The Falcon Reporter
Fowler's Official Newsletter - Spring 2025
Go Green with US!
Thank you for participating in our battery drive this year. FISD recycled a total of 3,139 pounds, the weight of a small car, with Fowler winning 1st place among all secondary schools! #FISDEnvironmentalPrograms #FowlerFalcons
In March, gather all of your plastic shopping bags and send to Fowler for our Earth Day Bag Recycling Initiative! Secure bags into groups of 25 and drop off in March. #EarthDay2025
Important Dates
Team News
6th Grade
In science, students will learn about the different spheres of Earth: hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. They will also learn about layers of the Earth and the different types of rocks. Students will then learn about resource management. We will then move on to astronomy, covering the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Lastly, students will engage in an engineering and design project.
In 6th grade social studies, students will conclude their study of world geography and culture by continuing their journey around the world. We will be studying South Asia, East Asia, and then wrap up with some culture days in Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Sixth grade math is focused on data analysis with stem & leaf plots, dot plots, box plots, and more! We will conclude the nine weeks with reviewing the units to prepare for STAAR. Get ready for a comprehensive recap of the concepts we learned this year!
In 6th grade ILA, we will begin preparing for the STAAR Reading Language Arts test that is on Wednesday, April 9th. While preparing for that important benchmark, students will begin Unit 4 where they will analyze various texts that center around our essential question: “How does technology impact our society?” Throughout the nine weeks, students will keep track of the ideas and details presented in a variety of texts, and they will use those sources to create an argumentative presentation in which they choose a position, state their claim, and provide evidence to support their argument.
7th Grade
7th-grade students are soaring into spring! Everyone knows Pi Day is March 14th, but any true mathematician realizes Pi is not 3.14, but rather an irrational constant, which continues infinitely in decimal expansion. How many digits of Pi do you have memorized? After spring break, students will finish analyzing and comparing data in dot plots and box plots. We will then start unit 10 covering theoretical and experimental probability.
In Texas history, we are studying 20th century events in Texas such as natural disasters, contributions to the arts, and the Great Depression.
In ILA, students just finished analyzing themes in literature and are creating their own "Theme Parks" around literary terms. Please encourage them to read every day. It makes a huge difference in not only their own speaking vocabulary, but their writing vocabulary as well.
Our 7th-grade scientists are diving into the ecology unit, where they are exploring how energy flows through ecosystems. This week, students are engaging in an Argument-Driven Inquiry (ADI) lab to investigate the sustainability of ecosystems. Through hands-on experimentation and evidence-based reasoning, they will analyze what makes ecosystems thrive and how different factors impact their balance.
8th Grade
This month, students are exploring all things geometry—from volume and surface area to the Pythagorean Theorem! They’ll see how math shapes the world around them, from finding the space inside a box to measuring the height of a tree using right triangles! Ask them what geometric discoveries they’ve made!
The Fowler 8th Grade Scientists have been busy uncovering the delicate balance of life in ecosystems, exploring how populations rise and fall in response to environmental changes! Next, we’ll shift our focus to the skies as we investigate Earth’s seasons and tides, unraveling the cosmic forces that shape our world. As we gear up for the STAAR test on April 15, students will sharpen their scientific skills with hands-on reviews and interactive challenges. But the real adventure begins after STAAR—students will take the reins on their own scientific inquiries, designing investigations, collecting data, and building models to explain the phenomena that spark their curiosity. The journey of discovery never stops in our science classroom!
Eighth grade historians are learning about the reformation movement and the impact of art and literature on the American identity. The next unit will have students discover the causes, events, and people of the Civil War.
In ILA, students are gearing up for Unit 4. We will focus on the Essential Question: How does perseverance empower individuals? Students will participate in book talks and literature circle lessons to discover traits in characters and themselves. They will round out the year refining their own author's craft through creative writing. We are excited to send them to high school as strong literary students!
Counselors Corner
As we enter into spring and the final 9 week grading period of the school year, we encourage parents to work as a team with our staff to help our students stay focused on finishing the school year strong. We know that all of our teachers, students and families have gone above and beyond to work hard to make this a great year.
Please also make note of the important dates and activities planned during this time:
Friday, March 28, 2025 – Aim for Success student presentations. Depending on the number of parents who “opt-in” for the presentation, students will be assigned a class period in the afternoon to attend the Aim for Success student presentation in the library. Parents and students will be notified of their assigned class period the week of the program and due to space constraints, MUST attend their assigned period (which will be either during PE, Academy Connect or Flight Time).
Aim for Success is an independent, non-profit, educational organization that promotes a lifestyle of excellence by encouraging the development of self control, self respect, and self discipline. Through video presentations to our 6th graders, students are encouraged to develop strong, responsible character as they deal with sexual pressure.
Monday, April 21, 2025 (7:30-8:15)- “Fly Like a Falcon” Graduating Senior Reception – If you have an older student who is a graduating Senior, please let them know we can’t wait to have them back on campus to celebrate their future!
From the Desk of Nurse Violet
Dear 6th Grade Parent/Guardian,
In preparation for 6th graders to enter 7th grade, there are 2 immunizations required by the State of Texas. The specific 7th grade immunizations your student will need are:
Tdap – last dose must be within the last 5 years
Meningococcal Vaccine – given on or after the 11th birthday
If you have not turned in the updated shot record to school after your child’s 11th year old checkup, please do so as soon as possible. You are more than welcome to email the record to
If your child needs those shots, please make sure to email the updated record to me as soon as possible. Student will not be able to view his/her 7th grade schedule when it is available or start school in August unless the immunization record is up to date.
Thank you,
Nurse Violet
All Library Books are Due May 2nd!
Please begin thinking about getting all long overdue library books returned as soon as possible. If your student has lost an item, please email Mrs. Laferriere at to talk about replacement options. In most cases, a replacement book can be purchased online and brought into the library to clear an account. **NEW THIS YEAR** All lost and damaged books will be assessed a preset replacement fee in Online School Fees at the end of the year.
Fowler Middle School Student Advances to Collin County Spelling Bee!
Congratulations to Aditya Abburu, a 6th-grade student at Fowler Middle School, for advancing to the Collin County Spelling Bee! Aditya earned his spot by excelling in the school-wide and district spelling bees. He will represent Fowler among five other talented students from across the district. We wish Aditya the very best of luck as he prepares for this exciting competition!
Go Fowler!