Wayland Union Board of Education
Regular Board Meeting Summary
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
The Wayland Union School Board met on Monday, April 11, 2022 at Wayland Union Middle School for their regular meeting. Secretary Dobry and Trustee Mellema were unable to attend the meeting.
Prior to the regular meeting, a routine Policy Committee meeting was held at 6:00pm. Vice President Zondervan is the chairperson of the Policy Committee.
Assistant Superintendent, Pat Velie, provided the April budget vs. actual report.
The Wayland Union Middle School 7th and 8th grade Choir performed, Sisi Ni Moja by Jacob Narverud. The Choir recently sang this at Festival. Thank you, Mrs. Oostdyk and the 7th and 8th grade choir for a wonderful performance!
Wayland Union Middle School Principal, Carolyn Whyte, presented a WUMS report highlighting Student Council; Student Reading Intervention with Mrs. Gibson; and Wildcat Wonders.
Student Representative, Hayley Jasinski, gave the student report from the high school highlighting Eco Club’s Earth Week Extravaganza; National Honor Society’s Staff Appreciation Breakfast; Robotics State Competition this week; and Students Against Destructive Decisions Safe Driving Awareness.
Toni Ordway, Board Treasurer, who sat in as the chairperson at the last Safety and Security Committee Meeting (in place of Janel Hott) provided a Safety and Security Committee Meeting Report. The committee report highlighted that a majority of our staff have now been trained in Active Shooter & Intruder protocols with the Allegan County Sheriff’s Department; Wayland Union will host an upcoming Active Shooter and Intruder Train-the-Trainer session (after school hours); Mr. Miller, District Safety Officer’s role on the Allegan County Safe Schools Network; Medical Emergency Response Teams; and the district’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The EOP is under review and will come before the Board for approval after the April leadership meeting later this month.
Becky Hohnke, Board Trustee and Fine Arts Committee Chair, provided a Fine Arts Committee meeting report. Trustee Hohnke explained that this was the first and only Fine Arts Committee meeting for the year. Next year, the newly formed committee will meet in the regular rotation two-to-three times per year. Many thanks to past Board Trustee, Jason Shane, who proposed the development of the Fine Arts Committee. The report highlighted the many amazing events being planned by the Fine Arts Department. Please be sure to check them out on our website.
Teresa Fulk, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, discussed spring testing, follow up on some of our discussions regarding programming for our students enrolled in CCA, and end of the school year award and recognition ceremonies.
Dr. Hinds gave her Superintendent Report which included an important message regarding the upcoming administrative changes: “Wayland Union Schools leadership team is experiencing change, which will necessitate a transition for many of our staff members, students, and families. Change is physical; however, transition is the emotional/psychological part of that change. Dr. William Bridges studies the importance of acknowledging the transition during all changes. He identifies three phases of transition: 1) the ending; 2) the neutral phase; and 3) a new beginning. As we move through the phases of these changes and transitions, there is one important aspect that remains constant… We are AND will CONTINUE to be Wayland UNION Schools. We are doing the work to prepare for a successful change and transition. We have the right people in place and are working toward ongoing success and continuous improvement.
Is there an unspoken conspiracy creating these changes? No.
Will it be easy to navigate this change and transition? Not always.
Will we make it through? Undoubtedly.”
Dr. Hinds shared the exciting news that Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, Pat Velie, has extended her retirement date to December 31, 2022. This will assist the district with the bond project, audit season, and the start of a new school year. Thank you, Pat, we are so happy you will remain with us a little bit longer! Please click the link to view the superintendent’s full report.
Dr. Hinds provided an April 2022 progress report to the Wayland Union Schools 2021-2026 Strategic Plan. Tasks are moving along on schedule. Click here to review the complete April 2022 Progress Report.
New Business included:
Casino Budget Proposal for 2022-2023;
First reading of Board Policies;
Board Operating Procedure review;
Administrative Pay Scale restructure;
Out of State Field Trip Request;
Pine Street Gym Painting (Exterior) - Request for Proposal (RFP);
Central Receiving Metal Siding (Exterior) - RFP;
Wayland Union High School Carpet Replacement - RFP;
Fuel for District Buses & Maintenance Vehicles - RFP; and
Lawn Care Contract Renewal.
Old Business included action on the following items:
Allegan County School of Choice Agreement (approved 5-0);
Curriculum Proposal - MS ELA Proposal (approved 5-0);
Curriculum Proposal - MS/HS Health Textbook Proposal (not approved 5-0);
Out of State Field Trip Request (approved 5-0); and
Closed Session for Wayland Union Education Association (WUEA) Bargaining.
Board Comments:
The Board expressed gratitude and pride in student board representative, Hayley Jasinski, as this was her last board meeting she will be able to attend prior to her graduation. Thank you for your service to our district, Hayley! We are so proud of you!
The Board congratulated Mr. Di Cesare and Mrs. Bailey for their change in positions beginning July 1, 2022. Much appreciation was given to Mrs. Whyte for her hospitality and student-focused presentation. Congratulations, Mr. Di Cesare and Mrs. Bailey! Thank you, Mrs. Whyte!
The meeting was adjourned at 9:38pm.
For any questions or concerns regarding this Board Summary, please contact Board President Cassini at cassinid@waylandunion.org and/or Superintendent Hinds at hindsc@waylandunion.org.
*Please note: This is a summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting on Monday, May 9, 2022.
About Us
Website: waylandunion.org
Location: 850 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 792-2181