February 19 - March 4

Tubman Tribune: December 16, 2024
You are receiving this message because your student is currently registered to attend Harriet Tubman Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact the school office if your student's enrollment has changed, at kibacon@pps.net (Kiah Bacon, School Administrative Assistant).
Principal's Message
There are so many things to celebrate as we enter the last week before Winter Break! Again, our Student Council kids absolutely nailed it last Friday by creating an event that showcased love and joy for our students. We had a school dance with an open gym and quiet space in the Library. It was amazing to watch our entire student body embrace one another while laughing, dancing and eating some pizza together!
I'm also looking forward to finishing this week strong. We have a spirit week being led by our Student Council, an attendance challenge, a staff meeting Wednesday and our December Legends of the Month assembly on Friday.
I hope you all get to enjoy time with family and friends during the winter break and we look forward to seeing you all again in the new year!
Take care
Upcoming Important Dates
School Spirit Week, December 16 - 20
We're having fun and sharing school spirit as we head out for winter break!
Early Release, December 18th @ 1:45pm
We will have an early release day on Wednesday, December 18th. This will allow staff to receive Professional Development (PD) and collaboration time from 2:00-5:00pm. You will see these days identified on the PPS calendar with a symbol of a clock.
- The early release days for students will be on the following dates: 9/25, 10/23, 11/20, 12/18, 2/26, 3/19, 4/23, 5/21
PTSA Meeting, December 19th @ 6pm
The next PTSA next meeting will be held Thursday, December 19th at 6 PM in the HTMS library. Parents, community members, teachers, and STUDENTS - All are welcome! PTSA meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month.
Click here to join the meeting on ZOOM
- Meeting ID: 835 9596 0474
- Passcode: 755849
- Your membership will help support student programs and services at Harriet Tubman Middle School
PTSA: End-Of-Year Giving to Support Our School!
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the HTMS Parent Teacher Student Association to help fund resources for our school community. We hope to raise $5,000 towards free classroom supplies and student activities.
Donations can be made online:
- Checks made to the Harriet Tubman Middle School PTSA can also be dropped off at the front office.
Please share with friends and family and ask your workplace about setting up monthly or matching donations. Email htmsptsapdx@gmail.com for more information.
Student Council: Sock Drive, December 2 - 20
Harriet Tubman is collecting socks
to bring smiles and warm feet to sick kids in hospitals,Ronald McDonald houses and to families in need in shelters. Our goal is to collect at least 2000 pairs of new sock between December 2 - 20. Thank you for helping us reach our goal!
Community Partner's Corner
Portland Interscholastic League (PIL)
The PPS middle grades (6th - 8th) youth sports program, with the exception of recreational soccer, is directed by the Portland Interscholastic League (PIL). The student athletes represent their neighborhood high school cluster. Thanks in part to the financial support of many individuals, PIL Youth Sports offers football, cross country and girls' volleyball in the fall; girls' and boys' basketball and wrestling in the winter; and baseball and co-ed track and field in the spring. Fall season begins in late August, winter practices begin in mid November and spring practices begin in late February. Details for each sport can be found on the PIL website under "PIL Youth Sports".
Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN)
Time to enroll your students in our after-school SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods) Program! The next session begins Monday, January 6, 2025. Students are able to participate in SUN classes, Monday - Thursday, 4:15 to 6:15p. Single class enrollment is permitted. No student will be turned away.
To complete the enrollment process, it is MANDATORY to fill out the following forms. Without these completed forms, students will not be allowed to attend the program.
Please fill out the required forms using the link below: ENROLL HERE
Important Reminders:
- Pick-up time is no later than 6:15 PM.
- All other necessary details are included in the enrollment form.
Teen Force
Portland Parks & Recreation offers exciting programs and activities for teens citywide! TeenForce strives to reflect the energy and excitement of the teens themselves in the awesome trips, classes, drop-in activities, events, and volunteer/service learning outings.
The TeenForce Pass gives FREE access to scheduled drop-in activities and designated open swims at five Portland Parks & Recreation community centers. The pass is available for youth ages 10 to 20.
Registering for a TeenForce Pass is easy, fast, and FREE! Registration must be in person at all Community Center locations including, Matt Dishman. Bring your address, parent/guardian address, parent/guardian phone number, your phone number, and information about any health conditions you may have.
Or download a TeenForce Pass Registration Form, print it, and bring your completed form to any of the five TeenForce sites.
HTMS Events Calendar
16-20 Spirit Week
18 Early release, 1:45p dismissal
20 School assembly
23-31 Winter break, no school
1 Happy New Year!
2-5 Winter break, no school
6 School resumes, 9:15a
14, 15 MAPs testing (ELA)
16, 17 All State Honor Band
20 Dr. King holiday, no school
22, 23 MAPs testing (Math)
24 AVID field trip
24 School assembly
27 Grading day, no school
28 Teacher planning day, no school
31 Lunar New Year Community Celebration
31 All City Honor Band
24 End of Q2
School and Building Expectations
HTMS Evening Events
Student ID Badges
Per PPS policy, all students will be required to wear their school I.D. badge during the school day. We will supply lanyards and holders for all students. We will have a “soft start” to this policy until student IDs have been handed out. Once students receive their new IDs, there will be no exceptions to the policy.
Parent / Guardian Visits
At Harriet Tubman Middle School, we would love for you to visit your student and to support our building! Please make sure to sign in at the office and if you would like to stay, per district safety policy, you will be asked to show your ID and will receive a visitor badge. Please remember to return to the main office to sign out.
If you would like to visit a classroom, you will need to provide educators with a 24 hour notice. This can be done via email or over the phone with the educator.
All volunteers must have a background check. Ask our front office how to get that going!
Code of Conduct Agreement
Harriet Tubman Middle School has several policies and expectations for our students and our Code of Conduct Agreement (CCA) outlines each of them. You will see expectations for students in regards to our general building expectations (A.S.K.), our attendance system (ASERT), behavior referrals and discipline ladder, cell phone policy, social media and attire expectations as well as our food policy.
Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students. It is your responsibility to review our building expectations and to ensure both you and your student/s understand HTMS and PPS expectations and policies.
If you have any questions and or concerns, please reach out to our team for support.
- Digital Signature form