MMS 6th Grade Parent Newsletter
Participation Responsibility Integrity Determination Effort
Principal's Message
First of all, I'd like to welcome all of the families that will be entering MMS this fall, especially those that are brand new to us. Our number one priority at MMS is making each student feel safe and welcome at school, and that won't change whether we are in a virtual or face-to-face setting. Under normal circumstances, I'd invite each and every one of you to MMS one spring evening for a parent orientation to hear about the middle school experience directly from me. This year is different, though, so I'm going to use a variety of ways to communicate including newsletters, videos, virtual meetings and (hopefully) some in-person events later on.
One of the biggest changes for middle schoolers is the student's schedule. Students interact with more teachers every day and have to navigate a large campus is a timely manner. To be honest, the 6th grade teachers do an excellent job welcoming and indoctrinating our students over the first few days of school, but I also know that parents like to be front-loaded with the information in advance. Below you'll find lots of information about how that all works.
As you may know, in middle school students have an Explore class in their schedule (in high school they are referred to as "elective" classes). Generally speaking, these are enriching and fun classes for our students. In this newsletter, I'll explain our process for assigning Explore classes.
Our students in special education enjoy a very typical experience in middle school and also receive some enhancements to their schedule. I'll describe those details below as well.
Looking ahead to August, I still don't know what the first day of school is going to look like. I just know that whatever we are asked to do, we'll do it in a way that ensures a first class education for each of our students.
Hope you find this helpful!
Mr. Legg
Principal MMS
Schedule Basics
Six Periods A Day
Here is an example of a possible student schedule.
Per 1: Math
Per 2: Language Arts
Per 3: PE
Per 4: Explore
Per 5: Science
Per 6: Social Science
We will publish your students final schedule on the IC Parent Portal a day or two prior to school starting.
A frequent question is "do tardies to advisement count?" The answer to this is "yes" and upon a fifth tardy to Advisement, a consequence will be issued to the student.
Mustang Pride
Option 1: Band or Orchestra
Option 2: Explore Rotation
1. Intro to Computers
2. Intro to Art
4. Literature Explorations
5. Communications
We do not take requests for Explore classes. Rather, over their three years, students will be able to take all of them at one time or another.
Students who do not sign up for band or Orchestra are automatically placed into their Explore classes. There is nothing you need to do!
Option 3: Start in the Rotation, then...
1. Computer Science
2. Advanced Art
3. ASB Leadership
We'll let you know when they can apply next spring!