Wildcat Weekly
Wednesday Hours are 8:30am - 2:30pm
Email: tlhartley@mpsomaha.org
Website: willowdale.mpsomaha.org
Location: 16901 P Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-715-8280
If you need to get a message to your student about changes in Pick-Up, please call the school at 402-715-8280 before 3:00pm and before 2:00pm on Wednesdays.
Thank you!
Principal Message
1. WOW what great support we have had for our Boosterathon Fun Run! It has been exciting! We are looking forward to the actual event next Friday!
2. Our first Don & Millie’s night was a hit! The kindergarten artwork was darling!
3. We had a short presentation at lunch today at Willowdale! This was from the Boy Scouts of America, please read later in this edition for more information!
4. We have a PTO meeting Tuesday, 9/10 at 5:30. Hope to see you there!
5. Have a wonderful weekend with your family!
Lunch Presentation today
By state law, youth organizations chartered by Congress may request time in the school day to address students. One of these organizations is the Boy Scouts of America, and they have asked for time to tell students about scouting.
We accommodated their request during lunch today, 9/6. The Boy Scouts gave a 3-5 minute presentation. We wanted to make sure all parents and guardians are aware of the visit.
If you have questions, please email Dr. Ballard. Thank you!
Parents of 3rd-5th Grade Students-Final Week to Participate
If you have a student in 3rd, 4th or 5th grades, and you would like to participate in the Cooperative Loss Program, you can pay the $15.00 fee per student until September 13th. After September 13th, any uppaid fees will not be seen in Parentvue.
Fees can be paid online through ParentVue, or cash and checks can be brought to the front office.
PTO Corner
Join PTO Today!
President - Wendy Gibson
Vice President - Brittany Hoebelheinrich
Secretary - Jordan Fletcher
Treasurer - Bridget Perry
Top 5 things you can do THIS WEEK to support Willowdale:
Top 5 things you can do THIS WEEK to support Willowdale:
#1: Sign up to help with our upcoming Harvest Festival! Find Harvest Festival on this spreadsheet and put your name down to assist. Harvest Festival is a night of food, music, and dancing at Willowdale to welcome the beginning of Fall! If you are signed up to assist, please attend the Harvest Fest meeting AFTER the September 10 PTO meeting for 30 minutes for additional information!
#2: Sign up to help out at the Halloween Parties on October 31! This year we will be limiting the number of volunteers to SIX per classroom. Due to this change, we ask that if you have multiple kiddos you select ONE classroom to assist with. If your name is on multiple lists, please remove your name from all but one list. In addition, if you would like to be the classroom's LEAD this year, please put the word LEAD in column G. This will be the last chance to sign up as communications will begin for parties soon!
#3: Sign up to assist with other events like Movie Nights, and more! Just put your name by one of our MANY events on this spreadsheet and we will get you more information.
#4: Sign up for TAGG at TAGG.today. Create an account by clicking "log in" and then submit receipts from eligible places! As an added bonus, submit your receipt from Big Frogg for your spirit wear and get even more money back for our school!
#5: Don't forget to get those Fun Run Donations!! This is our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year and we are hoping to meet our goals!
BONUS: Buy your yearbook today (save 10% now!) and your Willowdale Spirit Wear Proceeds from all yearbook and spirit wear sales go right back to Willowdale!
EXTRA BONUS: Attend our next PTO meeting on September 10 at 5:30pm in the Willowdale library! We can't wait to see you!
Willowdale PTO
Wendy Gibson, President
Brittany Hobelheinrich, Vice President
Website: Willowdale PTO Website
Email: Willowdale.PTO@gmail.com
Spirit Wear for Willowdale
The link to order Willowdale Spirit Wear is open if you would like to order more Spirit Wear. Plus, don't forget to TAGG your receipt from your purchase, a portion goes back to Willowdale PTO.
Scooter's Day for Willowdale
Don't forget to bring your flyer for a chance to win a Scooter's Gift Card. Flyers are in your child's Friday Folder. If you forget your flyer, please tell them that you are there for Willowdale since Scooter's will give the Willowdale PTO a donation of the sales.
Willowdale's FUN RUN!
Parents are welcome to watch and will need to sign in and get a sticker upon arrival.
2024-2025 School Calendar
The first day of school for the. 2024-2025 school year will be Thursday, August 8th.
Millard West Cheer Clinic, register below!
Watch Dogs
Please use the QR code to sign up to be a Watch Dog. Please only sign up for one or two spots so other dads and moms have a chance to be a Watch Dog.
Thank you.
Important Dates at Willowdale
YOYO Berri Night for Willowdale
Thursday, September 12 is YOYO Berri night for Willowdale. Make sure to mention Willowdale at the checkout because YOYO Berri gives Willowdale a donation from the sales.
Don & Millie's Night!
Everyone is welcome on each Don & Millie's Night, located at 144th & Harrison streets. Art work will be displayed on the night for that grade level.
Here are the dates for your planning:
October 2nd is for 1st Grade
December 4th is for 2nd Grade
January 8th is for 3rd Grade
February 5th is for 4th Grade
March 5th is for 5th Grade
April 2nd is for KG, 1st and 2nd
May 7th is for 3rd, 4th and 5th.
September Lunch Menus
Until the lunchroom has enough staff, there will be only 3 options for lunch. Updates will go out if there are any changes, but for now, choice 3 will be taken off the menu.
Lunch Choices for the week of September 9th - September 13th:
Monday, September 9th
1. Beef Sloppy Joes
2. Cheese Pizza
3. Bagel Kidzable
Tuesday, September 10th
1. Beef Hot Dog
2. Big City Bites Brazillian Chicken Sandwich
3. Waffle Kidzable
Wednesday, September 11th
1. Chicken Enchiladas
2. Chicken Nuggets
3. Bagel Kidzable
Thursday, September 12th
1. Dutch Waffle & Scrambled Eggs
2. Hamburger
3. Waffle Kidzable
Friday, September 13th
1. Breaded Mozzarella Sticks w/Pizza Sauce
2. Meatball Sub Sandwich
3. Bagel Kidzable