Hoover Happenings Newsletter
March 4th, 2024
Principal Message:
Greetings Hoover Families,
It is hard to believe that we are at the beginning of March already! I want to thank everyone for the many ways you support Hoover and your student(s). It certainly take a village to ensure our students are enjoying and engaged in learning. Below are a few updates for the month of March:
- PTA Meeting: Please join us this evening from 6-7pm in the Hoover media center for our monthly PTA meeting! The more the merrier!
- Attendance: In the month of January, we averaged 93.21% daily attendance. Illness certainly hit our Huskies hard this past month. Thank you for keeping your student's home if they have a fever, are vomiting or have diarrhea. Our goal for the month of March is 98% average daily attendance. If we meet our goal, there will be a fun surprise for our Huskies!
- Reading: A reading pamphlet went home with K-2 students and outlines a series of practical tips for parents to encourage and support their children's reading habits. You may also recall that we have started a pilot reading program called Lexia Core 5 reading. Students are encouraged to log in at home using their Omni Portal access and engage in this learning. Also, we are hosting a March reading challenge for all students K-5. Please see communication from your child's teacher.
- Early Release: Wednesday, March 13th is Early Release for students as teachers engaged in professional development and looking at student data to plan for meeting the needs of each child. Please see more information below.
- Conferences: Please be reminded that Hoover will host conferences on the evenings of March 11, 14, and 19th
Thank you all for your support and engagement! We appreciate your partnership in making Hoover a great place to learn and grow!
Mollie Meyer
School Principal
Spring Conference Registration
Monday, March 11th, from 3:20pm - 7:40pm
Thursday, March 14th, from 3:20pm - 7:40pm
Tuesday, March 19th, from 3:20pm - 7:40pm
You pick which date works best with your schedule.
To schedule your preferred time for Parent/Student-Teacher Conference:
1. Go to https://ptcfast.com/schools/Hoover_Elementary
2. Select your student's Homeroom Teacher.
3. Click submit at the bottom of the page.
4. You will then be asked to enter your student's name, your name and contact information. An email address is required to select a date and time.
5. The system will then send you an email with a link to choose your conference time.
6. Choose which date and time works best for your schedule.
If you do not have access to a computer or internet device, a computer is available in the Hoover main office for your convenience. The school office hours are Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Thank you for the support of your child's education.
Sponsor Conference Meals
Hoover Families -
The Hoover PTA helps organize meals for our teachers and staff during the evenings that conferences occur. The PTA orders meals to be catered by local businesses. Please consider sponsoring conference meals by providing a monetary donation to help cover the cost through the link below.
We know our teachers and staff greatly appreciate having meals provided on conference evenings when their days are long and schedules are packed.
Thank you!
- Hoover PTA
Early Release Information
Please be reminded Wednesday, March 13th is a two hour early release, students will be dismissed from school at 12:30 pm. If your dismissal plans are different from a normal school day you MUST tell your students' homeroom teacher.
This month, we are short staffed and at this time have not been able to find substitute supervision. We are asking that folks who have access to alternate care, please consider those options. If you are willing to volunteer to help supervise, we would also gratefully accept the support.
If you need your student to stay until 2:30 pm you must register your child for supervision. We ask that you continue to register each month for early release supervision as many families' plans change. If your student attends ACES or YMCA you still need to register for child supervision each time.
Parents/Guardians that pick up students please pull up in the pick up line in front of the building on Marie lane. Students will be watching for you to pull up inside door number 1. We ask that you please refrain from picking up between 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm as our staff wishes to focus their time on engaging in meaningful activities with students. We understand that circumstances may change, but appreciate your help with this request.
If you need child care for your student between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm on Wednesday, March 13th, please fill out the form linked below. (If you would like to send a snack for after school please feel free to do so as lunch is served early.)
PE Happenings
During PE in March, students finish up roller skating with a light show in the gym. Neon lights and disco balls will light up the gym on our last few days of skating. Also in March, students participate in Cup Stacking and learn about important nutrition facts.
March is also progress report time. We would love to visit with families about your student’s progress in PE. Please stop by the PE office if you have time during conferences or send us an email if we miss you. Demonstrating school expectations in PE is something every student works on during class. Each student will receive marks on their progress report for how they show Husky Pride during PE and their participation.
With the weather changes and muddy conditions outside, please remember to leave a pair of tennis shoes at school for PE days. This will help students participate safely in the gym.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call. Have a safe and active March!
Adam Hanson- ahanso4@isd77.org
Amanda Kroehler- akroeh1@isd77.org
Upcoming Dates:
Mar. 3: PTA meeting
Mar. 4: Club Huskies
Mar. 5: Club Huskies
Mar. 8: No School
Mar. 11: Spring Conferences (3:20-7:40)
Mar. 12: Club Husky Canceled due to Conference Week
Mar. 13: Early Release
Mar. 14: Spring Conferences (3:20-7:40)
Mar. 19: Spring Conferences (3:20-7:40) (No Club Huskies)
Mar. 20: Club Huskies
Mar. 21: Grades 3-5 Science Fair
Mar. 22: No School & Final Yearbook Orders Due
Mar. 25-29: No School (Spring Break)
Contact Us:
Email: mmeyer1@isd77.org
Website: he.isd77.org
Location: 1524 Hoover Drive, North Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-388-5202