Lowell Lantern
April 24, 2020
Principal's message
Hello Lowell Families! This is Mrs. Griffin sending happy Friday wishes to everyone! I hope all of you have had a great week and enjoy the upcoming weekend! I would really like to extend our appreciation to all of our parents and caregivers for ensuring your children are actively engaged in their Learn at Home assignments and in their classroom virtual meetings. Lowell staff is so appreciative of all you do to support your children’s learning! Teachers are thrilled to be able to connect with students and to engage them in fun, learning experiences! This would not be possible without your support! So again, thank you for all you do!!
Many of you have asked about Kindergarten Registration for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. Registration for Kindergarten and Preschool in Warren Township begins on Monday, May 4th. There will be a live webinar May 4th at 7pm. Principals and teachers will present information about Kindergarten and Preschool programs in Warren, demonstrate information about how to register online, and conduct a live question & answer session with audience members. Children must be age 5 on or before September 1 to register for Kindergarten and age 3 on or before September 1 to register for Preschool. Once again, registration for kindergarten and preschool begins May 4th. We hope many of you can view and participate in the webinar on May 4 at 7:00pm. Please look for the Kindergarten Registration flyer in our newsletter this week for other important information about what is needed for the registration process.
Remember, the district has set up a Learn at Home/eLearning hotline for Warren families. The number is 317-608-0545. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or needs related to Learn at Home lessons, devices, or technology.
And we are continuing to distribute meals every Tuesday and Friday from 11:00am - 1:00pm at 11 different locations as well as every Wednesday evening from 5:30pm - 7:00pm at Post Road Christian Church and Lakeside Elementary. Please stop by any of these locations to pick up meals for your family.
Next week we will have another spirit day on Monday! Monday will be Pajama Day for students and staff! So good news ~~ we actually have a legitimate reason to stay in our pajamas all day!! Please forward pictures to your child’s teacher or to me at kgriffin@warren.k12.in.us. Once again, thank you to our students for another great week of learning! Thank you to our parents and caregivers for your constant support! And thank you to our teachers for their hard work and dedication to their students! Have a great weekend, and we will see everyone on Monday in their pajamas!
Mrs. Griffin
Kindergarten Registration Begins on May 4, 2020
MSD of Warren Township Survey Regarding WiFi Connection at Home
MSD of Warren Township is evaluating our technology needs and how to better serve our families and students of the district. Since iPads and Chromebooks require a WiFi connection, we are interested to know whether our students have access to WiFi at home. We are asking the parents of our K-4 students to please take a few minutes to complete an important survey to help us to better understand the technology needs of our families. Please take a few minutes to complete this important survey for the district. We appreciate your time in doing so.
Click on the following link to access this survey:
Student Devices
School Counselor Connection
Even though we are not physically in the school building, Mrs. Hand, Lowell's school counselor is still here for all of our Lowell family. If there is anything she can do for you, please reach out to her at bhand@warren.k12.in.us.
Have You Completed Your 2020 Census? Your Response Matters!!
Learn at Home/eLearning Information
Food Outreach Program
Playworks at Home Resources
Playworks has for over 24 years focused on bringing games and activities to schools, while creating a safe and healthy recess for students. We are now, more than ever, committed to responding to the need for continued healthy activities at home through several resources we are offering for free:
Play at Home Webpage: A library of videos and other resources featuring games and activities families can play at home. Each meeting the CDC requirements of social distancing and limited equipment. All available free on the Play at Home webpage
Play at Home Playbook: This game guide has a variety of games and activities families can do in their own home, with little to no equipment necessary.
Live Virtual Recess: A Playworks Coach leading a morning warm-up, a midday game, and an afternoon cooldown each day. Anyone can tune into Facebook Live Monday- Friday at 12:00pm, 2:00pm, and 4:00pm EST and play along.
Daily schedule - Facebook Live Recess
12:00PM - Morning Stretches & Warm Up
2:00PM - Recess Game
4:00PM - Afternoon Cooldown & Cheer
Families can also connect with us on Facebook (@makereccesscount), Twitter (@playworks), and Instagram (@playworksrecess).
Lowell Construction Updates
Lowell Learners are Rocking It!!
Lowell Spirit Day -- Hat Day!
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Lowell Elementary School
Contact Us
Kim Griffin -- Principal
Tasha Reedus -- Dean
Website: lowell.warren.k12.in.us
Location: 2150 South Hunter Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-532-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/LOWELLLEOPARDS
Twitter: @LowellElementa1