The Bonneville Buzz
September 2023

July 2024
Bonneville is 'OUTSTANDING'
Bonneville Priorities
- To ensure our children are happy and we explain things well
- To ensure no child leaves our school unable to read
- To ensure children learn a broad vocabulary to access the world around them
- To enhance the educational experiences of diagnosed and undiagnosed children with SEND
a message from Ms Parker...
Many of you have asked... the banner is on its way!
As we draw closer to the end of the academic year, the events keep coming. Keep up to date with the calendar on the school's website, and the dates I have included in this months Buzz.
Thank you to everyone who has attended class assemblies and escorted trips so far this term. We are truly greatful for all the support.
As you should all be aware by now, we have our own Federation App that will replace SCOPAY from September. If you missed it, use the link below to access the Federation Newsletter where you can find out more about the App and access a link to register for the webinar scheduled for Tuesday 16th July at 4pm. It also has information about our musical concert 'The Big One'.
Click here to register for your BJS Parent Training Webinar
Mr Connelly is currently on a period of leave. Please contact the school office if you need any support, and your query will be re-directed to the appropriate staff member.
As the days get longer and warmer, it is usual that at this time of year we become less patient with one another. Can I remind everyone to take a step back and never forget our joint purpose when we are communicating with each other, 'The Chldren'.
Please be mindful of what they see, what they hear, what they smell, who they interact with and the online portals they interact on.
Together we are nurturing our future society, so this extends beyond that of our own child/ren.
We all want better for them, so we all must play our part with friendliness, kindness, compassion, support, consideration, respect and patience.
This Sunday, 7th July is our school Summer Fair from 12pm to 3pm.
I look forward to seeing you all there for more eating, dancing and togetherness.
Keep safe and I will see you at the gate!
Windrush Day Celebration
How we celebrated, Bonneville style!
In celebration of Windrush Day and to highlight the positive, valuable, and impactful changes that the Windrush Generation and their descendants have made to our country, communities, and education system, the children at Bonneville participated in various activities and workshops throughout the day.
We began with our annual Windrush assembly by singing, 'You Can Get It If You Really Want' by Jimmy Cliff.
Early years enjoyed creating colourful masks, discussing costumes worn at the annual Notting Hill Carnival, and listening to Calypso and Soca music. They explored plantain and its similarities and differences to regular bananas and later fried them so that they were ready to eat.
Years 1 and 2 had the whole school smelling like a Caribbean kitchen as they cooked saltfish fritters and banana fritters, which they all absolutely loved! We would like to say a huge thank you to Miss Greenland’s aunty and Dionne, a parent in Year 2, who gave up their free time to lead this.
Year 3 had a fun afternoon exploring, chopping, and slicing exotic fruits such as pineapple, papaya, passion fruit, guava, and kiwi to make a fruit salad. This was topped off with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of mixed spice. I think it’s safe to say that all of the children enjoyed it, as there wasn’t any fruit left behind!
Windrush Bay, a company that sells fruit and vegetables shipped directly from the Caribbean, very kindly donated a large box of their produce so that Year 4 could learn about fruit and vegetables that are uncommon to them. This included cho cho, green banana, okra, and much more!
Our children were actively engaged in learning about Caribbean dishes, using their senses to explore and understand how they are commonly used. This hands-on approach to learning was a hit with the students!
Year 5 were busy sharing their Topic, learning all about the Windrush Generation to their parents in a spectacular Carnival!
We want to thank Aaron, a professional dancer who tested the Year 6’s rhythm during a dance workshop. They were taught a range of traditional and culturally performed movements when moving and grooving to dancehall music. It was great to see all the children participate and enjoy themselves!
Windrush Community Picnic
After a day full of fun and celebrations, we concluded with our Windrush Picnic, which was an absolute success!
We would like to say a huge thank you to all parents who contributed a dish, snack, or drink, helping to give our community a taste of Caribbean cuisine. It was great to see children getting their hair braided, showing off their carnival-themed face paintings, and dancing to reggae music.
We look forward to putting on another outstanding Windrush Celebration next year!
Thank you to everyone for helping to make the day so full of learning and fun. A huge thank you to Ms Greenland for organising such a wonderful day!
Support the return of our cooking curriculum
Topics this term...
To find out more details about the curriculum for your year group/s this term, visit the school's website to access the knowledge organisers.
Top questions to ask your child this month!
What Music vocabulary is your child/ren learning?
Early Years- Melody/Tone
Year 1- Playing by Ear
Year 2- Da Capo
Year 3- Minim
Year 4- Time Signature
Year 5- Dotted Crotchet
Year 6- Major
Please rienforce the learning by asking your child/ren what it means.
Curriculum Spotlight!
This month we shine a light on the topics this term
Our curriculum delivery is based on the principles of interleaving, creating multiple experiences so children encounter material more often. We teach our subjects through a topic-based curriculum, mixing subjects to enable greater emphasis on context and real-life examples through the variety of topics we have chosen. This maximises opportunities for children to practice their skills and opportunities for incidental learning.
Nursery and Reception- Ready Steady Go!
We will learn about different foods grown around the world and how countries may be similar and different. We will also learn the importance of having a positive attitude and respecting that everyone is different.
We will think about our time in the nursery and our progress. We will think about all the different jobs that people have in the community and what we might like to be when we grow up. For those of us moving to reception next year, we will think about change and how it can be scary but positive. We will participate in many transition activities to feel confident in our new reception class.
Year 1- At the Seaside
History: There are similarities and differences between ways of life in the Victorian era, the mid-twentieth century, and the current day in British seaside resorts. Pictures, timelines, drawings, and descriptions can show how British seaside resorts have changed over time. The significance of people, events, and places can be understood by asking questions. Geography: The children will explore geographical features, both human and physical, of the seaside. They will look at seaside environments and their locations in the United Kingdom and seaside resorts. They will use maps and aerial photographs and explore webcams. The children will examine the similarities and differences between seaside resorts and their locality. They will also explore the seaside in the past and today and how they have changed over time.
Year 2- Tale of Two Cities
The children will explore the Geography of Japan by focusing on the human and physical features of the country, extending their knowledge of the World around them. The children will learn about geographical similarities and differences between Japan and the United Kingdom. They will build on their map skills using atlases, world maps, and globes, look at webcams, and online mapping programs, and interpret data. A timeline will help us order and compare critical historical events that have taken place in London and Tokyo, for example, The Great Fire of London that happened in 1666 and The Great Fire of Meireki that occurred in Tokyo in 1657.
Year 3- Rainforests
Children will investigate the ancient civilisation of the Mayans, exploring the culture and history of these people. They will learn about their way of life, where they lived, their religion and hierarchy, as well as investigate why the civilisation ended; they will be able to draw comparisons between other ancient civilizations studied in the Autumn Term. In geography, children will learn about the world's rainforests, focusing on those found in Central/South America. They will learn about the different flora (plants) and fauna (animals) found in the rainforest as well as the climates in which they survive. Children will explore the various layers of the rainforest and the role they play in the rainforest habitat. They will also investigate where the Earth’s rainforests lie and why they thrive in these climate zones. Children will be taught how to locate the different rainforests across the planet using maps and atlases, developing their geographical skills. Children will also investigate deforestation and its detrimental effect on our planet. They will explore why this is occurring and what we can do to help the problem at hand.
Year 4- Saving our world
Children will learn more about the Industrial Revolution, how it developed, and its impact on the world. They will consider how the world’s climate has changed over time. Children will look in depth at The timeline of the Industrial Revolution and an understanding of British, local, and world history. Children will explore how the Industrial Revolution was a significant turning point in British history and the impact the Industrial Revolution had on climate change.
The children will also learn about the Water Cycle and consider the planet's needs as a whole. They will find out where resources such as power and food come from and look at ways natural resources can be conserved. The children will think about their carbon footprint and consider how their actions impact others in the world. They will consider the changes they could make to try and ensure natural resources are shared and there is enough for everyone.
Year 5- Windrush Journeys
Children will explore a traditional story linked to the Caribbean, namely Cendrillon. Cendrillon is a retelling of the well-known fairy-tale Cinderella. The children will end this unit by writing their narratives in a Caribbean setting. The children then go on to explore non-fiction reports about the Windrush. They will begin by developing comprehension of the Windrush and conducting their research around it, and then end by publishing newspaper reports based on their newly acquired Windrush knowledge. Children will also focus on poetry by Malorie Blackman and stories set in real places. The children will be writing their own stories based on Floella Benjamin’s autobiographical account,’Coming to England.’
Year 6- Survivor
For History, children will use a range of sources, including videos, images, and written pieces, to find out about explorers and stories of survival that have taken place within living memory. They’ll focus on the story of the Titanic, how survivors managed the extreme conditions, and what lessons were learned from this disaster. Through their geography lessons, in their “Survivor” topic, the children will learn about the world's central mountains and the UK. They will explore how mountains have been formed and how various features of mountain ranges have been shaped over time. The children will have the opportunity to consider the weather in a mountainous environment. The children will also find out about the destructive powers of nature – volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes. Through discussion and practical tasks, they will learn about how and why these natural phenomena occur and the ways they affect people and the environment.
Please help your child with spelling by looking at each word's spelling rules, sounds, and patterns. Practicing spellings daily (or as much as possible) will help your children to learn and remember each word.
In KS1, children must choose five spelling words to put into sentences.
In KS2, children must write a sentence for each word using neat, joined handwriting.
This will allow the children to understand the meaning of each word, put the word into context, and practice their handwriting.
All spelling books must be given to the Class Teacher every Wednesday. This will ensure that your teacher has enough time to get the new spellings stuck in. Children will be doing a weekly spelling test in the back of their homework books so you can see how well they are doing.
FAB Update
FAB- Please get involved, more hands make light work!
FAB stands for Friends Association Bonneville.
Many, many parents are involved in enabling fundraising for our school. Thanks again to the FAB Office Team, for galvanising the community and keeping everyone updated through their wonderful Newsletters.
It is great to see new faces getting involved. A donation of 1 hour per term (that’s only 3 hours per year), of your time, is all that we ask. Whether it be class rep, planning/hosting an event or standing on a stall. Some parents very generously agree to host an event like our amazing wreath making workshop, or the gathering of donations for our incredible raffles. We always need more help and support. Every parent is a member of FAB. I ask that everyone gets involved.
Don't miss out on the next FAB event...
July 2024- Value 'Hope'
Monday 1st - Class Photo Day/ 2F Class Assembly @ 9.15am
Tuesday 2nd - 2MClass Assembly @ 9.15am
Wednesday 3rd - Nuresry cohort 2020-2025 Induction Meeting @ 2pm
Thursday 4th - Year 3 World Academy of Culinary Arts Workshop/ Reception cohort 2020-2025 Induction Meeting @ 2pm / Year 6 Bake Sale 3.15pm
Friday 5th - Upper Key Stage 2 Sports Day at Evelyn Grace Academy/ Year 4 trip to London Zoo/ 2M Trip to Morden Hall Park
Sunday 7th - Summer Fair 12pm-3pm
Monday 8th - EYFS Sports Day at Bonneville 9.30am/ Years 3 & 4 Sports day at Bonneville 1.30pm
Tuesday 9th - Year 4 Hockey Workshop 9.15/ Year 3 Assembly @ 9.15am/ 'The Big One' Federation Concert @ 5.30pm
Wednesday 10th - Year 4 Trip Southbank Centre/ Transition Coffee morning @ 9.15am/ Years 1 & 2 Sports day at Bonneville 1.30pm
Thursday 11th - Year 6 Trip to Brighton
Friday 12th - Last day of clubs/ 4N Class Assembly @ 9.15am/ Year 5 Trip Rizty Cinema @ 11am/ 3G library trip
Monday 15th - Creative Leaders Art Trip/ Year 6 Trip to Natural History Museum/ 4W Class Assembly @ 9.15am
Tuesday 16th - Book Look Bonanza @ 2.30pm
Wednesday 17th - Meet your Teacher day (timings to follow)
Thusday 18th - Nursery Graduation @ 2pm/ Year 6 Production @ 5pm
Friday 19th - Reports go home/ Topic Dress Up Day/ Topic Exhibition @ 2.45pm
Monday 22nd - Year 6 Leavers Assembly @ 9.15am/ Year 3 Trip to Kew Gardens/ Nursery Trip to Clapham Common Waterpark @ 10am/ Year 6 Prom @ 5pm
Wednesday 24th - Last day of term school ends @ 1.30pm to all children
Food Bank Vouchers
In these difficult times any of us can find ourselves in challenging situations. Should you need support during Mr Connelly's period of absence, please contact the Assistant Headteacher of your child's phase who can support with food vouchers discretely.
Better Start Outreach Support
We are delighted to welcome Alex from the Better Start Team who will be working with families at Bonneville going forward. Alex will be in school every Wednesday morning and will be happy to meet parents and carers to give help, advice and support relating to the following issues:
Citizens Advice
Benefits advice
Food bank vouchers
Disability Living Allowance applications
Cost of Living information
Training and employment advice
Activities for children during half-term breaks
Advice on support available within Lambeth
Alex has a great deal of knowledge and expertise and will be a fantastic asset to have working with us at Bonneville. If you would like to arrange an appointment with Alex to have a chat and a cup of coffee on a Wednesday morning, please contact Ms Congdon to book in an appointment for you.
Our July Value is Hope
Central to raising standards in all schools and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential, is the need for children to attend school regularly to benefit from their education.
There is a strong link between good learning, high achievement, rapid progress and developing good social skills with excellent attendance.
We want to take this opportunity to outline our expectations for school attendance this academic year.
If your child arrives at school from 9.01am they will be marked as LATE, if they arrive after 9.30am they will be classed as “late after the register is closed” and their attendance is classed as absent for the morning session. As the registers would have already been returned to the Department for Education.
Regular poor punctuality can also have a negative effect on your child’s attendance as well as their academic learning. Being 6 minutes late each day equals 30 minutes of missed learning every week.
If your child’s attendance drops below 90%, we will need to share our concerns with the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer at Lambeth Council.
Is my child to ill for school?
How to seek support with attendance challenges?
Pupil Attendance
Congratulations to our latest attendance winners.
Key Stage One
KS1 and overall Winners!
Key Stage Two
KS2 and overall Winners!
Click below to view the most recent Nursery and Reception Learning Updates
Click below to view the most recentYears 1 and 2 Learning Updates
Do you have the skills to help?
When we need particular support from our parent community, we post for help on our 'Call to Action' page on the schools website, and send the direct page link in an email to our parent community. So signing up is really easy!
Perhaps you would like to be a secret reader (reading a story to your child’s class), or would like to support us in maximising children’s opportunity to practice their reading skills, we need you.
Press the title to find out more.
Click below to view the most recent Years 3 and 4 Learning Updates
Our June Value is thoughtfulness
Raising a Concern
It is important to us that any concerns or questions you may have are dealt with as efficiently as possible. The structure we have in place is designed to do just that.
The structure
1) Your first port of call is -Your child’s class teacher
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
2) You may contact the leader of your child’s phase (see below)
This includes issues regarding communication and organisation
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
Should you be dissatisfied with the handling or outcome...
3) You may raise your concerns with Ms Parker
(email via the admin team to request a meeting outlining the nature for the purpose of the meeting)
Leaders are required to share items (as appropriate) with Ms Parker on a weekly basis, even if the matter is being handled by them.
We request that you do not field your concerns to FAB but instead work directly with the school staff as outlined above.
Assistant Headteacher Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Assistant Headteacher Year 3 and Year 4
Assistant Headteacher Year 5 and Year 6
Click below to view the most recent Years 5 and 6 Learning Updates
Quote of the month...
Rooms and spaces are available for hire at Bonneville. Use the link to check out our website and find out more.
On site at Bonneville
Clubs run by external partners weekday evenings and at the weekend.
Tuesdays 6pm -7.15pm
Tuesdays 7.15pm - 8.45pm
Use this link to connect to the website and access community resources.
Local Community Events
Lambeth’s support services for families and students
The Gaia Centre provides support for Lambeth residents affected by gender-based violence, including domestic abuse. An out-of-hours on-call service: 07725245779. Normal hours are 8am-6pm Monday – Friday. It also offers services for young people and advice for practitioners. Tel: 020 7733 8724, E: lambethvawg@refuge.org.uk.
Helpline support is available:
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline, 24/7
- Women’s Aid live chat, daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Men’s Advice Line, weekdays, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Samaritans Helpline, 24/7
- Childline 24/7
- In emergencies, call 999
Additional resources are available on the Lambeth VAWG webpage and through Operation Encompass, a national initiative for children exposed to domestic abuse. For questions, contact: PS Laura Bennetts - laura.bennetts@met.police.uk or PC Rachel - Rachel.Dennison@met.police.uk or PC Nicola Smalldridge - Nicola.Smalldridge2@met.police.uk
How we keep you in the loop!
Weekly- News Summary Video
Bi weekly- Year group learning updates on the school website
Monthly- Newsletter 'The Bonneville Buzz'
Monthly- Federation SEND Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/3ahfv
Termly- Annual Calendar of dates
Termly- Federation Newsletter
Keep Up To Date
For more information on any of the above and more, press below to visit the schools website and follow us on Twitter!