Brown MS Weekly Update
Nov. 4, 2022
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Dear Brown MS Community,
While the cold weather has not fully arrived yet, we are approaching cold and flu season. Healthy habits, like washing hands, eating healthy foods and getting enough sleep are so important to keep students in school. Our first Bear Belief is "Be Here" and on the most basic level, that means showing up every day. Students who attend school regularly and are on time demonstrate more success in school. In the coming days, I will be sending a letter out to families with a high number of absences to see how we can better support them in helping their children be at school. We do this to support and inform so that we can all "be here".
This coming Tuesday is an early release day and students will leave at 11:20. During that morning in an extended advisory session we will be kicking off a meaningful tradition we have here at Brown MS. Our annual Gift Drive is a wonderful event that strengthens and defines who we are as a community. We have done this now for two decades and it is one of my favorite traditions at Brown. Every year, we come together as an entire school to make the holiday season special for kids in need. Students and families are invited to participate by providing gifts for individuals living at the Brookview House in Dorchester. Brookview is recognized for its innovative approach to providing housing and services. The agency's objective is to provide a safe, supportive environment while moms and kids pursue education, job training, and/or employment leading to personal and economic self-sufficiency. Students truly enjoy this event, so please watch for information on this in the weeks ahead.
We are lucky to have a warm and sunny weekend in our future. I plan to get out for one last paddle in my kayak before we store it away for the winter. Hope you find some time to get outdoors, too! Also, don't forget to turn your clocks back this week - enjoy that extra hour of sleep!
Kim Lysaght, Principal
Upcoming dates:
Saturday, November 5 - Turn clocks back one hour before you go to bed!
Tuesday, November 8 - Election Day - Please be sure to vote!
Tuesday, November 8 - Early release day. Students released at 11:20AM.
Friday, November 11 - No School for Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 15 - Picture Retake Day
Wednesday, November 23 - Early release. Students and staff released at 11:20AM.
Thursday & Friday, November 24 & 25 - No School for Thanksgiving Holiday
Peer Leaders Training
This week our peer leaders had their second training session with the ADL. These student leaders are preparing to present a program for their peers that promotes a positive environment, inclusivity and how to be up-standers for one another. Counselors, Kevin Travers and Sam Schneider are their advisors and will continue to lead the group as they plan for these presentations.
Update on Antidiscrimination work at Brown
Five months ago, in partnership with Newton South High School and Oak Hill Middle School, we hosted a No Place for Hate Walk that affirmed our commitment to anti-discrimination (see video below). As a community, Newton Public Schools have always valued diversity, equity, and inclusion. At Brown we have worked to teach our students to respect and celebrate the diversity represented in our community. Each year we spend time in advisory and classes learning about the harmful effects of racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and ableism. Our peer leaders have been training with members of the ADL (see above) and in January we will again welcome Urban Improv to present the impacts of microaggressions. As a faculty we are committed to this work, and will continue to support students in celebrating their identitiies and being upstanding citizens here at Brown.
Unfortunately, we have had some instances of hurtful words being used this fall. Whenever this happens, we address it immediately, acknowledge the harm such words cause, hold students accountable and work on restorative measures so students learn and grow. When this language targets a marginalized group we utilize the NPS non-discrimination protocol (see the end of this weekly update for information about how to report an incident).
Middle school is a time where students make mistakes, and making sure students understand the impact of their words is essential. They are aware of celebrities who have said antisemitic, racist, homophobic or transphobic statements, and they are trying to make sense of it all. Please engage your children in conversations about the impact of such words. They learn best from those they love and respect, and we owe it to them to have difficult conversations so they can become caring, empathetic adults in the future.
New SEL program for all students
As part of our ongoing commitment to student social and emotional support, growth, and wellness, next week we will begin our pilot of the Sown to Grow program within our advisory time. Sown to Grow (StG) is an evidence-based program that promotes easy and engaging student check-ins, personalized feedback, and built-in curriculum that empowers schools to improve student social, emotional, and academic well-being. StG has partnered with schools across the world, and you can read more about StG’s impact here.
Each Monday at advisory, students will log into their StG accounts, share how they are feeling that day (using an emoji scale), and respond to a reflection question about their experiences. Advisory teachers will see student entries and will provide feedback to each student within the portal. If a student indicates difficult or concerning feelings, advisory teachers and the grade level counselor will be notified right away, so that they can follow up with the student quickly. To learn more about StG, you can watch the 3-minute demo video below. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact one of our school counselors. Thank you!
Picture retakes - November 15
For students who missed picture day, we will have an opportunity for them to have their picture taken on Tuesday, November 15. If your student wants to have their picture retaken, please have them return the pictures to the school on that day and then they can have a new picture taken.
Reading is such an important part of learning, and our librarian, Felicia Quesada Montville, has shared some excellent data regarding use of our library. Please continue to encourage your child to read at home each day. You could even read a book together to demonstrate your own love of reading to them.
Basketball Tryouts - for 7th and 8th graders
Basketball tryouts will begin Monday, Dec 5, 2022. If your child is in the 7th or 8th grade and is interested in trying out, please use the link below to gain more information and to register your child on FamilyID(ArbiterSports). Registration closes on Dec 1, 2022 @ 7:00pm.
After School Extra-Curricular Activities and Athletics
Getting involved in after school activities is a great way for your child to make connections with other students and become involved in the Brown MS community. There are late buses (4:15PM) available for any children that have a bus pass.
Click here to view the schedule of after school activities.
Middle School Activities Fee Payment Information:
The middle school activity fee covers all school-sponsored, extracurricular activities within the middle schools, known as Triple E, not including athletics. The annual one-time fee allows students to participate in an unlimited number of Triple E activities.
$60 per student per year not including drama productions
$100 per student per year if student participates in drama productions
Payment Options
Pay online at
Select the Middle School Activity Fee Product/icon in the school store.
Select your student from the dropdown, select payment option, and proceed to checkout. If you have been approved for a waiver, select the waiver option. If you do not see your student, please make sure you have added your student to your MSB account. To view your students click on your profile icon on the top right of the MSB homepage and select "My Students."
Mail the application and check to: Business & Finance, Newton Public Schools, 100 Walnut Street, Newtonville, MA 02460
If you wish to apply for a financial waiver, please complete an application located in Aspen. For more information on financial assistance, visit
If payment or financial waiver is not received at time of registration, an invoice will be issued to your student’s MySchoolBucks account.
Contact or 617-559-9025 for assistance
Asia Club
Asia club is a time and place to explore the cultures of Asia and to promote an increased understanding of this large and populous region of the world. Asia spans 11 time zones, has 48 independent nations with numerous languages, cultures and histories. The club meets every other Thursday from 3:00-4:00. Club facilitator, Ms. Lobo has lived in Asia for about a dozen years, (China, Japan, and Hong Kong) and traveled to many other Asian countries (Indonesia, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Turkey).
Asian American & Pacific Islander Affinity Group (AAPI)
AAPI Group is a club for students who identify as a part of AAPI. The objectives for this AAPI affinity group are to provide a place for students to discuss their experiences, thoughts, and feelings and to connect with other students with similar identities/backgrounds. Students will also participate in some cultural activities to strengthen their identities. The club meets every other Thursday from 3:00-4:00 with advisors Ms. Mao, Ms. Thangapandian and Mr. Alford.
It's time to sign up for Ski Club!
It is time to sign up for Ski Club! Please click Here for the all of the Ski Club information. We ask that you read through the FAQ section carefully as it will answer most of your questions. Ski Club dates are January 5, 12, 19, 26 and February 9, 16. Please reach out to with questions.
Lost and Found!
Our Lost and Found has become quite full in the past few weeks and is now overflowing. We will keep the items until Thursday, Nov. 10, and will then be donating items that are not claimed to Good Will. Please take a look at some of these pictures and ask your child to check for their belongings. We will be reminding students at lunches to make sure to look through the items.
It is time for the third annual Newton Neighbors Thanksgiving Gift Card Drive!
Did you know that 1 in 10 of our neighbors struggles to feed their family? 1 in 10 of our neighbors sits down to an empty plate. Help us to support our neighbors in need this holiday season.
Last year, through the support of our community, Newton Neighbors provided 150 families throughout Newton, Brockton and Waltham with $50 supermarket Gift Cards! With increasing food costs, the goal is to give out $75 gift cards this holiday season through partner agencies to families in Newton, Waltham, and Brockton.
The Thanksgiving Gift Card Drive will run from November 1 - 19. Any donation, of any size, will help us achieve our goal. Donate online at or mail a check to Newton Neighbors, PO Box 590141, Newton, MA 02459.
Newton Neighbors is working through partner organizations in Newton, Waltham, and Brockton to distribute gift cards to families and will not be distributing gift cards directly. All direct requests will be referred to appropriate partners.
Newton Neighbors’ mission is to facilitate community connection, mutual aid, and access to resources and support for all people who live, work, pray, play and/or learn in Newton, MA. Families inquiring about gift cards from this initiative can email
How to report an instance of discrimination, harassment or retaliation.
NPS has recently updated their non-discrimination protocol and reporting process. Here is a link to a document that gives an overview of the process and how to report incidents. If you experience an incident that you feel needs to be reported, you can contact the school directly or you can fill out this Online reporting form.
Discrimination includes, but is not limited to, excluding from participation, denying the benefits of, or otherwise discriminating against individuals on the basis of a Protected Class, or any other category protected by state or federal law.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome, inappropriate, or illegal physical, verbal, written, graphic, or electronic conduct that relates to an individual’s actual or perceived Protected Class, that has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile education or work environment. Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to, conduct that denigrates, demeans, or stereotypes a person and/or group based upon disability, gender identity, national origin, ethnic background, ancestry, race, color, religion, or sexual orientation. Sexual harassment is also included in this category.
Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, coercion, intimidation, interference, punishment, discrimination, or harassment against any member of the school community in response to that member’s oral, written, formal or informal reporting or filing a complaint, cooperating in an investigation, aiding or encouraging another member to report or file a complaint.
Amazon Smile - Support Brown's PTO
If you are planning on doing some shopping on Amazon, consider using amazon smile to support Brown's PTO. Just designate Charles E. Brown Middle School PTO as your charitable recipient. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your purchase price for eligible purchases towards our PTO. Click the picture below for a direct link to the site.
For more information about how this works, click this link to the PTO website.
Do you need to update your student's information in Aspen?
If you have not already done so, please be sure to update your student information on Aspen. It is important that we have correct contact information for school to home communication. Click here for Student Information Update instructions.
Calendar and School Hours
School Hours:
8:20AM - 2:50PM - Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
8:20 AM - 2:05PM - Wed.
Click here for the NPS 2022-2023 school calendar.
Click here for the Brown Middle School 6-day rotation calendar for 2022-2023 with early release days and days of the cycle.
Absentee Line
To report a student absence call: 617-559-6980
Brown Middle School
125 Meadowbrook Road
Newton, MA 02459
Absences: 617-559-6980
Main office: 617-559-6900