Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Mullewa
Newsletter - Term 2 - Week 6, 25th May 2024
Mother's Day Prayer
“Dear Lord, We thank You for the gift of mothers, for their love, guidance and care.
Please bless them with Your grace, strength, and wisdom as they continue to nurture and support their families. Surround them with Your love and peace, and let them know how deeply they are appreciated and cherished. In Jesus’ name, we pray.
OLMC Important Dates
Term 2 2024
20th May - 24th May Book Week
Thursday 23rd May Book Week Dress Up Day
Thursday 30th May Yr 1/2 Assembly
Monday 3rd June Western Australia Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 4th June Pupil Free Day
Wednesday 19th June Cross Country
Thursday 20th June K-PP Assembly
Friday 21st June Tuckshop
Friday 28th June Final Day Term 2
Term 3 2024
Monday 15th July Pupil Free Day
Saturday 24th August Mullewa Show
Friday 30th August OLMC Athletics Carnival
Thursday 12th September First Eucharist
From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents and families,
The start of this term saw our staff participate in professional learning on the Berry St Education Model, strengthening their approach to a safe and supportive model of teaching and learning within the classroom. Whole school strategies currently being used are our Welcome Circles at the commencement of the school day and brain breaks occurring between lessons to allow students time to reset and be more ready to learn. The school day also begins with quiet games in the classroom and I ask for your support with this by dropping your child/ren to school as close to 8:30am as possible.
Our school grounds are currently looking lush and green with the work being put in by Mr Dale Schulz on fertilising and watering the oval, and the establishment of new fruit trees and herb and flower gardens. A huge thank you to the P&F who contributed a large sum of money for the installation of shade sails over our new playground. The students are thoroughly enjoying playing in our lovely surrounds; some have recently planted our school vegetable garden and our school crop of wheat, canola, lupins, barley and oats at the front gate.
Over the coming weeks, we would like to have a focus on healthy eating by encouraging the students to bring a piece of fruit to eat as their first choice for morning tea. We will be keeping a tally of the number of pieces of fruit eaten along with the variety the students enjoy.
Our Year Six students are proudly wearing their new shirts that mark them out as the leaders in our school. A special thank you to the P&F for paying for the cost of one t-shirt for each child. The school recently purchased a new microwave and cooking utensils for the school kitchen; able to be used by our students for cooking, and for tuckshop. A special thank you to Rebecca Dreghorn for doing this in her role as P&F Secretary. Thank you to Belynda Mills for running the popular Footy Tipping competition.
Thank you for your support of our Communio free dress day fundraiser last week. The school managed to raise over $180 to be donated to Bishop Michael’s Communio Appeal supporting the Catholic Caring agencies in our Diocese such as Centacare, Nazareth House and a support group for new mothers.
Thanks again to Mrs Swift for setting up our Book Fair. The students always love making their wish lists and parents are encouraged to come and visit to make purchases. Our Book Dress Up Day is this Thursday, 23rd May, there is no set theme this year, students are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character.
The Australian government has implemented an annual national data collection on school students with disability. This data collection process has been in place for some years. Our Lady of Mt Carmel will collect the necessary data and forward it onto the Federal government. The process is confidential and there is no personal information disclosed to the government. If you have any questions, please contact me, or Mrs Messina in my absence.
A special thank you to Mrs Tracey Messina for her wonderful leadership in my absence at the start of the term. From all accounts, she did a marvellous job looking after our whole school community. I will be away from school from Week 8 until the end of the term having major knee surgery and recovery. Fortunately, we will have Mr Damien O’Malley as Acting Principal in my absence who will be ably supported by Mrs Messina. Damien is currently Assistant Principal at St Lawrence’s in Geraldton and we are grateful to him for taking on this role. I know the school will be in strong hands in my absence and I will look forward to being back on board for the start of Term 3.
A reminder that Monday, 3rd June is a public holiday and Tuesday, 4th June is a pupil free day. Staff will be participating in a Religious Education professional development day. School will resume for students on Wednesday, 5th June.
God Bless,
Jill Hollands
School News
ANZAC Day Service
Thank you to the Year 4/5/6 students who led our ANZAC Day service. It was a fitting tribute to the soldiers, past and present who protect our country and our way of life.
Year 4/5/6 Assembly
The Year 4/5/6 students presented a wonderful assembly to the school community in which they acted out a piece from novel they are currently studying, “The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe”.
Cross Country
Our Cross Country events will be held on Wednesday 19th June.
Sacrament of First Eucharist
Please note our Sacrament of First Eucharist for our Year Four students will be celebrated in Term 3 on Thursday 12th September, with a Mass in the church that will be celebrated by Father Robert O’Bryan. This will be followed by morning tea. All families are welcome to attend this special Eucharistic celebration.
Happy Birthday 🎂
Lunch Box Options
Healthy Lunchboxes | Crunch&Sip® (crunchandsip.com.au)
Healthy lunch box examples – Healthy Lunch Box
Absentee Notes
Medical Reminders
To ensure your child’s wellbeing, the school requires that parents provide up-to-date medical information in regard to any allergies or medical conditions. If your child is allergic to bee stings, nuts, shellfish, eggs etc. and may suffer an allergic reaction, it is paramount that the school is informed. Your doctor will need to provide an anaphylaxis document with instructions that the school will follow. If your child suffers from asthma, a plan is also required for staff to follow in the event of an asthma attack. Anaphylaxis documents and asthma plans are to be presented to the office with medication to ensure that in an event of a medical incident, your child can be treated effectively. Any other medical information that may be relevant must also be presented in written form to the office. This information will remain confidential within the staff-teaching environment.
Office Reminders
Parish Reminders
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish – Mass is celebrated every Sunday commencing at 8:30am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
For further details and information on any Mass services please feel free to contact Fr Robert O’Bryan PP on 9961 1181 or 0457 980852
Other News
School Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Wednesday, 31st January to Thursday 28th March
Term 2: Tuesday, 16th April to Friday, 28th June
Term 3: Tuesday, 16th July to Friday, 20th September
Term 4: Tuesday, 8th October to Friday, 6th December