North Highlights
November 6, 2024

Hello North!
Now that our Homecoming festivities are behind us, we're picking up momentum here at North! There's a lot happening this month, and we want to keep you in the loop.
Don't forget to sign up for parent conferences. We also have the fall play, Alice in Wonderland, coming up later this month – it's sure to be a fantastic show!
We always appreciate the support of our parents, and we'd love to have you involved. If you can, consider volunteering at the PTSA School Store – your help makes a big difference! CLICK HERE to sign up.
Go Spartans!
Andrew Bowen
Presidents' Message
We can’t believe that it’s November. We are so thankful for our North Community and the busy fall season we have had in the PTSA. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped us at the Powder Puff Game and the Homecoming Dance with concessions.
We continue to support our students and our North Community, and ask you to consider joining the North PTSA. We also hope you will consider volunteering at the Snack Shack. Not only is it a great time to see your kiddo’s face but all profits earned through the Snack Shack go directly back to our students.
Fun fact: Did you know that the North PTSA provides all funds for the Senior's Post Prom party and end of year Senior Breakfast? We can do this based mainly on the profits from the Snack Shack. Please consider volunteering or reach out to discuss other ways you can help!
Stay tuned, new Spirit Wear is coming in November!
Shannon Hennessey
Laura Beth Malkowski
North PTSA Co-Presidents
North Spirit Wear
Hello Spartan Families!
We are very excited to announce that North High School's NEW spirit wear store is now live! There are 57 new items that will be available to order thru November 20th. Shipping is available directly to your home address or to North for your Spartan to pick up at their convenience.
It's the perfect time to kick off your holiday shopping! The website to order may be found by clicking on the T-shirt at the right!
Join Our PTSA
Everyone is encouraged to join Williamsville North's PTSA. Click here to purchase a membership. This link may also be used to purchase Spartan Spirit Wear.
PTSA Meeting Dates
We recognize that your time is valuable so we keep our meetings brief, yet informational. We hear monthly reports from WNHS Principal, Andrew Bowen, North’s teacher and student representatives, our WCSD Board of Education liaison, SEPTSA, PTSA Council and various PTSA committees.
Meetings are held on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in the library as follows:
January 6, 2025
February 3, 2025 (Tri-High At North)
March 3, 2025
April 7, 2025
May 5, 2025
June 2, 2025
The Snack Shack - Volunteers Needed!
The Spartan Snack Shack is your teen's one stop shop for snacks and drinks to help keep them fueled during their school day. We rely on our community volunteers and student interns to set out the baskets of food and sell to the students and staff throughout the day. Please click on the link below if you're interested in volunteering. Our volunteers say it's a really fun and easy way to stay connected with the North community! We offer a brief training so please reach out to snackerrs@yahoo.com if needed.
"I love when the Snack Shack is open and I get really bummed when I see that it's closed. I'm at school all day and after school and it's nice to be able to take a break when I can to go grab a snack. It helps me clear my head and talking to the volunteers is always fun too!"
~A Grateful Spartan 🙂
In addition to our school store, we have many events during the year for which we need volunteers – some daytime, some evening. Please keep an eye out for emails regarding these volunteer opportunities. Typically we will send them out via WITSMail or Memberhub. Look for more opportunities to help out the students and to engage with the school.
PTSA Council - Holiday Craft Show
PTSA Council is looking for student crafters and volunteers for the Holiday Craft Show. Click on the flyer to the right to expand it for easy viewing. Please sign up using the following links:
Please click here to access our North Athletics page:
Please CLICK HERE to access our attendance office procedures and bell schedule. Parents/guardians should contact the attendance office via WITSmail or by calling 716-626-8555 to report any student absence. If your child needs to leave school prior to the end of the scheduled school day, please call the Attendance Office and send a WITSmail so proper notification/dismissal can be accommodated. If you have any additional questions regarding attendance, absences, or dismissal, please call the Williamsville North High School Attendance Office.
November Calendar
Please CLICK HERE to access our November Calendar.
North’s Family Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 and Thursday, December 12th, 2024 from 5:00-8:00 pm. Conferences will be conducted either via Google Meet video conferencing (virtual) or as an in-person meeting as requested on WITS when scheduling. Parents/guardians who select virtual conferences will see the Google Meet links on their schedule, and those who choose in-person conferences will see the room locations of their meetings on their schedule. All conference schedules will be available in your parent (not student) WITS account.
Registration for Conferences held on November 13th is currently closed. The portal will reopen for one last time from Monday, November 25th - Friday, November 29th to schedule unlimited appointments for conferences held on the evening of December 12th.
Further information on how to register may be found here.
School Pictures
Students who had their photo taken on September 11 and 12 should have received an envelope from their first period teachers with either their photos that were ordered, or with a proof of their photo and instructions on how to order. Students who had their photo taken on School Picture Retake Day (October 17) should stop down to the main office to pick up their new ID Card. If you have any questions about your picture order or how to order pictures, please call Upstate Images directly at 1-855-773-3321.
Up and Coming Events
FALL BAND CONCERT: Wednesday, 11/6/24
END OF MARKING PERIOD #1: Friday, 11/8/24
FAMILY CONFERENCES: Wednesday, 11/13/24 and Thursday, 12/12/24
DRAMA CLUB FALL PRODUCTION: Friday 11/22/24 and Saturday 11/23/24
THANKSGIVING RECESS: Thursday, 11/28/24 and Friday 11/29/24
Graduation - Save the Date
Williamsville North HIgh School
Graduation Ceremony
10:00 a.m. - Saturday, June 28, 2025
North High School Athletic Turf
Rain Date:
10:00 a.m. - Sunday, June 29, 2025
Attention Seniors - Time to Order your Cap/Gown/Tassel for Graduation
Please click here to order your Cap, Gown, and Tassel.
Attention A.P. Students and Parents
Payments for AP Exams are due now ... Please click on the flyer to read procedures on how to pay for AP exams this year. THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8!
Seal of Biliteracy Program
The District’s application to offer the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) Seal of Biliteracy program at each of our high schools was approved for the 2024-2025 school year. The New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages, in addition to English.
The intent of the NYSSB is to encourage the study of languages; identify high school graduates with language and biliteracy skills for employers; provide universities with additional information about applicants seeking admission; prepare students with twenty-first century skills; recognize the value of world and home language instruction in schools; and affirm the value of diversity in a multilingual society. The NYSSB takes the form of a special seal that bestows an honor to the student. The seal is affixed on the student’s diploma and there is a notation of the award on the official transcript.
Click here for further information.
Attention Sophomores
Click on the graphic to the left to learn about a great opportunity for Sophomores with HOBY Youth Leadership.
Who is my School Counselor?
Please use this link to access our Student Services / Guidance Office website to learn about the services available and find out who your child's school counselor is:
Who is my Assistant Principal?
We are excited to announce a change in the way Assistant Principals will be assigned to students. Moving forward, students will be assigned based on the first letter of their last name. This new approach is designed to provide greater consistency and continuity for our families.
Cesar Marchioli, Interim Assistant Principal
Students with Last Names A-F
Kristen Rizzo, Assistant Principal
Students with Last names G-O
Kevin Lasky, Assistant Principal
Students with Last Names P-Z
Kristin Juergens-Tonge, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Athletic Code of Conduct Violations
Visitors to North High School
All District Buildings, including North, are using the RAPTOR system to sign visitors in/out. All visitors (including volunteers at our Snack Shack) must enter the building at the entrance on Dodge Road. Please be prepared to show Government ID, such as a valid driver's license, upon entering North. We will scan your ID and issue a visitors badge to be worn for the duration of your visit.
The Required Parent Program video must be viewed in its entirety by parents/guardians prior to any student (grades 9-12) attending any North High School dances/events. This includes Homecoming activities/dances taking place in October. Please note that your completion of the Required Parent Program is valid for 4 years. For example, if you have already viewed the program anytime in the last 4 years (Spring 2020-Spring 2023) on behalf of an older sibling, you will not be asked to view the program again this year. The program should be viewed on a desktop/laptop, and cannot be paused or fast-forwarded to receive credit. If you have any questions about this program, or your current status with regard to viewing it, please reach out to the North Main Office at 626-8504.
Medication Drop Off Procedures
All medication, including non-prescription medication, must have a written order from the student's physician or licensed prescriber.
PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION must be in the container prepared by the pharmacist with the original label specifying the name and strength of the medication. (Note: the pharmacy label does not constitute a written order and cannot be used in lieu of a written order from a licensed prescriber.)
NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION must be in the original and sealed manufacturer's container with the student's name affixed to the container. ALL medication must be delivered directly to the school nurse by the parent or guardian. No student is permitted to carry non-emergency medication on the bus. Medication orders must be renewed annually and whenever there is any change.
For more information about North's Health Office, please click here.
Become a Williamsville SEPTSA Member
Training Opportunities for Families
The The Parent Network of WNY and the Midwest Family and Communities Engagement Center offer several training opportunities. Please click on the photos below for further information:
The “Spartan of the Month” program is meant to promote success in and out of the classroom. For a student to be a well-respected citizen, they must be able to balance many different areas of life. They must exemplify outstanding characteristics both as a student and as a citizen of the community. The student must be able to handle many different aspects of student life while maintaining excellence in the classroom. This award is designed to nominate and select students who promote and take pride in Williamsville North High School and in themselves
Please see the list below for our students who were nominated during the month of October 2024. Each student has been issued a certificate highlighting the details of their nomination.