Monday Notes
August 26, 2024

Now that the big rush of the beginning of the year is over it is time to settle down and set yourself up for success. Check out items in this newsletter to help with that!
School Start Checklist
Here is a quick checklist of things that need to be done at the beginning of the year to make your life a bit easier down the road:
- Has your NAfME / NMMEA membership been renewed?
- Have you registered for the All-State Music Festival & In-Service Conference?
- Have you updated your NAfME membership information?
- Have you requested POs for all events?
- Have you reserved buses for your travel events?
- Have you reserved (or confirmed) performance spaces?
- Have you invited your administration to your events?
- Have you completed the mandatory school training?
Advocacy Challenge
Small actions go a long way in advocating for music and your program. Join us in participating in our weekly challenges!
- Introduce yourself to a new faculty member.
Mystery of the PO
POs can be confusing and we have all been on the receiving end of an angry business office! Want to avoid the wrath? Follow these easy steps for a hassle free experience!
- If your school requires a quote, follow this link to generate one
- Turn in PO request (requisition) along with quote (if needed) to your business office
- Once you have the PO, send a copy to NMMEA
- Register for the event
- Turn in invoice that you receive after registering to your business office
- When you receive the check from the business office, mail it to NMMEA
- Sit back and relax knowing you have avoided the wrath of the business office
Common mistakes!
- Registering for an event before you have a PO
- The date of the transaction must be after the date on the PO
- Failure to turn in invoice to the Business Office.
- Your Business Office will not send a check until they receive an invoice. Accounts will remain unpaid until a check is received.
- Not planning for enough turnaround time for PO
Website Login
Effective immediately, NMMEA members will need to use new login credentials to access the website. While your login will still be linked to your NAfME membership, you will no longer access it through the NAfME website. To ensure a smooth transition, please make sure your NAfME credentials are current.
When accessing the website, the following credentials will need to be used:
- Username: Email associated with NAfME membership
- Password: NAfME member number
Once logged in you may change your password.
Tri M Music Honor Society
Middle and high school teachers, consider starting a Tri-M chapter at your school. A Tri-M® Music Honor Society chapter opens up a world of opportunities for students who have already shown themselves to be academically capable and musically gifted. Through performance and community service, they’ll develop confidence, creativity, critical thinking, compassion, and a host of other leadership skills sure to serve them well in school and beyond.
Song Writing Contest
Do you have a student who is interested in Musical theatre and song writing? If so, have them check this contest out.
Looking for a workshop for viola students? Check out Violapalooza hosted by the New Mexico Chapter of ASTA.