McClure Messages
Aug 21 - 23
First Day - Wednesday, August 21!
It has been a wonderful and busy last three days, seeing all of our kids and getting them set for the new school year!
If your student did not have a chance to set up their locker and get and assignment notebook and schedule sticker, you can reach out to Mrs. Rotolo at our front desk (krotolo@d101.org) to set up an appointment for Monday or Tuesday.
On the first day of school students should plan to bring a charged Chromebook and something to write with to their classes; teachers will fill them in on what will be needed moving forward.
Please remember that today is the close of schedule change requests, if you have a request please send it to me at lbroadnax@d101.org. These are necessary so that teachers can plan for an accurate roster.
One of the D101 Handbook updates worth a separate call-out and additional information is that of the Personal Electronic Device Policy. Please read a detailed message on the policy change via the PDF below.
Additionally, please find the updated D101 Acceptable Use Policy HERE or attached as a PDF below. We will send a hard copy of this policy home with students int he first few days of school, which will need to be signed both both the parent and student, and returned to school.
We deeply appreciate your partnership and support of this policy change as we strive to keep our classrooms safe and focused on learning.
Also, hopefully everyone received yesterday's stand alone message regarding the Parent Technology Guidebook and takes some time to review it. It has useful information whether your child has a device or not and touches on screen time, cyber safety, social media, and all things technology usage.
Legs, Cars, Bikes, and Buses
A few logistical and safety-minded reminders about getting to school :
Cars: Pick up and drop off is along Johnson Ave. Car traffic is only southbound on Johnson during pick up and drop off. Please do not drop students off on Chestnut, as they often will cross the street in the middle of the block and it creates a very unsafe situation. The bus cut out in the front of school should be kept clear for buses to pull in.
Walking: Students on foot (or bike) crossing Wolf Road should please cross at the crosswalk at Chesnut and Wolf with our crossing guard.
Bikes: Students riding a bike to school can always use a reminder at home about bike safety - we most frequently see students entering the roadway in unexpected ways, such as in the middle of a block or during the middle of a crossing. Students should please lock their bikes up in a bike rack on the south end of school near the PE field.
Buses: Students riding the bus are required to demonstrate safe and mature behavior. Sitting down in seats and staying relatively quiet (no loud music or shouting) are required. If a bus is expected to be significantly late Mrs. Broadnax will contact parents of bus riders to update families.
Student Schedules and Course Change Requests
When reviewing student schedules please make sure to look through the entire year of courses, including electives that are scheduled for later in the year. We make every effort to ensure students are scheduled into the appropriate core classes and as many preferred elective courses as possible. However should you find an error, please see the guidelines below for course change requests. Please contact our main office via an email to kfuhr@d101.org if you are unable to log into PowerSchool.
Course Change Requests
- Change requests are only considered for a limited number of reasons (errors, academic need, etc.)
Course change requests must be submitted by a parent to the Principal.
There are two “windows” for elective course change requests:
All Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 requests due by August 18.
All Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 requests due by December 20.
Upcoming Dates
8/12 - 8/16 ........... Band and Orchestra Summer Music Camp (10am - 1pm)
8/14/24 ........... 6th grade locker setup and schedule pickup, 8-12 and 1-3
8/15/24 ........... 6th-8th grade locker setup and schedule pickup, 8-12 and 1-3
8/16/24 ........... 6th-8th grade locker setup and schedule pickup, 8-12 and 1-3
8/21/24 ........... First Day of School
8/28/24 ........... McClure Meet the Teacher Night (7pm - 9pm)
9/3/24 ........... 7th/8th AM Band and Orchestra Begins
9/6/24 ........... Bulldog Bash, 7 - 8:30pm
9/6/24 ........... Raise Right orders due
9/10/24 ........... Pep Band rehearsal, 3:30pm
9/10/24 ........... MAP Testing - Reading test in ELA classes
9/11/24 ........... Pep Band rehearsal, 3:30pm
9/12/24 ........... MAP Math test (testing session in the morning)
9/12/24 ........... Pep Band rehearsal, 3:30pm
9/13/24 ........... 8th Grade yearbook photos and Staff photos
9/13/24........... Student Council Rainbow Rally
9/18/24 ........... Parent Council Meeting, 7pm
9/25/24........... Half Day of School
9/25/24........... Guest Speaker on Cyberbullying and Online Safety (student and parent presentations)
9/27/24........... 6th/7th Yearbook Pictures
9/27/24........... 7th/8th grade Fortnightly
9/27/24........... Girl's Basketball Red Team Pack the Place
9/27/24........... Jr. High Band Night at LT Football game
9/29/24........... Parent Council Car Wash, 9am - 12pm
9/30/24........... Band and Orchestra ILMEA auditions due
Meet the Teacher Night
This night is a chance to run through your child's schedule and meet each of their teachers. You'll be able to hear about the curriculum and any important information for each course. The night will start in the gym at 7pm. After a short school-wide presentation, you'll get to switch classes just like the kids!
In a change this year, we will have our grade level presentations in the lunchroom during your child's lunch period. During that time you'll hear from our team leaders in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade about grade wide expectations and events.
Wednesday, August 28 McClure Meet the Teacher Night, 7pm - 9pm
McClure Student/Parent Handbook
The Student/Parent Handbook is a great place to go as a first stop for questions you might have about the day to day operations and policies at McClure. I'll highlight sections of the handbook in the first few weeks of school and it will always be available at the bottom of my weekly updates, and on our school website.
Some sections you might want to check out:
Bell schedules..........................................page 2
Absences (ill and planned).....................page 9
Dress code...............................................page 26
Student supports....................................page 32
Cell phone and Smartwatch policies....page 37
Bus Routes
Our bus routes have not changed, and times for regular day pick up and drop off can be seen here.
A reminder that students must be signed up to ride the bus, however, bus riders do not need to ride the bus (many choose to ride bikes when the weather is nice).
Sports Physicals
A current sports physical is required for every student who wishes to tryout for or participate in an interscholastic sport. Also required is a concussion form signed by both a parent and the student. (Physical exams required for 6th grade also meet this requirement.)
Any and all health papers can be dropped off in our main office, in the black drop box just outside the main doors, or emailed to jward@d101.org.
Activity Opportunities
We have a few activities that are offered to our students by current or former parents. You'll find details about two of these below.
Dance Company
The McClure Dance Company (MDC) aims to provide a respectful, kind, creative, motivating environment where dancers feel safe to celebrate themselves, take risks and explore the beauty of dance. Audition information and more can be found via the company website. Audition clinic starts the first week of school!
Organizer: Anna Caccitolo
Bulldog Junior Golf League
Hello McClure Family,
We are excited for the return of the school year and another season of the Bulldog Junior Golf League. It’s amazing that we are starting our 15th season. We hope your child will consider participating with their fellow Bulldogs this Fall. Please find information and registration material at this link. If you have additional questions, please contact us.
Organizer: John Ambrose
Community News
Offered by District 107, this coming Monday is an Executive Functioning Parent Education Night. Please click here for more information.
Contact Us
McClure Junior High
4225 Wolf Road
Western Springs, IL 60558
Main Office Phone Number: (708) 246-7590
Office Fax Number: (708) 246-4370
Attendance Email: mjhattendance@d101.org
Principal Laura Broadnax: lbroadnax@d101.org
Assistant Principal Thomas Sturm: tsturm@d101.org