Meet the Teacher
Mrs. Stone
About Mrs. Stone
About My Education...
After graduating from Wilkes Central High School, I attended UNC-Chapel Hill and graduated with a degree in psychology. After graduation and working in the field of psychology for a year, I attended Meredith College where I earned a Master's of Teaching.
About My Family...
I have been married to my husband, Joey, for 14 years this December. We have three kids, Canaan, Kenna and Colbie. Canaan will be in seventh grade this year. Kenna will be in fourth grade. Colbie is starting her educational career at preschool this year! At home we have five pets. One is a guinea pig named Cinnamon Roll. She is Canaan's pet and he has to take care of her all by himself because I am allergic to her! We also have two fish inside the house and two more outside in a small pond. We love to travel and eat at new places, even though my kids never like their food!
My Favorites
Book: The Giver
Color: Purple and Green
Food: Diary free Ice Cream and Sprinkles!
Animal: Pigs
Saturday activity: Playing with Canaan, Kenna and CoCo
About this Year
An exciting thing about fifth grade is that each teacher teaches a subject, so the kids get to switch classes like they do in middle school! Mrs. Bentley will teach our fifth graders math and Mrs. Sloop will teach reading. The classes will rotate through each classroom every day.