SSD/ Parkway Summer Newsletter

Dear Parkway Families,
Happy Summer! As the start of summer gets underway, we hope that whether your plans include camps, ESY, summer school, travel outside of STL, exploring all that STL and surrounding areas have to offer, that you and your family have time to slow down from the busy pace of the year and enjoy time exploring interests and activities that might not fit in the schedule during the year.
As educators, we of course want to encourage continued connection to academics. Almost any activity can connect to opportunities to focus on reading, writing, math, task initiation/completion, as well as social skills. Below is a list of a few of our favorite low cost/no cost activities to include in your summer routine:
*Visits to the St. Louis County public libraries to check out high interest books or to select a family book. (Dedicate 30 minutes each night or a couple of times a week of family time to read a book together. Everyone rates the book on categories that you determine, and at the end of the summer pick the ‘winning book of the summer.’ Bonus idea: Encourage your neighbors or family members not living in your home to do the same thing and have a book party at the end of the summer where you reveal the winning books from each household.)
*Dedicating time to cook together where students can work on reading, math, and task initiation/completion skills by following recipes, measuring ingredients, finding items needed at the grocery store, making the shopping list, etc.
*Listening to books on tape and talking about the characters/setting/plot and making predictions while driving to activities or vacation destinations
*Making it a game to count how many laps around the track you walk/run. Track your favorite summer sports team. Talk through the ‘stats’ and make connections to math concepts of comparisons of team stats or player stats.
*Inviting a friend to play at the local playground/park/swimming pool. Pick a favorite game and explore learning the favorite game of a peer to work on those social skills connected to showing interest in other’s preferences, turn taking, and fostering connections with peers.
*Keep a daily or weekly journal of all of the fun activities that happen throughout the day. Write, dictate details, draw pictures of favorite memories from the day or week.
*Write and mail a letter to your former teacher, counselor, principal, etc. to update them on how your summer is going. We all LOVE mail and would love to reconnect when we receive the mail upon returning to school in the Fall!
The district is always looking to be fully staffed. We encourage you to share the link to apply to become a Paraprofessional with SSD. It’s a rewarding position, and we could not do our jobs without the dedicated paraprofessionals supporting our amazing students. As we look to fill vacant positions for the 24-25 school year, we could use your help in advertising this opportunity!
Thank you, as always, for the gift of sharing your children with us. Wishing you a wonderful summer break!
In Collaboration,
Dr. Amy Blumenfeld
Starfish Award Recipient: Kari Frazier
We are thrilled to announce that Kari Frazier, Art Teacher at Barretts Elementary was one of 8 individuals selected to receive the inaugural Starfish Award through the Special Education Foundation. Kari is an amazing teacher, advocate for all students, and promotes an environment of inclusivity within the Barretts community. Here’s a brief video of Kari finding out that she not only was nominated, but selected as a winner of this award. Members of the Special Education Foundation as well as administrators from both the Parkway and Special School Districts, along with Kari’s nominator, had the chance to surprise her a couple of weeks ago
Shenandoh Valley PTO
This year, Shenandoah Valley took their Abilities Awareness Week activities to a new level! As part of the activities, the school engaged in Penny Wars and raised over $1,200! Shenandoah Valley’s PTO has graciously donated all of the money raised during Penny Wars to the Special School District of St. Louis County. We appreciate all of the support from the Shenandoah Valley community and look forward to putting those funds to good use!
Resources for Families
Saint Louis County Library
Did you know that the St. Louis County Library offers more than just books? They offer a whole host of events at each of their locations throughout the County. Visit their events webpage today and discover what interests you!
Recreation Council of Greater Saint Louis
Discover the what, why and how behind the incredible work we get to do every day for individuals with disabilities. Download our latest newsletters and area guides to learn more about the Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis and ways you can get involved with programs or events.
IT’S ARRIVED. 2024 Summer Guide can now be viewed and printed. Plus, check out these resources:
St. Louis offers many opportunities for families to get out and about together. Explore St. Louis has a robust directory of local museums and galleries. Get out and see what St. Louis has to offer.
Saint Louis County Parks and Recreation
Did you know that St. Louis County Parks and Recreation offers over 400 programs and events each year? From hiking and biking trails to ice rinks, pools and camps, they have something for everyone. Head over to their website and see what they have to offer your family.
Miriam Summer Camp Taking Registrations
Registration is open for the 2024 Miriam School and Learning Center's academic and therapeutic summer camps! Individualized instruction, research-based interventions, and certified/licensed professionals will ensure your child builds confidence and skills in reading, writing, speech, or social/emotional development
Learn More about SEF's Kid-to-Camp Program
Looking for camp resources this summer? The Special Education Foundation's Kid-to-Camp program supports children served by SSD to attend camp during school breaks. Camp experiences extend beyond the classroom, fostering social growth, friendship, and independence. Applications for financial assistance are accepted year-round, offering invaluable opportunities for students. Visit https://sef-stl.org/what-we-do/kid-to-camp.html for more details or assistance with the application process.
Join SEF for Golf and Giving this October!
The 22nd Annual Dan McLaughlin Charity Golf Tournament and Auction is back and better than ever! Set to return at the prestigious Norwood Hills Country Club on October 14th, 2024, this event promises a day filled with excitement, camaraderie, and the joy of giving back—all in support of the Special Education Foundation's mission to support students with disabilities in St. Louis County. Sponsorship and golf registration are now open as well as opportunities to volunteer. Come be a part of this great cause!
Special Education Foundation
Join the Special Education Foundation's first annual Starfish Awards as we recognize those who have made a significant impact in the lives of students and families supported by the Special School District. Celebrate an evening of excitement at CITYPARK Stadium, home of the St. Louis CITY SC. Together we'll honor special individuals who have made a significant impact through their seemingly small, yet profoundly meaningful actions. Visit www.starfishawards.org to register and see the award recipients.
Kelly Services
During the 21-22 school year, SSD partnered with Kelly Education Services for our substitute provider across St. Louis County. Kelly Education Services is actively looking to build their substitute base, and we in Parkway would appreciate any support in building up Kelly Services employee base. Please see the attached flyer for information about the process for receiving a substitute certification.
Timely Updates
Online SSD Resources to Help Families All Year: Visit SSDMO.org for links to resources that will direct you to information that will be helpful throughout the year - bookmark the webpage to make it easy to find. The links below apply to all students county-wide who receive services from SSD.
Upcoming Dates
June 3: SSD Governing Council 7:00
June 11: SSD SSD BOE Work Study Meeting 5:45
June 12: Parkway Board of Education Meeting 7:00
June 25: SSD Board of Education Business Meeting 5:45
Follow SSD on Instagram!
SSD launched a new Instagram account in October and would love for you to follow. The District will be sharing photos and updates from all across the District, including our students and staff in partner districts. Follow us to stay connected and see what we are up to: www.instagram.com/ssdstlco/
Special School District
Amy Blumenfeld, Director of Special Education
Email: ablumenfeld@ssdmo.org
Website: www.ssdmo.org
Location: 12110 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314.989.8435
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SSDStLCo
Twitter: @SSDDStLCo
Parkway School District
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/
Location: 455 North Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-8100