TTUSD District Update
November 2024

In this Month's Newsletter
A Message from the Superintendent
District Strategic Plan Check-In
Academic Achievement
- Family Math Nights | Recordings & Upcoming In-Person Workshops
- Learn How We’re Planning for Student Success!
- Truckee Elementary Shines a Spotlight on Student Success
- Kings Beach Elementary Students Walk Their Way to Literacy
- Academic Achievement Tip | Helping Your Child Build Confidence in Math
Support Systems
- Celebrating Our School Psychologists Who “Spark Discovery”
- School Safety Nights | Watch On Demand Links and Important Reminders
- The Nurtured Heart Approach | Free Parent Workshops
- Making Every Day Count, Attendance Matters
- Social Emotional Learning Tip | 5-4-3-2-1 Self-Management Technique
Community Connections
- Gearing Up for Winter | Snow Days & Safety First
- Measure AA | Making a Difference in our Schools
- Sierra High School Students Cast Off with Cast Hope
- A Taste of Wellness | Celebrating Harvest of the Month
- Upcoming Important Dates
A Message from the Superintendent
Dear TTUSD Families,
As we approach Thanksgiving and reflect on all we have to be grateful for, I especially appreciate our dedicated Board of Trustees.
I'm thrilled to share that our board president, Dianna "DeeDee" Driller, was recently honored as a 2024 Trustee of the Year by the Placer County School Board Association! This award recognizes individuals who excel in leadership, collaboration, and communication and demonstrate a deep understanding of board governance and a commitment to our district's educational vision. DeeDee exemplifies these traits, and we are fortunate to have such a dedicated individual leading our board. She strongly advocates for our community, student voice, and academic excellence.
On October 29, 2024, our board participated in a Board Governance Workshop where they engaged in self-evaluation and strategic discussions, renewing their commitment to our district's vision. The board embraced a culture of accountability to drive achievement and ensure all TTUSD students have challenging and engaging learning opportunities. This led to positive comments at the November 6th board meeting, where Trustees shared their enthusiasm for working together in a collaborative group that values openness, respect, listening, and different perspectives.
I am so grateful to have such a thoughtful, genuine board that puts students first. Their dedication and collaborative spirit are just two of the many things I am thankful for this year. As we look forward to Thanksgiving, I hope you find time to reflect on the many blessings in your lives and enjoy the company of loved ones.
On behalf of the entire district, I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!
Warm Regards,
Kerstin Kramer
Superintendent Chief Learning Officer
District Strategic Plan Check-In
We are committed to providing high-quality professional development opportunities for all our staff, and this month, we're excited to share updates on progress in this area, specifically related to action goals 1.2.1 (Explore additional options to invest in job-related professional development opportunities for classified staff) and 1.2.2 (Implement comprehensive staff development programs focused on collaboration, literacy intervention, and English Learners) of our strategic plan.
Investing in our staff's professional growth is essential to providing the best possible education for our students. By supporting our employees in their continuous development, we enhance their skills, foster collaboration, and ultimately improve student outcomes.
On November 1st, TTUSD hosted a Professional Development Summit, a full-day, conference-style event with a variety of sessions to choose from. Over 400 TTUSD employees attended and were able to enhance their skills and knowledge and connect with colleagues. A few session examples included Academic Discourse, Building Equitable Collaborations with Families & Communities, Emotional Intelligence, Everyday Stress Management, Intro to AI, Restorative Practices, How Best to Support Newcomer Students, English Language Development Planning, Effective Behavior Support Strategies, and Math Curriculum Training. The last two hours of the day were dedicated to cross-district collaboration, allowing those in similar roles to collaborate and learn from each other. These sessions equipped our classified and certificated staff with valuable tools and strategies to enhance student learning and support structures. The sessions also helped staff improve their skills to be the best for themselves and our TTUSD community.
In addition to the summit, TTUSD has facilitated twenty peer learning and collaboration groups this school year. These collaborative groups provide teachers with ongoing, job-embedded professional development, focusing on math curriculum implementation, academic discourse, and work-based learning opportunities within our Career & Technical Education (CTE) pathways. This collaborative approach allows teachers to learn from each other, share best practices, and continuously improve their instruction.
We are dedicated to providing ongoing professional development opportunities that support our staff in their vital work. Look for more updates on our progress in future newsletters!
Family Math Nights | Recordings & Upcoming In-Person Workshops
We recently held two successful Family Math Nights to introduce our new math curriculums, Eureka Math² for elementary students and Carnegie Math for middle and high school students. Thank you to all the families who attended!
Missed the Events? Watch the Recordings!
If you weren't able to join us in person, recordings of both workshops are available:
Upcoming Workshops
We're also offering workshops on the lakeside for families who couldn't make it to the first events. These workshops are a great way to learn more about your child's math curriculum and how to support them at home. Spanish interpretation services will be provided at the in-person meetings. Hope to see you there!
Family Math Night with Carnegie Math
Date: December 12, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: North Tahoe Middle School Library
Who: Families with students in 6th - 12th grades
Family Math Night with Eureka Math²
Date: December 17, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Kings Beach Elementary
Who: Families with students in kindergarten - 5th grade
Learn How We’re Planning for Student Success!
We're thrilled to announce that our roadmaps for student success have been approved! At the October 16th Board of Trustees meeting, members approved the 2024-2025 School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA). These plans, known as SPSAs, were developed in collaboration with parents and staff on each School Site Council to ensure all students have access to a high-quality education. They lay out a clear path for helping every student thrive!
Each SPSA outlines specific actions, how we plan to spend money to support those actions, and how these efforts connect to district-wide goals. This teamwork helps us provide enriching learning opportunities for all TTUSD students while staying aligned with our overarching strategic plan.
Visit our website to explore your child's school plan and see what's in store for this year!
Truckee Elementary Shines a Spotlight on Student Success
Truckee Elementary took center stage at the November 6th Board of Trustees meeting to showcase their impressive work supporting students! Principal Ryan Galles and Assistant Principal Sarah DiPrinzio highlighted how their school uses a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) to provide tailored assistance to students across academics, behavior, social-emotional learning, and attendance.
Their approach includes:
Universal support for all students: This includes things like positive school-wide behavior systems and engaging classroom instruction.
Targeted interventions: For students needing extra help, they offer programs like "morning boost" before-school intervention and student study teams.
Intensive, individualized support: A coordinated care team of administrators, counselors, wellness staff, and psychologists collaborate to meet the unique needs of specific students.
Truckee Elementary also shared exciting progress with their attendance initiatives, thanks in part to the new Attention 2 Attendance program. This program helps identify and support students with attendance concerns through proactive communication and family conferences. These efforts are already making a difference, with attendance showing a positive trend over the last two years!
Want to learn more? We encourage you to check out their entire presentation. And stay tuned as we continue to share highlights from other schools throughout the year!
Kings Beach Elementary Students Walk Their Way to Literacy
Kings Beach Elementary School is on the move—literally! At the November 20th Board of Trustees meeting, Principal Jenni Dewald shared details on KBE's "Walk to Learn" program and how it's making a real difference. This daily initiative provides individualized, skills-based literacy instruction that keeps students engaged and learning. Think of it as a personalized literacy adventure for every child!
But "Walk to Learn" is more than just improved test scores (though those are happening, too!). Aligning with KBE's mission to inspire global citizens, the program supports social-emotional growth and builds strong relationships while fostering high academic achievement.
So, how does it work? Each day, students receive 35-40 minutes of targeted instruction focused on the key building blocks of literacy: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Through regular progress monitoring, teachers ensure each student receives the support they need to shine.
The results speak for themselves! Over the past three years, KBE has seen student performance on the Smarter Balanced Assessment System (SBAC) steadily climb.
Want to learn more about this dynamic program? Check out Principal Dewald's entire presentation.
Celebrating Our School Psychologists Who "Spark Discovery"
Did you know that November 11-15th is National School Psychology Week? This year's theme, "Spark Discovery," perfectly captures the vital role our TTUSD school psychologists play in igniting the potential within each student.
As recognized in a recent TTUSD Board of Education Resolution, our school psychologists go above and beyond to support students' academic, social, emotional, mental, and behavioral health needs. They provide crucial support in academic intervention, counseling, crisis response, and family-school collaboration, ensuring students have the necessary resources to succeed.
Let's celebrate these outstanding individuals who dedicate themselves to helping our students "Spark Discovery" every day! A huge thank you to Dana Adams, Laura Burley, Meagan Cohee, Hannah Hargrave, Whitney Lewis, Kelly McKurtis, Alex Weedman, and Jordan Wolf!
School Safety Nights | Watch On Demand Links and Important Reminders
Thank you to everyone who attended our recent School Safety Nights, and a special thanks to our law enforcement partners, the Truckee Police Department and Placer County Sheriffs, for sharing their expertise!
If you missed the events, don’t worry. Watch the recordings below to learn about our safety protocols, including our Comprehensive Safety Plans, threat response procedures, ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate), and tips for talking to your child about safety.
An Important Reminder
Please make sure your emergency contact information in Aeries is fully updated with any family or friends who would pick up your child. In an emergency, we can only release students to individuals listed in your Aeries account.
The Nurtured Heart Approach | Free Parent Workshops
We’re excited to continue sharing the Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) strategies with families through our FREE parent workshops this December! NHA empowers children with self-regulation tools and reshapes how they perceive themselves through positive behavior reinforcement. Caregivers learn the power of targeted specific recognition and how to establish and maintain clear behavior expectations.
We offer two 3-night workshops:
English Workshop
Dates: Tuesdays - 12/3, 12/10, 12/17
Times: 5:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Spanish Workshop
Dates: Wednesdays - 12/4, 12/11, 12/18
Times: 5:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Location: Kings Beach Elementary
Learn how to:
Build your child's "Inner Wealth" through positive recognition.
Establish clear behavior expectations.
Supercharge your relationship with your child!
Register today!
Making Every Day Count, Attendance Matters
We know the holidays are a busy time, but it's more important than ever to keep school attendance a top priority. Over the past year and a half, we've been working hard to improve attendance across the district with our Attention 2 Attendance program, and we're seeing positive results!
Why does it matter so much? Because every day counts when it comes to your child's learning and success. When students are in class, they:
Stay on track: They keep up with lessons, build skills, and avoid falling behind.
Grow their connections: They participate in classroom activities, build friendships, and feel more connected to their school community.
Reach their full potential: Consistent attendance sets them up for success in school and beyond.
Here are a couple of tips to help make sure your child gets to school every day possible:
Establish a consistent routine: Set regular bedtimes and morning routines to help your child get ready and out the door on time.
Communicate with the school: If your child needs to miss school, let the school know immediately and work with them to make up any missed work.
Attendance is a parent and student responsibility: Let your child know that you think attending school daily is important. Show them you’re interested in their school activities and tell them you want them to do well. Help them understand the importance of being in the classroom.
We're here to support you! If you have any questions or concerns about your child's attendance, please don't hesitate to reach out to your school principal.
Gearing Up for Winter | Snow Days & Safety First
As the first snowflakes fall, it's time to prepare for the impact of winter weather. Remember, we have a variety of options to deal with winter weather, including:
2-hour delayed starts: School starts 2 hours late, with regular dismissal times.
Minimum days: School begins on time and ends in alignment with our regular minimum-day schedule.
Full snow days: School is closed.
We use these different options to respond to varying conditions and prioritize the safety of our students and staff during transportation.
Stay Informed!
We'll announce any schedule changes by 5 a.m. through various channels, including our website, TTUSD app, phone calls, emails, text messages, and social media (FB and IG: @TahoeTruckeeUSD). Make sure your contact information is up-to-date in Aeries to receive timely notifications.
Our priority is always the safety of our students and staff. While we strive to have school every day, we will make the necessary adjustments to ensure everyone gets to and from school safely.
Don’t forget to review our Bus Stop Safety Reminders to keep everyone safe when traveling to and from school.
Here's to a winter filled with learning, fun, and plenty of snow (on the weekends, of course)!
Measure AA | Making a Difference in Our Schools
Thanks to our community's ongoing support of Measure AA, our students benefit from the $148 annual parcel tax, which is vital in providing essential resources for our students. It funds programs beyond what state funding covers, ensuring a well-rounded education for every child in TTUSD.
At the October Measure AA Citizens Oversight Committee meeting, we heard how Glenshire Elementary and Truckee High School are using their Measure AA funds to support students. Here are some highlights:
Glenshire Elementary: Funds support a full-time music teacher, P.E. teacher, and counselor, as well as partial funding for science and art teachers. Measure AA also provides art supplies, music equipment, classroom materials, P.E. equipment, technology resources, and support for the Special Friends program.
Truckee High School: Funds support academic enhancement teacher positions, a full-time librarian, and a wide range of programs, including music, technology, instructional materials, academic enhancement, P.E., library materials, career tech/visual and performing arts, and world languages.
Want to learn more?
Join us for the next Measure AA Citizens Oversight Committee meeting on December 17th from 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM at the TTUSD District Office or North Tahoe School Library. Everyone is welcome!
Thank you for your continued support of Measure AA and our students!
Sierra High School Students Cast Off with Cast Hope!
Sierra High School is excited to continue its partnership with Cast Hope, connecting students with the wonders of fly fishing! This program pairs students with certified fishing guides who teach valuable skills and instill a love for the outdoors.
Cast Hope's hands-on learning goes beyond casting a line. Students explore aquatic systems, discover river ecology, and learn about conservation through catch-and-release fishing.
But it's more than just fishing – it's about mentorship, building confidence, and inspiring a lifelong appreciation for nature. Cast Hope provides a positive environment where students can disconnect from technology, connect with nature, and create lasting memories.
We're proud to offer this opportunity to our Sierra High School students!
A Taste of Wellness | Celebrating Harvest of the Month
TTUSD is proud to partner with Tahoe Forest Health System on the incredible Harvest of the Month program! This initiative brings fresh, California-grown fruits and vegetables into our elementary school classrooms, enriching our students' understanding of nutrition and healthy eating.
Each month, classrooms receive a featured fruit or vegetable and engaging educational activities led by dedicated parent volunteers. Students explore a rainbow of flavors and textures, expanding their palates and building healthy habits. The learning extends beyond the classroom, thanks to our Food & Nutrition Services chefs, who highlight the monthly featured produce in their menu and incorporate it into delicious dishes served in our cafeterias.
Harvest of the Month thrives on collaboration. We sincerely thank Tahoe Forest Health System, our parent volunteers, teachers, and the Food & Nutrition Services team for making this program successful. Together, we're planting the seeds for a healthier future, one delicious bite at a time!
Upcoming Important Dates
November 27 - 29 | No School, Thanksgiving Break
December 2 | Special Educator Day
December 3, 10, 17 | The Nurtured Heart Approach Parent Education Workshop- English
December 4, 11, 18 | The Nurtured Heart Approach Parent Education Workshop - Spanish
December 5 | Alder Creek Middle School Karaoke/Open Mic Night Band Fundraiser
December 10 | Alder Creek Middle School Winter Concert
December 11 | Minimum Day for All TTUSD Schools
December 11 | North Tahoe High School Winter Band Concert
December 12 | Tahoe Lake Elementary Trashion Show
December 12 | Truckee High School Winter Concert
December 12 | Glenshire Elementary Winter Performance
December 12 | Family Math Night with Carnegie Math
December 17 | Measure AA Citizens Oversight Committee Meeting
December 17 | Family Math Night with Eureka Math2
December 18 | North Tahoe High School Winter Concert
December 23 - January 3 | No School, Winter Break
January 2025 | School Board Appreciation
January 20 | No School, Martin Luther King Day
January 23 & 24 | Minimum Day for Middle & High Schools