Miner's Minutes
February 2023 - www.tellurideschool.org - 970-728-4377
The sun is coming back, the snow is plentiful, and it is February, which means not quite spring. The San Miguel Resource Center was in our middle and high schools last week for Teen Love and Consent Week to provide our students with information and discussions about What is Consent. Though it can be an uncomfortable topic, recent events illustrate how important it is that our students understand the concept of consent. Understanding this helps all of our students to be empowered to say no and to understand appropriate vs. inappropriate behavior. In a vacuum of information, rumor and pop culture will often fill in with incorrect and just plain wrong advice. Thank You to the San Miguel Resource Center for helping to bring light and truth to an important topic for our teens as they navigate toward the adult world.
The Planning Committee for the potential Rico Detachment and Annexation has convened. It is a 6-member committee with representatives from the Telluride School District, the Town of Rico and Dolores County School District. They will be studying the issue of whether Rico should officially become a part of the Telluride School District. There are many issues they will explore but the reason we are approaching this issue again is the reality that most of the students who live in Rico attend Telluride Schools. The reasons are simple, enrollment and geography. There are not enough students in Rico for the Dolores School District to keep the Rico Elementary building operating, so it was closed in 2018. When detachment and annexation was approached previously the Dolores School District tried to serve Rico students' needs with a "one room" schoolhouse approach with K-2 then a second room for 3-6. As the interested students aged out enrollment dropped. It is unrealistic for students to be transported to Dove Creek to be educated, as it is a 75 minute drive at best. We will hear in the coming months the report prepared by the Planning Committee; pros, cons, costs, suggested boundary lines, recommended ballot initiatives and anything else.
We take in Rico students because we can serve their needs educationally. Colorado is an open enrollment state which means that a parent can enroll their child in any district the choose that has space available, and we receive the per pupil funding for students whether they live in-district or not. Currently, if we have a grade near capacity we are not obligated to accept out-of-district students into that grade, and this has created uncertainty for Rico students with no other convenient options. If detachment and annexation succeeds that uncertainty goes away, since as in-district students they would be guaranteed enrollment. With detachment and annexation, Rico school property taxes would also go to the Telluride School District. While we already feel that Rico children are our students, detachment and annexation would formalize this.
It continues to be a busy time for the district with many projects under way but we always strive to grow as an institution and serve our students, parents and community.
Cheryl Carstens Miller, President Telluride School Board
February 15: School Resource Officer Apprecation Day
February 16-17: TAB Student Fashion Show
February 17: Coffee Talk with Board and Superintendent
February 17: 4th grade Pioneer Day
February 17: 1/2 day school
February 20: No School
February 21: BOE Monthly Meeting
February 22: TEF presents SpeakerJohn O'Sullivan - Changing the Game
February 22: TIS Mardi Gras Celebration
February 22, 23, 27 & March 1: TES Book Fair
February 23: 4th grade play, the Incredible Westward Movement 2 pm at the Palm
February 27-March 3: TIS Book Fair
February 27: District Accountability 5:15 pm
February 28: 1st Grade DI Conferences
February 28: 2nd Grade DI Conferences
February 28: TMHS Academic Planning Night 5:15 pm
February 28: Last day for teacher of the month nominations at Enchanted Forest Toy Shoppe
March 1: No School/Conferences
March 1: Rico School Organizational Committe Meeting, Rico Town Hall 5 pm
March 2: TIS Accountability at 3:30 pm
March 6: Kindergarten DI Conferences
March 6: Parent Meeting for Incoming Kindergartners. Learn about Dual Immersion and Traditional Kindergarten options. 5:30 pm. (Dual Immersion Intent to Commit forms are due March 27 at 9 am)
March 7: Parent Meeting for Incoming Kindergartners. Learn about Dual Immersion and Traditional Kindergarten options. 8:30 am. (Dual Immersion Intent to Commit forms are due March 27 at 9 am)
March 7: TMHS Accountability 3:30 pm
March 8: TES Accountability 3:30 pm
March 10: 1/2 day school, end of Quarter 3 TIMHS
March 12: Daylight Savings begins "spring forward"
March 16: TEF Me & My VIP Dance
March 17: Coffee Talk with Superintendent and Board
March 17: 6th Grade Science Fair
Please refer to weekly emails from TES, TIS & TMHS for times, places and most current communication.
For Telluride Athletics calendar of events click HERE
San Miguel County Alert and Warning
San Miguel County has launched a new mass notification system called San Miguel County Alert and Warning - powered by Genasys® Emergency Management (GEM). This system will be used to communicate critical information to the public, including road closures, evacuation orders, wildfire information, and more. Anyone who lives, plays, or works in San Miguel County is encouraged to sign up and add their home and work address so that they can receive location-based alerts. People can log in and manage their account at https://sanmiguel.genasys.com/portal/en. San Miguel County Emergency Management can be reached at 970-369-8628 or at info@sanmiguelsheriff.org.
TEF is thrilled to welcome back John O'Sullivan, Founder of Changing the Game Project , to speak with our students, parents and coaches about the theme of his forthcoming book The Champions Way: Timeless Lessons on Being a Great Teammate.
February 22 - The Palm Theatre:
5:45pm - Parents
7pm - Coaches
TAB Student Fashion Show
GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!!! The students have been putting in incredible effort toward the show and it is not to be missed.
Tickets are available at aidsbenefit.org but you can also get them on the palm theater website!
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
February 15th is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day!
Thank you Jimmy for all you do for Tellurde School District.
Kindergarten Registration
Monday, March 6th @ 5:30 p.m. or Tuesday, March 7th @ 8:30 a.m. Parent Meeting for Incoming Kindergartners. Learn about the Dual Immersion and Traditional Kindergarten options. If you plan on signing up your kindergartner for DI, you must attend this meeting.
Incoming Kindergarten Dual Immersion Intent to Commit due by 9:00 a.m. on March 27th
4th grade classes will participate in their 2nd annual learn to curl February 14, 2023 from 8:45 – 10:45 at the Hanley Ice Rink. Telluride Curling Club and Chris Keating have made it possible for this to happen with their kind donation. The donation pays for ice time and the club is giving permission to use their equipment. Members of the Telluride Curling Club past and present will be assisting our students as they aim for the button and get the 45 pound stones in the house.
March 1st conferences/lunch for teachers
Telluride Education Foundation would like to thank teachers for all their hard work! They are asking parents to volunteer to provide lunch items for teachers and staff on March 1st, parent/teacher conference day. Please click on the SignUp Genius link by school below to volunteer to help. Thank you!
TES: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4EACA723A6FBC25-tesconference1
TIS: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4EACA723A6FBC25-tisconference1
TMHS: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4EACA723A6FBC25-tmhs1
Student & Staff Spotlights
A Shout-out to all TES students for the February Focus on Manners Matter and Kindness Counts! Students are doing a great job being kind and using their manners!
Congratulations to Beckett, Cali, Enzo, Grislea, Svea and Whitman for completing their Bee Awesome Challenge for February.
Thank you Lisa Rutledge, Sherri Leeper, and Courtney Price for organizing successful TIS Spelling Bee. It was great to see our students’ excitement about our language and learning throughout our building!
Congratulations to TIS spelling Bee winner 4th grader Ingram Olson and runner up 5th grader Daisy Robinson.
Congratulations to the TMHS January Students of the Month:
7th: Brady Ramirez
8th: Ellie Rosen
9th/10th: Liv Minnehan
11th/12th: Calista Hattler
Thank you to Tara Pignoli and Avery Ireland for organizing a V-day poetry event where many students read poetry grace, emotion and power
Shout out to the Robotics Team: Our FIRST Tech Challenge team went to the Glenwood Springs competition this weekend and qualified for states! This is a huge deal for the kids who have been meeting twice a week at Pinhead since the start of the school year to prepare, and something to be very proud of.
Adam Szigeti
Aiden Kress
Andres Jacinto
Hollis Andrew
Hugh Hatcher
John Pumayalli
Kaila Rebolledo Unda
Katherine Pumayalli
Kiara Warren
Noah Baker
Olivia Hatcher
Rider Abbott (Telluride Mtn School)
Safe2Tell was founded on the idea that early intervention is the key to helping our communities and keeping them safe. The program serves as a relay of information between people submitting reports nationwide and local multidisciplinary teams, such as law enforcement agencies, mental health services, and schools. Safe2Tell is a statewide program and all reporting is 100% anonymous. Anyone nationwide can make a report if they are concerned for the safety of their loved ones in Colorado. The local Law Enforcement Agency is notified and appropriate action is taken to ensure everyone receives the help they need. Safe2Tell has assisted in helping community members report bullying, violence, self harm, mental health concerns, and more throughout the state of Colorado.
February School Board Meetings
Coffee Talk
Telluride School District
Website: tellurideschool.org
Location: 725 West Colorado Avenue, Telluride, CO, USA
Phone: 970-728-4377
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tellurideschooldistrict