4-H News in Keith/Arthur Counties
August 2024
Newsletter Contents
- 4-H Calendar
- Thank You!
- Keith State Fair Exhibits
- Arthur State Fair Exhibits
- Good Luck at State Fair
- 4-H Day at the State Fair
- Frequently Asked Post-Fair Questions
August 19: Keith 4-H Council Meeting, Courthouse, 5:30 pm
August 20-August 25: Tessa is at the Nebraska State Fair
September 2: OFFICE CLOSED - Labor Day
Congratulations to all the 4-H exhibitors and 4-H families for another successful county fair season! Thank you for everyone who played a role in ensuring the county fairs went smoothly. The 4-H program is only a success with the help of all our volunteers and 4-H families!
As you are wrapping up your summer, take the time to say an extra thank you to the Keith or Arthur County Agriculture Society, Keith or Arthur County 4-H Council, sponsors, superintendents, volunteers, etc.
Keith County State Fair Entries
Congratulations to these exhibitors! All State Fair Exhibits need to be dropped off at the Extension Office (if not already at the Fairgrounds) by 9 AM on August 20th.
Jagger Barnhill
- H911001 - Woodworking Article
- H850001 - Rocket
Jalie Barnhill
- C257015 - Accessory Made From Wood
Macy Harger
- C200008 - Babysitting Kit
- C240001 - Best Buy Binder
Amos Lake
- E410004 - Healthy Baked Product
Emma Lake
- E35004 - Recipe File
- D340006 - Wildlife Tracks
- C410030 - Modeling Steam Clothing 2
- C410060 - Modeling Shopping in Style
Audrey Moorhead
- C410030 - Modeling Steam Clothing 2
- B182020 - Advanced Techniques & Lighting Print
- B182050 - Still Life Print
- H911003 - Recycled Woodworking Display
- C410060 - Modeling Shopping in Style
- C200006 - Creative Arts
- C200010 - Growing With Others
- C240002 - Best Buy Binder
- E412002 - Family Food Traditions
- G770041 - Rose
- G770042 - Rubdeckia/Black-eyed Susan
- G773285 - Small Fruit/Berries
- H800006 - Macrophotography
- H800003 - Third Year or More Entomology Display
Aaron Mumm
- B181040 - Abstract Photography Display or Print
Daniel Mumm
- D343002 - Build a Fishing Rod
- C260011 - Original Single Media Not Listed
- B181040 - Abstract Photography Display or Print
- C260004 - Pencil Drawing
Ava Nordhausen
- B181050 - Candid Photography Display or Print
Anthony Perrin
- G770016 - Petunia
Caden Rhoades
- E411003 - Specialty Rolls
- A101012 - Family Traditions Exhibit
Claudia Rhoades
- H840001 - Veterinary Science
- H840001 - Veterinary Science
- E410003 - Biscuits or Scones
Aubrey Samuelson
- C221007 - Fashion Accessory
- C221006 - Textile Arts Garment or Accessory
- G773245 - Salad Tomatoes
August Schow
- D320002 - Leaf Display
- E408008 - 3 Jar Jelled Exhibit
- E411001 - White Bread
- E408007 - 1 Jar Jelled Exhibit
- G773268 - Any Other Herb
- G773211 - Slicing Cucumbers
Ruby Schow
- C223010 - Coat, Blazer, Suit Jacket or Outerwear Coat
- C260007 - Original Fiber Art
- C410040 - Modeling Steam Clothing 3
- C240005 - Clothing 1st Aid Kit
- C221004 - Original Designed Fabric - Yardage
- E35004 - Recipe File
- A130003 - Name Art
- G773208 - Red Cabbage
- G770020 - Sunflower
Andi Spurgin
- B181040 - Abstract Photography Display or Print
- C257013 - Accessory - 3D
- E410004 - Healthy Baked Product
- C222012 - Two-Piece Outfit
- C221003 - Embellished Garment with Original Design
- C410030 - Modeling Steam 2 Clothing
Kepler Spurgin
- E411003 - Specialty Rolls
Arthur County State Fair Entries
Congratulations to these exhibitors! All State Fair Exhibits need to be dropped off at the Extension Office by 9 AM on August 20th. Tessa will pick up exhibits are the Courthouse on Monday, August 19th.
Jaci Corfield
- C257013 - Accessory 3D
- D330007 - Parts of Range Plant Poster
- G773245 - Salad Tomatoes
Rave Corfield
- G773234 - Green Summer Squash
Hailey Dam
- C260001 - Original Acrylic Painting
Alyse Eilers
- E411006 - Shortened Cake
Ruby Ohm
- E410005 - Coffee Cake
- C229021 - Barn Quilt
Karli Wagner
- C260001 - Original Single Media Not Listed
- C257020 - Furniture - Recycled/Remade
Kacey Wernsman
- H920003 - Welding Art
Braden Wilson
- E410006 - Baking with Whole Grains
- B181050 - Candid Photography Display or Print
Kaylee Wilson
- B181060 - Expression Through Color Display or Print
Nora Wilson
- C257012 - Accessory - 2D
Good Luck at State Fair!
Good luck to these exhibitors who are competing in-person at the Nebraska State Fair! 4-H Weekend is August 23-25! *Note - these are the exhibitors that have registered under the 4-H program. There might be others competing with their respective FFA chapters but I am unable to see those entries.
Keith 4- H Program
- Audrey Moorhead - Fashion Show & Rabbit Show
- Emma Lake - Fashion Show
Arthur 4-H Program
- Hailey Dam - Rabbit Show
- Jocelynn Meeks - Swine Show
- Tristyn Meeks - Swine Show
- Karli Wagner - Beef Show
- Kacey Wernsman - Beef Show
4-H Day at the Nebraska State Fair
The Nebraska State Fair is thrilled to host the 2nd annual 4-H Day at the Nebraska State Fair. 4-H Day will be Sunday, August 25th. To celebrate our 4-H members statewide they are offering a discounted admission that day that is only for bonafide 4-H members. This is only intended for 4-H members, family members including parents will need to purchase regular admission tickets. This is not just for state fair exhibitors, but for any 4-H member.
To order discounted tickets, please click here: 4-H Day at Nebraska State Fair - Good On Aug 25 Only Tickets | Lincoln, NE | Nebraska State Fair- Livestock (etix.com)
Note – All livestock exhibitors and in-person event exhibitors (contests, fashion show, presentations, and robotics showcase) will still be able to order discounted tickets when they enter in ShoWorks for State Fair. This process has not changed for those exhibitors coming to the fair.
Frequently Asked Post-Fair Questions
"When will I receive my livestock sale check?"
Schow Auction Service and Ogallala Livestock Market are working to have all buyers pay in a timely manner. Now we wait until the majority of checks come in and are deposited before the sale barn is able to write the sale checks. Please allow time for this process. Do not call either Schow Auction Service or Ogallala Livestock Market to ask when the checks will be ready.
"When will I receive my fair premium money?"
The Keith and Arthur County Ag. Society will provide the fair premiums. Tessa has to get the list of premiums to the Ag Societies first. The money will be available later in the fall.
"When will my awards I won at the fair get here?"
Awards will be available later in the fall. Most of the plaques, trophies, etc will be available closer to the achievement banquet.
Tessa Reece - 4-H Educator
Amanda Allen - Office Manager
More information to come!