11th & 12th Grade Update
May & June 2024
Classroom Happenings
Thomas Craig - tcraig@crec.org - High School Assistant Principal
Benjamin Simon - bsimon@crec.org - High School Dean of Students
Ryan Aeschliman - raeschliman@crec.org - Special Education Teacher Grade 11
Elizabeth Campbell - elcampbell@crec.org - Music HL Year 2
Aleta Dubecky - adubecky@crec.org - Mixed Media
Gina Gadue - ggadue@crec.org - Senior Project; CAS Year 1
Senior Project students are working on the final draft of their research paper and getting ready to present their new learning and reflections on their topic. They have spent part of the year researching and now it is time to put it all together. Students are looking forward to learning from each other.
Angela Gegetskas - agegetskas@crec.org - Accounting; Business HL Years 1 & 2
DP Business Management HL1 students are exploring how production works within an organization and understanding how managing the flow of operations is important.
DP Business Management HL2 students have finished their DP exam and are working on a final project for the year. Students are putting all of their learning into practice and creating a business plan.
Christopher Glowacki - cglowacki@crec.org - Leadership in Sports
Catherine Leogrande - cleogrande@crec.org - Global Politics HL & SL Year 1
Global Politics HL Year 1 students are completing student research for their first HL video presentation (taking place week of 5/7) for downloading to IB. After video, students will work through the 2 case studies that SL students have completed.
Global Politics SL Year 2 students will are learning more about Global Politics through the case study method. We are completing a case study on the Russian Annexation of Crimea and will soon start a case study on the Conflict in the South China Sea.
Bonnie Livingston - blivingston@crec.org - Visual Arts HL Years 1 & 2; Digital Art
Thomas Macey - tmacey@crec.org - Literature HL Years 1 & 2
Literature HL Year 1 students are finishing the reading of Red Sorghum. When finished with this novel, students will complete their first IB assessment. This will be our cumulative task for the junior year.
Literature HL Year 2 students are in the midst of IB testing. Students complete Paper 1 and Paper 2 on May 9th and 10th. This will close the IB journey for seniors in HL Literature.
Daniel Marolda - dmarolda@crec.org - Global Politics HL & SL Year 2
DP Global Politics Year 2 HL and SL students have completed their IB Global Politics exams! For the last few weeks of school students will be creating their final project for the course. They will be creating an interactive game for their class to play about some of the different topics they studied over the last two years.
Aldo Morin - amorinamblodegui@crec.org - MLL Instructor
Stacey Pagliaro - spagliaro@crec.org - DP Coordinator
Lindsay Petroski - lpetroski@crec.org - Film SL Year 2; Exploring Computer Science Grades 11 & 12
Regina Pierrot - rpierrot@crec.org - Special Education Teacher Grade 12
Daniel Piper - dpiper@crec.org - Language and Lit HL Years 1 & 2
DP Lang and Lit HL 1 students are writing their “Marketing and Culture Essay” summative where they employ the analytical approaches from our Advertisements unit to explore the topic of their choice in the advertisements of their choice.
DP Lang and Lit HL 2 students are practicing approaches to writing their essays for their IB exams in this course (Paper 1 and Paper 2) After their Lang and Lit IB exams, students will write a creative piece on how to live a meaningful life.
Glenn Rogers - grogers@crec.org - Applications and Interpretation SL Year 1; Analysis and Approaches SL Year 2
Applications and Interpretation SL1 students are reviewing some past and new topics referring to right-angled trigonometry. We will be taking a cumulative end of year assessment during exam week. Students will have some summer work to complete. They will be tested on their knowledge when we return.
Analysis and Approaches SL2 students have completed their DP assessments and are wrapping up things for the year. We have one final project due on May 29th. Games of Chance is a project that asks students to create a probability game to be played by their peers. Students will reflect on their game at the end of the event.
Stacey Rowe - strowe@crec.org - SEHS HL Years 1 & 2
Julio Santiesteban - jsantiesteban@crec.org - Spanish SL Years 1 & 2
James Soar - jsoar@crec.org - Environmental Systems and Societies SL Years 1 & 2
ESS SL Year 1 students are finishing up Chapter 4 and then 5. We just had a celebration of the maple syrup we made.
ESS SL Year 2 students are wrapping up with a last test and then the IB Exam.
Alfredo Torres - altorres@crec.org - French SL Years 1 & 2
Rebeka Tousignant - rtousignant@crec.org - Biology SL Years 1 & 2; CAS Year 2
Biology SL 1 students are wrapping up our unit in macromolecules and moving into DNA. This will segway into our Genetics work at the start of next year. Students have two more summative grades (enzyme lab & DNA project) before the final exam in a month (beginning of June) which will also be a summative grade!
Biology SL 2 students are wrapping up our year! DP Exams are May 13th and 14th for Biology!!! After our exam students will be completing a final project which is a medical case study before they graduate!
Emily Wright - ewright@crec.org - Theory of Knowledge Years 1 & 2
Theory of Knowledge Year 1 students continue to work on Extended Essay research and note-taking. Students will begin outlining for Extended Essay next week, and will start the first drafts during the last two weeks of the school year.
Theory of Knowledge Year 2 students explored effective studying and preparation techniques, and students are now applying their learning to prepare for their DP exams.
IB Testing Information - Seniors
IB exams are off to a great start and will conclude on Friday, May 17th. Please review the IB Exam schedule with your student to make sure that they are aware of the dates they are required to be present in school and for important information about the DP Exams. Please schedule any appointments, etc. around these dates.
NGSS Testing - Juniors
In their science classes May 15th – May 17th the 11 graders will be taking the state mandated NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) Test on the computer. Please ensure students are in school those days and if they will be absent please have them communicate it with their science teacher. Thank you!
Junior Community Service Event
Junior families, please log into Power School to complete a permission slip for your child to attend a community service event. AIS is partnering with Hands on Hartford to host our juniors for a day of giving back to our community. Students will be helping to create community gardens that will produce over 10,000 pounds of produce to help reduce food insecurity in our area. AIS believes in providing opportunities for our students to become aware of how we can help our communities, and that even small contributions can help our global society. We hope that 100% of our students will attend this event. Students will be volunteering in the morning and then they will travel to Parkville Market where they can purchase lunch or there is an option for a school bag lunch as well. The permission slip is due by Monday, May 13th. If you have any questions, please contact Angela Gegetskas at agegetskas@crec.org. Thank you!
Senior Activities
Hi Senior Families!
We are getting excited about celebrating our seniors at graduation, but first we have some end-of-year fun for seniors as a reward for all their hard work. There are 2 permission slips in Power School for you to digitally sign.
1. On May 28th, we will be going to The Adventure Park at Storrs. This is an outdoor ropes course that is fun and challenging for beginners to experts. There are no food options at this location so students will either have to sign up for a bag lunch on the permission slip or bring their own lunch. If you sign up your child for this trip, please also complete the waiver, attached here. This permission slip is due by May 14th.
2. On June 3rd, we will be going to High Meadow day camp. This is a fun place for students to play outdoors and enjoy great food, activities, and being together. Breakfast and lunch are included. This permission slip is due by May 20th.
Both trips are free to students and we hope to have 100% of the seniors attend both trips!
Class of 2024 Information Page
Principal Hernandez has put together an information page for seniors and their families. Please use the following link to access important Class of 2024 information.
Dates to Remember
Thursday, May 23rd - Junior Community Service Field Trip
Monday, May 27th - No School (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, May 28th - Senior Field Trip (The Adventure Park at Storrs)
Wednesday, May 29th - Early Dismissal
Friday, May 31st - Senior Signing Day
Saturday, June 1st - Junior/Senior Prom
Monday, June 3rd - Senior Field Trip (High Meadow Day Camp)
Tuesday, June 4th - 11th Grade Final Exams/Early Dismissal
Wednesday, June 5th - 11th Grade Final Exams/Early Dismissal
Thursday, June 6th - 11th Grade Final Exams/Early Dismissal
Friday, June 7th - 11th Grade Final Exams/Early Dismissal
Friday, June 7th - Graduation
Monday, June 10th - 11th Grade Make-up Exams/Early Dismissal