PCHS Pirate News
February 2024

October 18, 2024
👨💼 From the Principal
Pirate Families,
I hope this message finds you well. It is hard to believe that we have finished the first quarter, but it doesn't help that we keep having 90 degree days! We have another Parent-Teacher Conference day coming up on October 31 and I hope that you will join us, if you were unable to come and see us earlier this month. This would be a great time to continue the partnership with your student's teachers and ensure a great rest of the semester.
We have many other opportunities where we would like to invite you to see the great things that our students and staff are doing. Please take a few minutes to read through our newsletter and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Thank you,
- Mr. Kiel Giese
Principal, Platte County High School
Throughout the Halls of PCHS
📆 Calendar
Oct. 22: Jazz Band Concert, 7:00 pm
Oct. 25: Report Cards are Available
Oct. 25: Blackout Football Game and Light Show
Oct. 28: Title I Meeting, 5:30 pm
Oct. 29: College & Career Readiness Day
Oct. 31: No School, Parent/Teacher Conferences, 7:30 am-3:30 pm
Nov. 1: No School
Nov. 4: Picture Retakes, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Nov. 5: Semester Grad. Meeting, 11:00 am
Nov. 11: Veterans Day Salute, 1:55 pm
Nov. 13: Fall Musical, 7:00 pm
Nov. 14: Fall Musical, 7:00 pm
Nov. 16: Fall Musical, 2 pm & 7 pm
Nov. 27-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break
First Quarter Grades
End of 1st Quarter is Oct. 18
Progress reports will be sent home via email on Oct. 25.
Chromebook Insurance Registration Deadline: November 22, 2024
If you haven’t registered for Chromebook Insurance yet, you have until November 22, 2024 to do so. For more information click here, and to register your Chromebook, click here. The cost for insurance is $30. If your student qualifies for free/reduced lunch, the $30 fee is waived, but you still need to register. Need help? Check out this video for a step-by-step guide, or call our office with any questions!
With Chromebook Insurance:
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd damage claims: $30 each
- Lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair: $100
Without Chromebook Insurance:
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd damage claims: $75+ each
- Lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair: $400
Save the Date - Free ACT Bootcamps
- Thursday, October 24, 8-noon
- Wednesday, December 11, 8-noon
- Thursday, February 6, 8-noon
- Wednesday, April 2, 8-noon
More details along with sign-ups will be provided soon.
Join the AVID Elective - Empowering Students to Reach New Heights!
Our AVID elective (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a dynamic program that equips students with essential skills like organization, study habits, collaboration, and effective communication, setting them up for success in college and beyond while fostering confidence and resilience. We encourage students, staff, and Platte County community members to explore our new AVID Elective website for more information on the benefits of the program and the streamlined application process. Together, we can support our Pirates in achieving their aspirations.
If students are interested in joining the AVID Elective at semester, the AVID Application deadline is December 6, 2024 @ 11:59 pm. Please contact Victoria Tessmer with any questions at 816-858-2822 x 1143.
TITLE I Funding and Programming
Parent Meeting
What is TITLE I?
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), provides financial assistance through State Educational Agencies (SEAs) to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) and public schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards. - from Department of Elementary & Secondary Education.
On Monday, October 28, from 5:30-6:30 pm in the PCHS Library, there is a meeting for parents. Please read the memo linked below for more information.
👨🏼🎓 Senior Spot
"All Things Class of 2025"!
This is the spot for Senior Information and Dates.
- SENIOR NAME VERIFICATION form - Parents, please complete this form so we know how you want your graduate's name printed on their diploma.
- Class of 2025 IMPORTANT DATES
- November 5th, Semester Grad Meeting, 11:00 am, Wilson auditorium
Please click on the button below for the presentation from Senior Parents Night and all of the documents and presentations from that evening.
Parent Teacher Conferences Part 2 - October 31
Our second opportunity for fall Parent/Teachers Conferences will be held October 31: 7:30am-3:30pm.
Click here for the Sign up sheet.
College and Career Readiness Day — October 29
October 29 will be our College and Career Readiness Day. All Seniors have selected to take the ACT, ASVAB, or Accuplacer that morning. The schedule for that day will be posted soon. P-SAT will also be given that morning with more information to follow.
📸 Picture Retake Day - Nov. 4th
Picture Time - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 😁
Students who would like to retake their pictures, or who missed pictures the first time around, can have their picture taken on November 4, in the South Gym.
If your student is not ordering pictures, they will still need a picture for our system and for their Student ID.
SENIORS - if you missed your portrait time this summer, please come get your picture taken on this day. Otherwise, call Reed Portrait Group at 816-436-5550 to visit their studio for your picture.
Senior Ads for Yearbook
Last chance to get a Senior Ad in the yearbook!
Senior ads are available to purchase for $65 at yearbookforever.com. Have 1-2 photos and a message no longer than 40 words ready when you get online to place your order. Messages longer than the 40 word limit may be shortened to fit the space. The deadline to purchase and guarantee a spot in the yearbook is Oct. 24. If any room is left after that, a late fee will be applied to any remaining space for senior ads with an absolute cutoff of Nov. 7. Please refer to the image for more information and contact adviser Devan Foos with any questions.
Buy your yearbook before October 28 to save money before they jump to $80.
Both ads and books can be purchased at yearbookforever.com
Advanced Placement Exam & PSAT Fees
AP EXAM Fees are due by November 1.
Reminder - Sign in to your portal, and follow the link there to pay the fee.
The cost for each exam this year is $99.00. If students change their mind or have not paid by the deadline, they will incur a $40 late fee. If students do pay to test and change their mind after the deadline, they will be refunded next fall minus a $40 fee.
👉🏻 Students who have signed up to take the PSAT on October 29, will follow the same process. The $18 fee has been added to their student account.
If you have questions, please reach out to Mrs. Ogden or your student's AP teacher.
Veterans Day Salute
Assembly will be held on Monday, November 11
Monday, November 11, 2024 will be our Annual Veterans Day Salute!
1:50 - 2:30 pm in the Field House. (new building)
Invite a family member or neighbor to attend who is a Veteran or is currently Active Duty.
UMKC School of Science and and Engineering Open House
November 6, 5:30 pm -8:00 pm
Th UMKC School of Science Engineering is hosting an Open House on November 6. There will be hands on activities for students in both the sciences and engineering. With experiments, 3D printing and virtual reality simulations as well.
See the flyer attached! Register here.
🎭 Fall Musical Information
Musical Show Dates
This year our theatre department will present — MAMMA MIA!
Show Dates:
Wednesday November 13, 7pm
Thursday November 14, 7pm
Saturday November 16, 2pm
Saturday November 16, 7pm
*There is no Friday show this year*
Bullying and Safety Reporting
Safety is our District's top priority. PCR-3 has a system of safety and security measures in place, including trained security staff (now at every building following the passage of the Prop C Waiver/Levy Transfer), secure entryways, ongoing monitoring, and partnership with local law enforcement.
We remind parents, staff, and students that school safety is the responsibility of the entire school community. Please follow the principle of "see something, say something." If anyone (student, parent, staff member, community member) sees or hears anything of concern, please contact the District office at (816) 858-5420 so that those concerns can be investigated. You and your child can also easily report tips on bullying, harassment, or any safety issue you're concerned about through our online Safe Schools Alert system. Every tip is immediately logged in the system and our administration is notified so that they can investigate and take appropriate action. Tips may also be submitted anonymously. Each building's website has the Safe Schools icon located within the “quick links” bar on the homepage.
Food Services - New Meal Payment Site
We are now using LINQ CONNECT for meal payment and account management.
Please create a new account - with student's ID - and you will be able to add money to their balance, as well as control limits, block a la carte, and transfer funds between your students when you need to.
👍🏼 Good To Know! (edited)
- High School doors are open from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm. School begins at 7:30 am.
- No outside food or drink delivered or dropped off for the students. (see the handbook)
- Student Check-In and Out is only through the main doors - at the Welcome Center. This is for students tardy to school, or checking in/out for appointments, etc.
- Please CALL AHEAD if your student needs to be dismissed. This gives us time to prepare a pass so the teacher knows they need to leave class and check out at the welcome center. It takes a longer time to reach classes that are outside (Band, PE, etc.)
***PLEASE NOTE: Students have been forgetting to check out with the Admin. Assistant at the Welcome Center when they have been called out. They MUST check out properly before leaving.
⚽🥎 PCHS Athletics/Activities 🏈🎾
Pirate Activities information:
See the flyer below for information about tickets, schedules, registering online and uploading the student's physical, etc.
🎟Digital Tickets 📱
All tickets for PCR-3 athletic events are now digital. Fans will purchase tickets online through GoFan or by presenting a card or mobile payment option at the ticket gate. All major credit cards are accepted, along with Apple Pay and Google Pay. Prices remain the same; a regular season game is $5 for adults and $3 for students. PCHS students and fans aged 55 and older are admitted free with a valid ID. Click here for a link to purchase all sports passes and individual tickets.
PCHS Clubs & Organizations
Click here for clubs and organizations offered at PCHS.
Daily Announcements
The Announcements button below is linked to our live document that is updated as soon as new events come up. Please check often so you do not miss anything!
👉Students can save this in their Google Drive and access it at least weekly.
Pirates ROCK Got Character Students
Pirates ROCK Character Trait: RESPONSIBILITY (October)
Pirates ROCK (Raising Outstanding Character Kids) is a program designed to surround our families with examples of strong character traits through school experiences, at home, and reinforced in their community. Each month our community focuses on a specific character trait and students are recognized for exhibiting these traits: Self Confidence, Pride, Responsibility, Citizenship, Compassion, Individuality, Self Control, Integrity, Perseverance, Respect, Honesty, and Cooperation.
October's #PiratesROCK trait is RESPONSIBILITY: being accountable for your actions without blame.
Join PTSA and support students and staff!
Meetings are every second Wednesday, 6:00 pm, at Mid-Continent Library.
- President - Jennifer Ball - ptsapchs@gmail.com
- VP - Melanie Doll - ddoll1@att.net
- Treasurer - Jill Talbot - jrtalbot23@gmail.com
- & Robin Herron - herron.robin@pcr3schools.org
Staff Luncheon for P/T Conferences - Sign-Up to Help!
PTSA is looking families to help with the staff luncheon during Oct. 31 Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Please click on the link to sign-up!
**Thank you for supporting our teachers!
The Board of the Platte County High School Booster Club
- President: Heather Duncan farm2epa@gmail.com
- Vice President: Kim Macias-Lewis kimmacias@hotmail.com
- Treasurers: Kate Harmon harmons42@yahoo.com and
Robin Herron herron.robin@pcr3schools.org - Secretary: Keri Dillingham kerilucas@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.pchsboosterclub.com/ (Links to everything there!)
Twitter: @PirateBoosterPC
Signup Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084BACA92EA1FB6-booster4
Treasure Chest Support
The PCR-3 Treasure Chest is a stocked resource center providing food, milk, and toiletries for PCR-3 students and families in need. Qualifying families will receive a weekly form via email to sign up or can call 816-858-7001 for assistance.
Families will receive an email with approval to come to the Treasure Chest on Wednesdays from 4-6pm at the new Treasure Chest site (south side of Paxton building*).
*NEW Location
Thank you to our Pirates R.O.C.K. Stars!
Michelle Howren, Associate Principal
Matt Messick, Assistant Principal
Dr. Mandi Tolen, Assistant Principal
Gabe Middleton, Activities Director
Location: 1501 Branch Street, Platte City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-858-2822
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pchshalls/