Parmenter Press
January 23, 2025
Please Download the APP. This is Crucial! (downloaded over 3,300 times!)
Parmenter Directory is HERE
If your student is not included, you can still use the form to sign up https://forms.gle/WeMTYtdYAcga45hh9 and we will try to do another update in January/February..
A Note from the Office
Dear Parmenter Families,
Halfway Through the School Year!
It’s hard to believe we’ve reached the halfway point of the school year! As we reflect on the incredible progress our students have made, we also look forward to all the growth and learning still ahead. Thank you for your continued support and partnership—it truly takes a village to make our school the special place it is. Let’s keep the momentum going for a fantastic second half of the year!
Be sure to check out, and share, the fundraiser below for Gavin, one of Parmenter students. "Hats On For Gavin" will take place in school on February 4, World Cancer Day!
Finally, we have a Whole School Meeting on Monday! Be sure to wear Parmenter Gear or school colors!
Be well,
Evan Chelman, Principal
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YEARBOOKS ON SALE! Click the link to order and add sentiments!
February 4: Hats On For Gavin: World Cancer Day: Please Support
Polar Plunge: Click to find out more!
Friday Photos (1st grade math morning)
Please read the above link with snow information. We have already struggled to show up with appropriate gear, ready for the elements. Please have a conversation with your student about throwing snow and recess expectations in the snow.
Thank you for your support
Stay Informed About the Reorg
Weekend Backpack Initiative
6-Day Cycle Schedule
Pitch in for Parmenter
Every school year, the PCC provides school supplies, field trips and enrichment programs for our students. With the school reorganization happening next year, all of the PCCs from the current 5 elementary schools have agreed to continue fundraising this year, so that we may continue to provide school supplies, field trips, and enrichment for the 2025-26 school year too. In order to make this happen, we, as a Joint PCC (all 5 elementary school PCCs), have agreed to raise $50 per student. This $50 will follow each student to their next school when we consolidate accounts at the end of the school year.
To ensure that each of our students get school supplies, field trips, and in-school enrichment programs in the 2025-2026 school year, please consider donating $50 towards our Pitch in for Parmenter campaign.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
27th - Whole School Meeting (wear Parmenter Gear or colors)
4th - World Cancer Day - Hats On For Gavin
10th - Early Release Day - PD
17th - 21st - No School - February Break
7th - Special Person Dance 6:00-7:30
11th - 12th - Early Release Day - Conferences
18th - Early Release Day - PD
3rd - School Spirit Day Whole School Meeting
4th - Bottle & Can Collection Day
14th - Early Release - PD
18th - No School - Good Friday
21st - 25th - No School - April Break
28th - Comfy Day
2nd - Early Release Day - PD
26th - No School - Memorial Day
30th - Fun Day
5th - School Spirit Day Whole School Meeting
9th - Early Release Day - PD
17th - Projected Last Day - Early Release for Students/Full Day Staff
About Us
Email: chelmane@franklinps.net
Website: https://www.franklinps.net/g-m-parmenter-elementary-school
Location: 235 Wachusett Street, Franklin, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 541-5281