Urey Counseling Corner
Dream. Plan. Go!
Hey, it's me...your SCHOOL COUNSELOR!
Our 7th grade students will be starting out the year creating BINGO cards for themselves with activities/goals they want to complete this year. They will track their progress throughout the semester and every time they earn a BINGO by completing five of their goals/activities, they will get a fun treat from me.
Our 8th grade students will be creating digital time capsules that will be sent to them during their Senior year. We want our students to learn that New Year's isn't about making resolutions but instead an opportunity to create an everchanging vision for their life.
We have the best students and staff at Urey...get ready for another great semester!!
Need a little extra HELP? Join a small group!!
Anxiety Management
Anxiety Management middle school counseling group is designed to help students recognize anxiety, prevent anxiety, and practice coping skills they can use when they feel anxious. In addition, students will learn how to identify the size of the problem and how to distinguish irrational fears from facts. Lessons on...
-Determine the types of anxiety
-The body's response to anxiety
-Relaxation techniques
-Prevent anxiety with a schedule and Inner Coach
-Irrational Fears and size of the problems
-Alternate outcomes and previous successes
Emotion Recognition and Management
Emotion recognition and management middle school counseling group is designed to help students recognize how they are feeling and practice coping skills. In addition students will learn relaxation techniques and how to reframe negative thought patterns. Lessons on....
-Physical feelings and emotions
-Reactions vs responses
-Responding to intense emotions
-Relaxation techniques
-Escaping negative thoughts
-Sensory tools
Academic Skills Management
Academic Skills middle school counseling group is designed to help students be more successful in school by focusing on preparedness, executive functioning, and test anxiety. Students will learn new test taking strategies, how to plan ahead using organizational tools, and how to prepare in increments. In addition, they will identify healthy lifestyle habits for mental and physical health, and practice coping skills they can use to combat test anxiety. Lessons on...
-Test taking strategies
-Preparing in increments
-Benefits of preparedness
-Planning and organizational tools
-Test anxiety coping skills
-Healthy lifestyle habits
What's Coming Up!!
Upcoming DAYS OFF...
Monday, February 17th-Presidents Day
March 24-28-Spring Break
Be ready to play in the snow!!
Once we have a good snow come along, be ready to bring in snow gear to wear so we can play in the snow at school. Date coming soon!!!
-Create/complete Valentine crafts to hand out to nursing homes/hospitals
Mission 2-Spread positivity around
-Create coffee sleeves that have positive messages and pictures for the local bakery to use.
Mission 3-Chalk it up to Kindness
-Take chalk and write positive messages on the sidewalks in front of WES, JGHS, and sidewalks up town.
Mission 4-Blessing Bags for the Homeless
-Collect the following items from home, teachers, community:
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Tuna pouches
Granola bars
Hand warmers
Feminine hygiene products
Small Water bottles
Fruit snacks or applesauce cups
Crackers with peanut butter or cheese
-Put the items you collect in large ziplock bags provided from Mrs. Reynolds.
Mission #5-Filling in the gap for orphans
-Mrs. Reynold’s husband, AJ, will be going to help build a house for a family in Honduras. During the stay in Honduras, AJ and fellow builders will be going to help a local orphanage. Let’s send AJ with some cool stuff to help these orphans. Collect the following items:
-Balls to play with-inflatable
-plain t shirts-youth sizes
-tooth brushes/travel size toothpaste
Here are some links to articles and sites that may help you and your student(s). If you find a site/article that was helpful, email me and share your thoughts with me:)
Executive Functions Skills help for parents:
Suicide Awareness & Prevention:
NEW 988 Suicide Lifeline #:
Anti Bullying:
Snapshots of Urey Life
THANK YOU Urey Family for helping us donate over 500 toys to our local families!!
Lyric and her dad, who works for Polygon, helped collect toys for the Urey Toy drive.
Student Council (SC) motivates Urey Students
Peyton Burdick, a member of the Student Council, shares Motivational Monday thoughts on the morning announcements. SC shares motivational thoughts every week with students
Mrs. Celmer & Mrs. Temple have fun with their homeroom kids
Thank you to our local partners for helping with Envision the Future
Lucas Boling of North Liberty Christian Church helping our 8th grade students learn about "unexpected events" at the Envision the Future event.
Urey Cheerleaders LIFT our school up!
We love our Urey cheerleaders for working so hard to cheer on our students:)
Student Council spreads Christmas cheer
Urey Student Council members enjoyed cocoa, cookies, and games with the residents of Miller's Merry Manor before Christmas Break.
Old School games
Mrs. Groves taught her students the fun of a good ole fashioned game of Yahtzee
Good Friends
Blaze and Glenn enjoyed hanging out at the boys basketball game at Urey
Christmas Spirit Days
Gage was sporting a fun Christmas hat for spirit day