
This is a cash only event. We plan to sell out fast. Don’t miss out!
School Supplies
Buy next year’s school supplies today…your future self will thank you!
Upcoming Events
May 15, 2024
No Events Scheduled
May 16, 2024
7th Grade Awards Night 5:30pm in TJH Cafeteria
8th Grade Awards Night 7:00pm in TJH Cafeteria
May 17, 2024
Choir Banquet in TJH Cafeteria 6:00pm
May 20, 2024
OTHS Senior Clap Out 8:15am
Finals Begin
May 21, 2024
May 22, 2024
May 23, 2024
Early Dismissal at 1:05pm
Last Day of School
All Information below has previously been included in a TJH Update!
KISD Device Innitiative
Government Identification for Campus Visitors
Physical/Hard Copy Government-Issued Identifications
As Katy ISD continues its review of safety practices and protocols, it's essential to stress the significance of physical/hard copy government-issued identifications for accessing campuses/facilities, student registration, and student pickup. The district is strictly enforcing this requirement and will no longer accept paper or digital copies of driver's licenses, visas, and passports at any of its campuses or facilities, for these purposes. Katy ISD greatly appreciates the community's cooperation with these safety procedures and the ongoing partnership to maintain safe and secure environments across campuses.
Writing Camp
Join us for a writing adventure! KISD is offering a free writing camp June 3rd-6th for students currently in grades 6-11. Interested students can apply in their RLA classrooms.
2023-2024 Bell Schedule
School Appropriate Clothing
Additional information and specificity about the dress code can be found in the Katy ISD Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct on page vii. Click HERE for the Katy ISD Discipline Management information page.