GMS Weekly Newsletter
Good Afternoon Wolf Pack Families,
This week we celebrated our 23/24 Teacher of the Year. Congratulations to Ms. Clancy for being this year's recipient of this prestigious recognition. Our Boys Basketball Team began its season on Wednesday and we have 2 home games next week. Our student's of the month were chosen by our teaching staff and we are so proud of their work in the classroom. The Religious Diversity Journeys group travelled to the Islamic Center of America this week where they participated in activities to learn about Islam, the Hijab and ways of life for Muslims, and even created their own Islamic artwork. Marking Period 1 grades have been posted. Please remember to check Skyward Family Access to see your child's progress during the first quarter of the year.
Next week is Spirit Week and we will have a student vs. staff volleyball game to end the week! Thanks to Ms. Rose, Ms. Hart and our STAND students for planning a great week of fun! We have many night activities planned next week as well: Band Concerts, Orchestra Concert and PTSA Meeting are some of the highlights. I hope to see many of you at these events.
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend,
Stuart Riley
Principal, Geisler Middle School
Upcoming GMS Events
11/13-11/17-SPIRIT WEEK (see below for details)
11/13-Boys Basketball-HOME vs. Muir MS
11/13-PTSA Meeting-7pm
11/14-Student Half Day-Staff Professional Development
11/14-7th/8th Grade Band Concert @ GMS-6:30pm
11/14-PTSA Reflections Contest Entry Deadline
11/15-6th Grade Orchestra Concert @GMS-6:30pm
11/16-Boys Basketball-HOME vs. Pierce MS
11/20-Boys Basketball @ Oak Valley MS
11/23 and 11/24-Thanksgiving Break-No School
New Communications
Teacher of the Year
Thank you to all of the students and families that submitted Teacher of the Year nominations. Mr. Hayes, Ms. Krull, Ms. Burdek and Ms. Clancy all had nominations. Nominations are sent to a partner school within Walled Lake, where our TOTY is chosen. Ms. Clancy is our Geisler MS TOTY! Congratulations. Ms. Clancy is our therapy dog handler, exceptional social studies teacher and coach for Volleyball and Track. We are so lucky to have her as part of the Wolf Pack Community!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our Students of the Month! These students have been nominated by one of their teachers for being an outstanding student in their classroom. We are very proud of your accomplishment!
Iliana Greco
Gavin Kammer
Ryusei Noguchi
Leah Selecman
Nick Vuktilaj
Anila Huggins
Radhika Manga
Marina Noguchi
Charlie Best
Natalie Manoogian
Sports Update
Boys Basketball began competing on Wednesday of this week. Our 6th/7th Grade Boys Team beat Mason MS for the first time in many years! Our 8th Grade Boys lost in the final seconds of the game. They played hard the entire game and we look forward to seeing their growth as the season goes on. Next week, there are 2 Home Games! Students who wish to watch the games, must leave school and come back at 4pm. Students must be accompanied by an adult in order to attend the game. Thank you for you cooperation.
Go Wolves!
Washington, D.C. Trip – UPDATES
We have about 15 more spots left on the D.C. Trip! If you have not registered your student, there is still time! While we are currently on a “waitlist”, students registered for the trip by Thanksgiving will be able to attend the trip. Students registered after this date will only be accepted if there is additional space on the buses. Click here for more information.
There is currently a Little Caesar’s Pizza Kit fundraiser underway until December 8. 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are all able to participate and funds will be earmarked directly towards their D.C. Trip. More information available by clicking here
PTSA Update
Great job 6th grader band members! It was a pleasure to watch you play in your first band concert. We can’t wait for the 7th & 8th grade band concert and the Orchestra Premier concert next week.
PTSA MEETING: 11/13 @ 7pm in the Learning Commons. View Agenda:
DINING TO DONATE: 11/14 ALL DAY at Red Robin in Commerce Twp. Details:
HOLIDAY SHOPPING EXPO at Guest Elementary: 11/18 from 10am to 3pm - shop local vendors and businesses for your holiday gifts and support one of our feeder schools.
✋Become a PTSA Member and learn about events, volunteer opportunities, and ways to get involved before everyone else! Membership Options:
Individual Member - $11
Staff Member - $6
Student Member - $5.50
Helpful Links:
Previous Communications
FREE Before and After School Tutoring
Free before and after school tutoring is back again for the 23/24 school year! If your student is struggling in Math or Reading (ELA), please consider signing them up for some additional support. All of our tutors are certified teachers from Geisler MS. Families must be able to commit to dropping off or picking up their student on time. This is a fantastic opportunity to help your student find success while at GMS! Tutoring sessions begin on October 25. Your student's tutor will reach out to you with further details once you have completed the Tutor Request Form .
Animal Shelter Drive
Due to the rising popularity of Gus, Geisler’s NJHS is supporting an Animal Shelter Drive to help the Oakland County Animal Shelter. Between October 30th – November 16th, please drop off new pet toys, leashes & collars, and old (but clean) towels & blankets. There is a collection box outside of the counseling office. Thank you for your support!
Banks/Geisler MS Co-Ed Swim and Dive Team
Please join the coaches of the Banks/Geisler Swim and Dive Team for a Parent Meeting on Tuesday, November 28 at the WL Central HS pool balcony at 6pm. Please see the attached forms for more information on the program.
WLW Wizard of Oz
Walled Lake Western is hosting a “Dinner and Show” party for guests to have a catered dinner before attending the musical on Saturday night. There is also have a “Munchkin Land” kids party for children to attend before the show on Sunday. Please see the attachments if interested in attending the show!
Weekend Food Program-Hospitality House
Supporting and caring for our students in any way possible is our mission at GMS. Geisler MS recently partnered with Hospitality House Food Pantry in Walled Lake to bring the Weekend Food Program to our students. If you are a family that could use a little extra help with meals on the weekends, please let your child’s counselor know. Your child’s name will be held confidential. The Weekend Food Program would provide approximately 6 meals and snacks for your student on the weekend. The food would be distributed to your student in a discreet bag or backpack for them to take home each Friday. There is no cost to participate in the program. To optimize a student’s success at school starts with students having enough to eat. Please see the attached flyer for more information about the Weekend Food Program. If you are interested in having your student participate, please contact your student’s counselor Ann Marie Rutherford (Counselor for 6th Grade Students (A-L) and ALL 8th Grade Students) or 248-956-2917 or Amanda Hart (6th Grade Students (M-Z) and ALL 7th Grade Students) or 248-956-2916.
PTSA Reflections Contest
The annual PTSA Reflections competition has begun! Our 2023/2024 Theme is “I am Hopeful Because…” Reflections Categories are: 2-D/3-D visual arts, literature, dance choreography, film production, music composition, photography, and special artist (for any students needing accommodations).
Students can create works in any of those categories around the theme. All Geisler students are welcome and encouraged to participate. More information, along with official rules and entry forms can be found at, or in the GMS Learning Commons. Submissions are due to our main office or through our electronic entry form by Tuesday, November 14th. We can't wait to see the amazing work from our GMS community!
If you have any questions, please contact our PTSA Reflections Chairs: Mrs. Archana Godase or Mr. Torry Yu