Hastings Boys' High School
Newsletter 2025 Week 3 Term 1
M.P. Summerfield MSSL (Dist.), B Sc , Dip. Tchg., PG. Cert. DCL
Message from the Headmaster
Mr Max Robotham - Technology
Mr Ian Manu - Languages
Whaea Iri Wilson - Languages
Ms Alvina Brown - Social Sciences
Mrs Siu Montgomery - Science
Mr Cameron Crawford - Mathematics/Cricket
Mr Josh Jenkins - Junior Groundsman
Mr Warwick Mackie - Science
Mr Daniel Harper - HOF Physical Education
Earthquake Commemoration
On Monday, February 3rd at 10:30 a.m. the 94th Hawkes Bay Earthquake Commemoration began in the Hastings city mall. We were joined by students from St Matthews and Hastings Central Schools. Some survivors and relatives of people affected by the tragedy attended.
The bells of the clock tower rang at exactly 10:47 a.m. where everyone held a moment of silence whilst they rang. The Mayor of Hastings, Sandra Hazlehurst, gave a speech on the loss Hawke's Bay experienced that day. She spoke of how the earthquake took the lives of relatives from many, and the importance of pushing through natural disasters. Mr Ray Hensman who was a 99-year-old survivor of the earthquake attended the service. His son, Mark, spoke on his behalf discussing how his father had been 5 and on his first day of school when the tragedy struck. A prayer was then said and it was my turn to do my speech, discussing the series of events that day in 1931. The head boy of Lindisfarne, then followed from where I ended to complete the speech. We then sang the national anthem.
After the speeches, the wreath ceremony began. Mr Hensman, the survivor, was then escorted to the clock tower where everyone followed after him as the bagpipes were played. Everyone stood alongside the clock tower where the 91 people who died in Hastings were remembered.
Michael Du Toit, 12We
HDC Youth Council 2025
We congratulate Kingston Reid, Carter Ah Kiong who were successful in gaining a place in the Hastings Youth Council 2025 and Phaizon Parkes will be returning for a second year.
Robotics Quiz Night
Following the FIRST Tech Challenge Nationals held in Havelock North last December, two HBHS students (Angus Logan and Aken Guruge) were approached and subsequently asked to join the New Zealand Blackbots’, who qualified to represent NZ at the World Championships in Houston, Texas this coming April. The competition will bring together the top 2.5% of FTC Robotics teams from all over the world to compete and share their enthusiasm and skills in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Both boys have been extensively involved with the robot over the last few months, with Aken as a driver, Angus programming the robot, and both boys assisting with the robot's construction.
The team were lucky enough to meet with Local MP Catherine Wedd to discuss robotics last weekend, and have also been meeting with companies around Hawke’s Bay in search of sponsorship.
This trip is an incredible opportunity for the team however it comes with significant costs. In order to help fundraise, the team are hosting a quiz night at the Havelock North Club on the 21st of March. There will also be a number of raffles and auctions on the night to help raise money for the trip. A flyer regarding the details of this has been attached below. Any support for the team would be greatly appreciated.
Mrs I Withanage-Dona
Prefect Camp
Hastings Boys’ High School Prefect Camp: Building Leaders Through Adventure
The Hastings Boys’ High School Prefect Camp in Rotorua was an exceptional opportunity for
our student leaders to bond, develop leadership skills, and define their roles within the
prefect group. Over the course of the camp, the prefects participated in a series of physically
and mentally challenging activities designed to foster teamwork, resilience, and leadership
through the core Ākina Man values.
One of the highlights of the camp was the ziplining experience, where students were
required to demonstrate effective communication, courage, diligence, and initiative. As they
soared through the treetops, they worked together to encourage one another, reinforcing the
importance of trust and collective support. This activity challenged the boys to step outside
their comfort zones while reinforcing their ability to lead by example.
The prefects also embarked on an exhilarating mountain biking adventure through the
renowned Redwoods Forest. This activity tested their perseverance and resilience, requiring
them to navigate challenging terrain while maintaining a strong sense of camaraderie.
Through determination and mutual encouragement, they exemplified the qualities necessary
to guide and support their peers back at school.
Throughout the camp, the prefects proved to be outstanding ambassadors for Hastings
Boys’ High School, displaying respect, integrity, and a strong commitment to their leadership
roles. Their positive attitudes and willingness to challenge themselves were evident, and
they will undoubtedly serve the school community with dedication and enthusiasm in the
year ahead.
It was a pleasure to accompany these young men on their leadership journey, and we look
forward to seeing them apply the skills and values gained from this experience as they take
on the responsibilities of being school leaders in 2025.
Mr G Hume
From the School Nurse for Year 9 Families
Free Meningococcal Vaccines for Eligible Rangatahi
Meningococcal disease (meningitis) is a serious and potentially fatal illness. The best protection for rangatahi entering close-living situations (like boarding schools and halls of residences) is to be fully immunised. The meningococcal vaccines are free for eligible rangatahi for up to three months before they move into their facility and during their first year in close living situations.
For more information see here:
Meningococcal vaccines – Te Whatu Ora
Home – Meningitis Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand
Be protected against meningococcal disease – HealthEd
Staff can encourage whānau to receive their immunisations from community health providers, including many pharmacies. To find a suitable immunisation site, visit:
Book a vaccine – Te Whatu Ora
If you would like a copy of a meningococcal disease poster or related resources, email sandy.thambiah@tewhatuora.govt.nz.
Letter from the Board of Trustees
Wednesday 5th February saw the Hastings Boys' High School Inter-House Competition start up. Traditionally it has been Swimming Sports to get the students competing against one another but as Frimley Pools has been closed down, the newly imagined Tabloids Day was introduced.
Tabloids Day consisted of 5 stations which saw students competing against their Year level but in the respective House.
The stations were :
- 3 pt basketball throw contest in the Gym,
- Dodgeball Elimination on the Turf
- Van Pull and Van Jam on the Cricket Oval
- the HBHS Manu Comp in the Pool
- 400 m Track we had team relays; Medley Race (800m, 400m, 200m, 100m and 2 x 50m legs) a 20person x 50mr Relay and the Chariot Race (3 students carry a Driver)
The atmosphere was electric across the 5 stations with staff, students and support staff all out enjoying the beautiful Hawke's Bay weather competing for House points. Huge thanks to all staff who helped run the stations and accompanied their houses throughout the day.
Final points after the day:
Heretaunga 3 803
Te Kahu 3 210
Manu Huia 2 821
Te Mata 2 775