Wickliffe Family Update

October 20, 2024 Notes and News
Dear Families,
Wow! Our teaching staff is filled with awe, excitement, and pride after this past weekend. Many of our teachers participated in and contributed to making the PEN Conference a tremendous success for all attendees. It was an unforgettable experience, one that our school will cherish for years to come, as we were honored to be the first public progressive education school to host this prestigious event. We have so much to celebrate, and we couldn't be more proud of how Wickliffe truly shined throughout the weekend!
We hosted educators on Thursday and Friday for a more intimate gathering, and hearing their reflections on what they observed from our students and staff moved many of us to tears. Throughout the weekend, we continued to be inspired by our keynote speakers and the thought-provoking ideas they shared about our role in creating environments that spark curiosity, creativity, community, and connection. I also want to extend a HUGE heartfelt thank you to all of you for your continued support of our teachers and program!
As a reminder, picture makeup day is this Friday for those who were absent on picture day in August, or for those who want their student’s picture retaken.
Don’t forget that our annual PTO Fall Fest is happening this Friday from 6–8 p.m. We hope to see many of you there!
Warm regards,
October 25: Picture Retake/Make-up day
October 25: Fall Fest
October 31: Fall Harvest Parade at 1:45pm
November 4: PTO General Meeting
November 5: No School (Election Day)
November 11: Veteran’s Day Breakfast & Town Meeting
November 27-29: No School, Thanksgiving break
Wickliffe Updates
Picture Retake/Make-up day
On Friday, October 25th we will photograph any student who was absent during the first picture day, as well as those requesting a retake.
For students requesting a retake, simply have them bring their original photo package and hand it to the photographer when their new picture is taken. The same package will be reprinted using the updated image.
In some cases, students may not have a physical package to return, such as if they ordered a digital download or if parents viewed the photo online and were dissatisfied. We will still photograph these students when they present themselves for a retake.
Parking and Drop-Off Reminder
Please use the carline on Eastcleft Road for student drop-off and pick-up. The front lot is reserved for families with handicapped children or those arriving late.
As a reminder, our parking lots are reserved for staff, but we have 3 visitor spots by the front entrance and the bus lane is available from 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. If those spots are full, additional parking is available on Cimmaron Road and Wickliffe Road.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Veterans Day Celebration
We want to honor veterans on Veterans Day (Monday, November 11). Is there a veteran in your family or do you know of someone who has served or is serving in the military? Please complete this survey with your veteran's information so we can honor them at our town meeting.
Veterans, their student and their families are invited to breakfast and coffee provided by our PTO between 7:30 and 8:30am. Students head to their classrooms at 8:10 then we ask our veterans to join in our school town meeting at 8:30 in seats of honor.
If you have more than one veteran, please fill out the survey for each veteran and note if they will be able to attend.
Picking your child up early?
Nurse Information Regarding Prescripton Medications
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Wickliffe Health Office at 614-487-5150.
October Lunch Menu
Greetings from the Elementary Explorations Team
Here is a link to the latest issue of the Elementary Explorations Newsletter. In this issue, you will find a recap, pictures, and a video of Lesson 3, as well as a preview of Lesson 4.
School Counselors' Corner
Happy October Wickliffe Families!
It has been a busy month already and we are only a week in! I wanted to give you a quick overview of the lessons I will be teaching in each grade level this month and the parent letter that will go home after the lesson is completed (you can look for it in your teachers newsletter or below). Hope everyone is having a great week!
Kindergarten- Zones of Regulation/Red Lesson- Kindergarten will be focusing on the Red Zone feelings and the tools we can use to get back to green.
First Grade- Zones of Regulation/Red Lesson- First grade also focused on the Red Zone and their zones tool box for when they get angry.
2nd and 3rd Grade- Problem Solving Skills- 2nd and 3rd graders talked about how we can identify the size of a problem and try to solve it on our own when we can!
4th and 5th Grade- Friendship Boundaries- 4th and 5th grade discussed friendship boundaries and what we can do to keep our friendship boundaries.
Wickliffe Progressive Elementary PTO
Please see below for PTO Updates. We are trying to limit the topics of the 'PTO Corner' to 2-4, and only events happening within the next 30 days of emails going out. We are trying to not duplicate information that Angela shares at the beginning of the her email that goes out. If there is any 'duplicated' info, please omit as necessary. Thank you!
Fall Fest! - Friday, October 25th 6:00-8:00 pm
Fall fest is a free community event with lots of activities including bounce houses, a petting zoo, scavenger hunt, crafts, games, and more! Join us Friday, October 25, 6-8 p.m. - can’t wait to see you there!
We would love some help to make this event amazing! If you have 30 minutes to spare to set up, paint faces, help with Spirit Wear (or many of the other options) - volunteer for Fall Fest using the Sign Up Genius here!
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging - Online Zoom Meeting Sunday, October 27th @ 3:00 pm!
Wickliffe PTO's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee would like to invite interested community members to join us on the last Sundays of each month at 3 pm via Zoom to talk about events, challenges, and opportunities in our school to create a more inclusive culture and support each student and staff member. Our notes and agenda can be found here!
At October’s meeting (10/27), we will work together to understand current strengths and needs, and discuss planning potential events and opportunities for learning and growth for the year. Please email laura6747@gmail.com or riddhicochran@gmail.com with any questions!
2024 Thanksgiving Food Distribution / Tri-Village Packers Sign-Up by November 8th
Upper Arlington Schools is partnering with the Tri-Village Packers to support their Thanksgiving 2024 Food Distribution Program. Please consider supporting families experiencing food insecurities in our community - food will be provided during the days students will be off of school for Thanksgiving break November 27th through December 1st.
District Updates
Facilities Master Planning Phase Two Community Kickoff
Nearly 10 years ago, the Upper Arlington community began working together to plan for the future of our schools, leading to a new high school and all new or renovated elementary schools. Now, it’s time to come together again — to determine the best path forward for the aging middle schools and Burbank Early Childhood School. Join us for the community kickoff to phase two of facilities master planning:
Tuesday, October 29 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Jones Middle School, 2100 Arlington Avenue
Wednesday, October 30 from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at the Graf Center, 2020 Builders Place
Helpful Links
Attendance Information - Click link for full details
If your child will be absent from school, please email wickliffeattendance@uaschools.org. Please state a reason for your child’s absence. If you are emailing your child’s teacher regarding attendance, simply copy the attendance email - no need to send separate emails.
There is a link to the attendance email in the Upper Arlington Schools app
Please obtain a medical excuse for ANY visit to a doctor, dentist, therapist, etc that occurs during a school day.
Planned Absence Form - Forms should be completed 10 school days in advance of the first date of the planned absence whenever possible. Otherwise, the absence may be unexcused.
Instagram Account ~ @wickwolves
Lunchroom Helper - click here to Volunteer
Nurse Notes
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Wickliffe Health Office at 614-487-5150.
PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://ps-uar.metasolutions.net/public/home.html
If you need assistance logging into PowerSchool, you may reach out to: familytechhelp@uaschools.org
Email: schoolbusquestions@uaschools.org
Links to Previous Updates:
All of our updates can be found on the Wickliffe website under “school news”.
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