Paw Notes
March 2025
Important Dates To Add To Your Calendar
2/28- Central District Parade of Bands Concert, Aiea HS, 7:00pm
3/1- AMS Soccer vs Waialua @ Waialua HS, 8am
3/4 - Permission Slips and Money due to office for 8th grade Promotion events
3/5 - Genki Ala Wai Canal Field Trip
3/8- AMS Soccer vs Moanalua @Leilehua HS, 12pm
3/12- School Community Council Meeting (SCC), Transition Center, 2:30pm
3/13- Early Release, 1:05pm
3/14- Early Release, 1:05pm: Student Activity Day & End of Quarter 3
3/17-3/21- NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
3/24- First Day of Quarter 4
3/24- 8L Field Trip to Kualoa Ranchʻs Hakipuʻu Learning Center
3/26- NO SCHOOL, Prince Kuhio Day
3/28 - Bus Applications for Quarter 4 window closes
4/2- Hawaii Science & Engineering Fair
For long term planning purposes, please click HERE to see the AMS 24-25 calendar.
If you have questions or need to request a withdrawal packet, please contact our registrar, Mrs. Kurose, at Mary_Ann.Kurose@k12.hi.us.
In addition, if you have any changes to your contact information such as: Updated address (with copy of lease), phone numbers or email address please email or call our registrar’s office to update your file.
If your student needs support during their transition in or out of AMS please have them reach out to their school counselor, our MFLC or our transition center coordinator Mrs. Jana Farnsworth at Jana.Farnsworth@k12.hi.us.
8th Grade Promotion Event Forms Due March 4th
8th grade students received two field trip forms and an envelope last week during advisory for 8th grade promotion events.
Event #1 is the 8th grade banquet luncheon, which will be held on Thursday May 29th at Tradewinds Restaurant on JBPHH. This event will be held during the school day and students will be bused back and forth. Cost is $50.00 (Yellow Form)
Event #2 is the 8th grade promotion ceremony which will be held on Friday May 30th at 8:45am. Transportation will be provided if needed. Cost is $15. (Light Purple Form)
Please turn in these forms with cash payment in the envelope provided by Monday March 4th. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Sissel at tyler.sissel@k12.hi.us.
Happening Around Campus
AMS Panthers give back through partnership with Genki Ala Wai Project
Every quarter, you can find a STEM or science class here at AMS making genki balls for the Genki Ala Wai Project. This project, started in April 2019, addresses the issue of pollution in the Ala Wai Canal in Waikiki. This manmade canal, built in the 1920's, has become one of the most polluted waterways in Hawaii due to an accumulation of organic and non-organic waste build up.
So, what is a genki ball and how does it help? These balls are made with a mixture of soil and microorganisms, the ball is dried and then transported to the canal where students throw them into the water. The microorganisms when released into the water will help decompose the sludge on the bottom of the canal and help bring a healthy balance back to the waterway's ecosystem. The goal of the project is to bring back fishing and swimming to the canal in the next few years.
This project not only helps the environment but helps our students connect with our local community. Community members, including seniors from our local senior centers, military members and other AMS staff, are invited to STEM and science classes to be taught by our students how to make genki balls and the positive impact they have on the canal. Students are also joined by Genki Project staff who meet them at the canal to show them what a difference they are making to their community and our environment.
To learn more about the Genki Ala Wai project and for events please see their website at: genkialawai.org
Click here for the Hawaii News Report about the inaugural genki ball toss aboard the Hōkūleʻa.
Central District Parade of Bands Concert
The Central District Parade of Bands Concert will be held on Feb 28, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. at Aiea High School. AMS students will join students from Moanalua MS & HS, Aiea Intermediate & HS, Mililani Middle & HS, and Radford HS in this central district performance.
From Team 8L: Field Trip
What is the best way to start the 4th quarter? With a field trip, of course! Students in team 8L will be going to Kualoa Ranchʻs Hakipuʻu Learning Center on Monday, March 24 to learn about Hawaiian Culture in an experiential learning program. After learning historical and scientific background information, our students will have the opportunity to participate in caring for the ʻāina (land) using traditional Hawaiian techniques. Students are asked to come prepared for the event with a refillable water bottle, sunscreen, insect repellent, a towel, spare clothes, a plastic bag for wet things and, most importantly, a positive attitude! Permission slips are due to Mrs. Beth Young by Friday, March 7. Email Elizabeth.Young@k12.hi.us if you have any questions.
AMS Students selected to compete in Hawaii State History Day Fair
Congratulations to all the brilliant student historians who participated in National History Day! Thank you for all of your effort and perseverance as you uncovered important ideas from the past to share at our AMS History Day Fair. Only days after the fair we had an excellent groups of students participate in the Central District History Day Fair and we are proud to announce that from there 4 student projects were selected to advance to the Hawaii State History Day Fair in April.
Students Representing AMS at the Hawaii State History Day Fair
John Garcia with an Exhibit: "Giving a Voice to Hawaiians Affected by Leprosy"
Quorra Mintz with a Documentary: "The Legalization of Same Sex Marriage in the United States"
Miliany Garcia with a Documentary: "Motown: The Melodic Beacon"
Emma Mallis, Joslyn Foster, and Lily Ridge with a Performance: "A Revolution of a Performance: The American Revolution"
AMS Students headed to Global Amazing Shake Competition
Congratulations to Natalie Dalton, Leah Ortega and Tevy Fishman who will be representing AMS at the Global Amazing Shake competition in Atlanta Georgia at the end of March.
To learn more about the Amazing Shake visit their website at: Global Amazing Shake — The Ron Clark Academy
AMS headed to the 2025 Hawaii Science & Engineering Fair
Congratulation to 6 of our talented AMS students that are headed to the 2025 Hawaii Science and Engineering Fair on April 2nd. AMS will be represented by:
Jack Martin
Elyse Neuman
Zachary Colella
Ryan Wilcox
Tevy Fishman
Cason Robertson
Central District Honor Orchestra
Congratulations to the following 24 selected AMS students who participated in the 14th Annual Central District Beginning and Intermediate Honor Orchestra performance on Feb 1, 2025. They represented AMS well and made us proud!
7th Grade:
Barbosa, Ron
Empeno, Dominic
Fernandez Falcon, Mya
Labuguen, Elnathan
Lim, Laycee
Mariano, Mikaela
Mayor, Savannah
Neuman, Elyse
Schramm, Brady
Tiong, Sabrina
8th Grade:
Bali, Miya
Ben, Dade
Bevans, Hanna
Biggerstaff, Dylan
Brown, Leina
Fletcher, Brady
Horwitz, Maya
Keddo, Aiden
Lombardi, Christian
Long, Nola
Nagle, Saiyora
Reed, Jennifer
Strickland, Jacob
Whalen, Rosario
AMS Student Summit
The Annual AMS Student Summit was held last month on February 13th. Students had a great day focused around what they wanted to learn about. Sessions included: learning to make bottle rocks, cook pancit noodles, make gyoza, practice their football skills, learn about banking, talk with the humane society and so much more. We are thankful to all of our community members who came to share their time and talent with our AMS students.
Coaching Opportunities:
If you are interested and able to help us with our intramural sports program, please email Vice Principal Williams at jeann.williams@12.hi.us or call the office at (808) 307-8000.
We have the following sports that we are looking for coaches:
Practices occur after school hours and are determined by the coaches and administration.
Our last meeting of the year will be on Thursday April 10th at 6:30pm in the Transition Center.
It is not too late to become a PTSO member. Becoming a member does not commit you to any volunteering. Your membership fee to the PTSO helps sponsor all student and staff events and helps keep our events free to students and staff. Please click this Membership Form if you are interested in joining and/or donating to the AMS PTSO.
If you have joined the PTSO and not received an email please email us at: aliamanumsptso@gmail.com to join our email list make sure you have access to our exclusive opportunities.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Lei Project:
We are looking for volunteers to braid lei. Please click on this document to learn more about the lei project and to volunteer.
PTSO Board for School Year 25-26
Panther 'Ohana Resources
Radford High School Announces Summer School Courses
8th graders who will be attending Radford High School next year as freshmen will have the opportunity in April to sign up for summer school classes. Please contact your child's school counselor or Radford HS if you have questions about this opportunity.
Bus Applications for Quarter 4: January 31, 2025 - March 28, 2025
The window to apply for Quarter 4 bus passes will open on January 31st, 2025. Bus passes are first come, first serve. Online applications can be submitted online HERE.
Message from Radford HS PTSA
The Radford HS PTSA invites 8th grade parents to join them for their Panda Parent Night on Friday February 28th to get more information about the PTSA.
March Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Download the files below for a printable breakfast and lunch calendar, or click here to visit the Nutrislice website.
Infinite Campus Access
Parents can use Infinite Campus to view progress reports starting this week. Parents can also use Infinite Campus to track student’s attendance, assignments and grades.
Students can download the Campus Student App and Parents can download the Campus Parent App to access Infinite Campus on their mobile devices.
LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS : bit.ly/ICparentInstructions
Download the AMS app
Do you like the convenience of an app to help keep you up to date? Whether you have an iphone or an android, AMS has you covered. Search your phone's app store for "Aliamanu Middle School" and download our app. This app allows you to easily access bus and lunch information, news and newsletters, Infinite Campus, AND an attendance form if you student is going to be/has been absent from school. If you'd like to get notifications when the app is updated, please "allow" them.
About Aliamanu Middle School
At AMS, we empower and inspire all students to apply their knowledge, skills and attitudes to achieve personal goals and contribute meaningfully to society.
Email: allyssa.berthelotte@k12.hi.us
Website: aliamanumiddleschool.org
Location: 3271 Salt Lake Boulevard, Honolulu, HI, USA
Phone: 808-307-8000
Instagram: aliamanumiddle
Twitter: @AliamanuMiddle
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