Talawanda Middle School
E~News 10/25/24
This Week at TMS
Friday, 10/25 ~ 1st Quarter Report Cards sent home!
Saturday, 10/26 ~ Donkeyball!!! 7-9pm @ TMS
Monday, 10/28 ~ SPIRIT WEEK! See below.
Tuesday, 10/29 ~ Conference Night @ TMS 3:30-7pm
FRIDAY, 11/1 ~ Picture Retakes!!!
Reminder to students and parents:
Please do not send items that need microwaved for lunch. Unfortunately, with more than 200 students in the cafeteria at a time, we are not able to provide microwave services. Thanks for understanding!
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
There will be conferences on October 29, 2024 from 3:30-7pm. If you would like to schedule a conference with your students teachers please call the front office, 513.273.3301.
PTG is looking for help! If you would like to help with conference meals please use the following LINK for sign-ups.
Medical Forms:
If your student has Vanderbilt forms or other medical forms that need to be completed for evaluations, please submit those forms to the guidance office. This helps ensure that your information is kept private and is submitted in a timely manner. Thank you for your help and cooperation.
Please Remember!!!
Please remember that all chromebook insurance must be paid in full by November 30th.
Tuesday/Thursday Help Sessions:
If your student has missed any assignments during the week, their teacher will hand them a "green slip" on Friday that shows which assignments still need to be turned in. The student will also automatically be scheduled for a help session after school the following week to finish the work. Parents will receive an email notification.
The student can either complete the work prior to the help session date, or attend the session and get help from a teacher. Better learning and higher grades begin with work completion, and we want to help!
Lunch Accounts:
As a reminder, you are able to add funds to your student's lunch account through the Talawanda EZ Pay system. If your student's account reaches -$50 it will be rolled into your school fees. Please be mindful and keep your student's account current. You can use Talawanda EZ Pay, send a check or cash to the school office to take care of your student's balance.
Dear Middle School Families,
The first quarter has come to an end and report cards are coming home today. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you and the students here at TMS this first quarter. I hope we can continue to grow our partnership to provide the best learning experience possible for your child.
For those families who drop students off in the morning, you have probably noticed the new yellow striping designating the two lanes as well as the directional arrows and the crosswalk. As it grows darker it is important to remind your students that if they exit the car in the second lane (on the left), they need to walk along that center line to the staff member at the marked crosswalk to cross so they are not crossing between cars. We have added light sticks and reflective vests to our gear in order to be seen more clearly by parents and students. Staff members are on duty at the two lanes at approximately 7:30 am.
Please be looking for a communication regarding the Parent Advisory Committee here at TMS in the next couple of weeks. Please read the details in that communication about the application and selection processes.
The temperatures are fluctuating outside so please remind your child to wear/bring a jacket when needed. We also have several items including sweatshirts in our lost and found. Please also remind your child to look at the lost and found for any items previously lost.
I look forward to seeing many of you at our conference evening next Tuesday.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Dr. Theurer
If your child is missing anything please have the check the lost and found table/coat rack in the cafeteria. There are a lot of items; jackets, sweatshirts, shoes, t-shirts, etc. We will be donating items on November 1, 2024 to local charities. Please remind them to make sure they are not missing anything.
The Pie Peddler & Butter Braid sale will run 10-16 to 11-7.
This sale benefits students wanting to earn money for Glen Helen or Washington, D.C. Order forms will be passed out in 6th grade science classes, 7th & 8th grade history classes.
Please use the following links to access the detailed information.
The game is this Saturday night at TMS, 7 pm.
Tickets will also be available at the door.
Important TMS Links
KNOW! to Discuss Fear and Hate in the News
Ticket Information for Talawanda Athletics- CLICK HERE
FINAL FORMS – Remember, if you have any changes to your information (phone number, address, who can pick up your student, etc) throughout the school year, change it in Final Forms!. The office is notified of these changes and will update our information.
School Fees - You can view and pay your fees via EZPay. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 513.273.3305.
If you are interested in working at Talawanda you can find our open positions here:
This is a fundraiser to support the Coalition for a Healthy Community. Store deadline is Sunday, October 13th.
The district Diversity and Equity Committee is seeking representatives from the following areas: City of Oxford, Reily Township, Hanover Township, and Milford Township. The purpose of this committee is to develop, maintain, and uphold the district's Diversity Action Plan. We hope you will consider joining us for this important work! Please contact Beth Arnos at arnosb@talawanda.org or 513-273-3307 if interested.
About us
Email: theurerp@talawanda.org
Website: talawanda.org/talawanda-middle-school/
Location: 4030 Oxford Reily Road, Oxford, OH, USA
Phone: 513.273.3300
Facebook: facebook.com/TalawandaMS