FHS - On the Plus Side
(Week Ending Oct. 4th)

On the Plus Side
...is a simple reminder of some of the positive events that happen at Framingham High School every week. #flyerpride
Unified Basketball
Unified Basketball is underway. They had their first home game this past week and will be back home on Oct. 17th against Brookline. Don't miss a chance to see them in action.
FHS Marching Band
The Framingham High School Marching Band scored another 1st place with “best music” and “best effect” and a score of 82.8 at McGuirk Alumni stadium at UMASS Amherst last Saturday.
Culture Fair - USII
Culture fair in USI! Students researched pre 1492 Indigenous, African, or European culture and presented the information in the form of a culture fair! The goal was for students to disprove the myth that only European civilizations were civilized and brought civilization to the Americas and Africa. Great job!
DeStress FHS
Lucas Tonel, Jean Hernandez and Isabella Borelli promote a new club at FHS, the DeStress FHS club. This club was formerly a staff led committee devoted to bringing collective joy to the FHS community. With the help of these 3 students it is growing with student involvement! The club meets Mondays at 2pm in J024. Follow us on Instagram @destressfhs_impress
College Composition
College Composition students worked on their communication skills by giving precise directions to one another. The task was made more difficult because the “student” had no visual of what they were creating nor could the “teacher” see the “student’s” product. And, there was no back and forth dialogue for any clarifications. Tough task!
Dungeons and Dragons
Students in the pictures are returning members in groups with new members and having a one-shot game to teach new members how to play the game. Dungeons and Dragons club, which meets in D208 every Friday from 2:00-4:00 P.M
Please Note
This is not meant to be a comprehensive list as we have so many great events happening at FHS.....each week different events, activities and groups will be highlighted.