Scheduling Newsletter 2025
Shawnee High School
A Note From Guidance
During Connections, students watched a scheduling video that pertains to their grade level and reviewed the Course of Studies for next school year. Students also received a copy of their transcript, a Course Request Form (front page) and a four year planning grid (back page). Students will bring the Course Request Form with a parent signature to Connections on January 28th, and also enter course requests online at that time.
The Course of Studies 25-26 and each grade level video is accessible below. Information and presentation about College-Credit Plus is also included below.
In the spring, parents will receive a verification letter with student courses for the following school year as well as notification if a course has not been recommended by a teacher.
Then counselors will be contacted to request schedule changes.
Take the time to discuss next year's schedule, plan strategically, and ask questions!
Tips For Scheduling Classes
- Talk to the teachers about what level would be an appropriate course and get teacher initals for core area classes (ex. Chemistry or Advanced Chemistry?)
- Pay attention to graduation requirements and honors diploma requirements
- Want to go to college? Plan to take college preparatory classes
- Look at scheduling as a four-year process. See how the schedule fits into a four-year plan.
Scheduling Videos for 25-26
- Students can earn high school and college credit at the same time
- Students enroll in college courses and adhere to the policies and requirements of the college
Who can sign up for CCP classes?
- Students in grades 7-12
- Students who are determined eligible by the college based on exam scores or GPA
How much does it cost?
- Tuition and the cost of books are funded through the school's foundation state funding (taxpayer dollars) with no cost to the individual student (unless the student fails the course or withdraws after the allowable deadline).
- May apply to multiple colleges
- May apply to any public or participating private college
- Students may choose from a variety of college-level courses (based on placement testing and course eligibility rules)
- Students can earn credit to satisfy both high school and college requirements (3 or more credit hour college course converts to one high school credit)
- Must successfully complete the courses in order to earn the credit
- May take at the high school, college campus, or online during the fall, spring, or summer semesters. Some local colleges (OSU Lima) have a February 1st deadline to take a CCP summer course.
- Students can earn up to 30 semester hours per year
For more information, click here to view a CCP presentation.