Talon Talk
Volume 4 Issue 22
➡️ Principal's Update ⬅️
HMS PLC Leadership Team committee presently meets weekly to focus on all aspects of student achievement. Lately, our meetings have focused on MAP preparation, and the MAP test. HMS tests students on Math and English Language Arts, grades 6-8, and also Science in 8th grade only. Math and English Language Arts MAP test is May 4-7, and Science testing is May 11th. Equally important, our virtual students May 11-14th, and the two counselors and I will be calling each virtual parent later this week to inform on the details. Whether “in-person” or “virtual” it is the state expectation that all students test on campus. Virtual students will test at the Multi-purpose room on campus, and safety considerations will be given the full measure.
HMS is collaborating on incentives and ways to create a heightened focus for student effort during those initial weeks of May. Students will earn a ticket for each day they attend MAP testing and give a good faith effort- giving their very best effort. Those tickets will be used for a variety of incentives- including drawing and celebrations. It’s all in the works right now, but students will soon hear about what’s in store. Our goal is to finish the year with focus, hard work, and rewarding festivities. What a year school year 2020-2021 has been! The toughest challenges are behind us, yet the finish line is not until another five weeks. Hang on tight for the ride!
⭐️ Students of the Week ⭐️
✏️ Mathlete of the Week ✏️
🔷 Counselor’s Corner 🔷
Food insecurity is defined as a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy life. This can be a temporary situation for a household or can last a long time. Food insecurity is one way we can measure how many people cannot afford food.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, 42 million people may experience food insecurity in 2021.
In an effort to help eliminate food insecurity for our students, the Middle School has started a program that will continue the efforts of the already established program at the elementary school level. We have started “Snacks on the Go” which will provide snacks/simple meals for the weekend for students and families who are dealing with food insecurity.
If your family would like to be included in this program, your student can talk to their school counselor (Ms. Hanneken khanneken@holdenschools.org, Mr. Conner dconner@holdenschools.org) or a parent/guardian can call or email and we will get he student(s) name on the list to begin receiving a Snack on the Go backpack each Friday.
If anyone would like to donate to this program, please contact Andie Smith, School Social Worker at (816) 850-4444 ext. 7171 or dsmith@holdenschools.org. We are accepting donations of food, money, and nylon backpacks.
📣 Staff Spotlight 📣
About Us
Email: clake@holdenschools.org
Website: holdenschools.org
Location: 301 Eagle Drive, Holden, MO, USA
Phone: (816) 732- 4125
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holdenmiddleschool