Principal's Weekly
Principal Beth N. Choquette, Bridge Street School
Bridge Street School
2 Parsons Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
413-587-1460 (phone) 413-587-1484 (fax)
Beth N. Choquette, Principal
Elizabeth Peterson, Administrative Assistant
Nicole Soutra, Senior Clerk
Nora DeJasu, Head Teacher
Translation of the Principal's Weekly
At the top of the weekly email, there's a link that reads "View it in your browser," click that and it takes you to the post on a webpage.
Scroll to the bottom where there's a black menu bar and pick the option that says "Translate."
Select the language you would like it translated in and it will then translate it on the webpage.
Traducción del semanario del director
Le gustaría traducir esta carta de noticias? Aquí están los pasos para traducirlo:
En la parte superior del correo electrónico semanal, hay un enlace que dice "Verlo en su navegador", haga clic en eso y lo llevará a la publicación en una página web.
Desplázate hacia la parte inferior donde hay una barra de menú negra y elige la opción que dice "Traducir".
Seleccione el idioma en el que desea traducirlo y luego lo traducirá en la página web.
A Message from Principal Choquette 1/3/20
Starting this month, every other week, the breakfast menu will include a breakfast parfait of yogurt and Cheerios. Students may choose to eat the Cheerios as cereal rather than as a parfait.
We will be having celebration on Monday, January 6th. Second grade music classes will be presenting. I will also be reviewing bus safety at this celebration. It is always a good time of year to remind students of the importance of being safe and following the expectations for behavior and safety on the bus.
Due to his election to the School Committee, Roni Gold will be stepping down from the Bridge Street School Council. I would like to thank Roni for his years of service to the council. He has been a valued member and will be missed. Nominations are now open for the school council. Below is an attached nomination form (Call for Nominations) in both English and Spanish. Please feel free to nominate a BSS caregiver or yourself. Please return all nomination forms to the main office no later than January 10th.
As we begin the start of another year, I'd like to wish you all a wonderful year filled with peace, good health, friendship, and love. Let's continue to work at being kind to each other and to those around us and teaching our children the value of being inclusive and welcoming to all, in our school-in our community-and around the world.
Happy New Year!
Kindergarten Information Night 1/15/20
Spread the word to any families you may know who have students who will be entering kindergarten next year. The BSS Kindergarten information night is scheduled for Jan. 15, 2020 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the BSS library.
K-5 Celebration
Lost and Found
Important Dates
January 6th: Celebration-2nd grade music classes presenting 9:00 a.m. Cafeteria
January 14th: PTO Meeting 3:15-4:15 p.m. Library
January 15th: Kindergarten Information Night 6:30-7:30 p.m. Library
January 17th: No School-Teacher Work Day
January 20th: No School-MLK Jr. Day
Dean's Beans
Love coffee? Love BSS?
Then order your coffee through the BSS PTO Coffee Fundraising Program!
It's simple. Follow this link to the form ( to order your favorite caffeinated or decaffeinated beverage, hot chocolate, candies, or coffee swag. You can order weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or just one time. Coffee will be delivered to BSS each week for pick up.
Amazing, right!? So, let's do it! If just 25 families order one bag of coffee each week we will raise $4,000 for BSS!
Please contact Jonathan Brody if you have any questions: 413-320-9259 or