BCS Newsletter
December 2, 2024
A Word from the Head of School
Hey there BCS Family,
I've been pondering a line of Jesus from his sermon on the mount message in Matthew 6, that says, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." This comes in the midst of Jesus' discussion of money, wealth, and affluence, followed by instruction to not worry or be anxious with the provisions of life (food, clothing, shelter).
A treasure is something strictly guarded and adored, something worth spilling out all sorts of resources for. The question at hand is based on the outpouring of your time, attention, monetary spending, resources shared, and relationships being cultivated, what is your true treasure? What dominates the expenditure of all these different energies and resources you hold? Where does your heart truly lie in adoration toward?
As we move through the Advent season and into Christmas celebrations, my invitation for everyone is to join me in this reflection and redirecting toward the true treasure highlighted intently by the season we are in, that being Christ Himself! As the book our staff is studying this year highlights (Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer), important framing is for us to "Be with Jesus, Become like Jesus, and learn to do what He did." May we all take intentional steps toward this treasure together this Christmas season.
Grace and Peace,
Skyler Sikes
Head of School
It's Christmas Spirit Week! Details below!
Christmas Pep Rally THIS Friday
Want to give a Candy Gram to your favorite teacher, best friend, or sibling? Candy Grams are $3 each and will be given out the Friday before Christmas break. ALL ORDERS DUE BY DECEMBER 16.
Poinsettia Order Pick Up
Poinsettias will be ready for pick up THIS Wednesday, December 4, after school. If you ordered or are picking up to deliver, please pick up at the small building in front of the school. Please let us know if you have any questions.
The Christmas Arts Showcase is on December 9 at 7pm in the BCS gym. This program will feature our orchestra, drama classes, elementary music classes, and backdrops and artwork presented by our art students. It will be a night you won't want to miss.
Secondary Parents - Mark your calendars
Secondary Parents, mark your calendars for Final Exams - December 18 & 19. Below you will find information about final exams and exemptions for secondary students (5th-12th grade) from our student handbook. There is also a final exam schedule included. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Midterms/Finals Semester tests are an important part of the transition from elementary to secondary educational areas, and from secondary realms to higher level education. In addition to evaluating the student’s academic knowledge of the course, the purpose of requiring finals is to better prepare the student for college pace and scale of assessment. Final exams must be taken at the regularly scheduled time as designated by administration each semester. In the case of dire circumstances, special permission must be received from the appropriate Principal to take an exam early. The appropriate Principal will handle an unexcused absence from a semester exam.
The students not required to be present for an exam may leave campus through established checkout procedures. Finals process will be as follows for each grade level listed:
- 5th-8th Grades: two core finals in Fall semester and two core finals in Spring semester
- 9th Grade: All core finals taken each semester with opportunity for one exempt final
- 10th Grade: All core finals taken each semester with opportunity for two exempt finals
- 11th Grade: All core finals taken each semester with opportunity for three exempt finals
- 12th Grade: All core finals taken each semester with opportunity to exempt all finals
- have a 90% or better in the course
- have obtained no demerits or discipline write ups
PTF Christmas Shop
Natalie’s Elf Shelf opened today and will be here Dec 2-6, 2024. Below you will find when the shop will be open to students.
If you are available during any of the short time slots please consider signing up. It is a joy to see the excitement on the students face when they pick the perfect gift for their loved ones.
Be sure to register your students e-wallet for an easy shopping experience.
Register at: www.elfshelfwallet.com .
Support the Junior Class
Support our Junior Class and give your a child an exciting birthday celebration with the Birthday Brigade!
BCS Highlights
Operation Christmas Child
The Shoemaker family delivered 132 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes packaged by caring BCS students. The Shoemakers joined OCC representative Laura Samuel to pray over the boxes that will be sent around the world. Thank you to all BCS students who participated. So many children will be blessed because of your compassion.
Junior Achievement Inspire Career Fair
BCS 8th Graders recently attended the JA Inspire Career Fair put on by Junior Achievement and Brazosport College. The students had the opportunity to hear about many career fields and even receive hands on experience.
Elementary Teachers Spirit Week
Our amazing elementary teachers had their own "secret" spirit week right before Thanksgiving! They dressed as twins, showed their Christmas Spirit, wore their flannel, and brought "Anything but a cup". We love you elementary teachers, and thanks for reminding us to have some fun!
Helpful Links
It's a busy and full time of year! As students have settled into the school year, it's a great time to check and/or replenish student supplies, give reminders about dress code, etc.
If you have questions about supplies, dress code, grades, or anything else, please check out our parent resource page.
You can also find important information, dates, and other helpful resources on our website HERE.
Academics Reminder
Questions for Mr. Reseker? Current students and parents of current students can schedule time to meet with the Director of Academics by going HERE.
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Upcoming Important Dates
December 2 - Ladies Social
December 2-6 - PTF Christmas Shop
December 9 - Fine Arts Program
December 18-19 - Secondary Finals
December 20-January 3 - Christmas Break
Fast Links