St. Henry Elementary
August 2, 2024

September Newsletter
Dear St. Henry Elementary School Parents and Guardians,
It has been wonderful to see our students back in the classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds, bringing our school to life with energy and enthusiasm. These initial weeks have been focused on settling into routines, establishing classroom norms, and beginning our journey of learning and growing!
We are excited to see the students adapt to our new playground! We are fortunate to have this space for our students and our community. We kindly ask everyone to help us maintain a clean and safe environment. Please remember to pick up any trash and personal items after using the playground. If you notice any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know so we can address them properly.
Remember, there is No School on Monday, in observance of Labor Day. We hope you enjoy this long weekend to rest and recharge.
Warm Regards,
Courtney Imwalle
St. Henry Elementary School
Picture Day
Picture Day is Coming Soon!
Say CHEESE!!! Pictures will be taken on Wednesday, September 18th for Kindergarten through 4th graders and Preschool Monday & Wednesday sections.
Preschool Tuesday & Thursday sections will have photos on Tuesday, Septemeber 17th.
Click the below image to order online. We do not need photo envelopes returned if you are ordering online.
Student Athletic Passes
In order to encourage students to continue to attend games, we are offering a student pass that is good for all regular season home events (HS and MS) for the entire school year. The pass is $50 per student. Each student that purchases the pass will get a card with their picture and name on it. This “ID” will serve as their ticket to all regular season home events. HS admission is $7 and MS admission is $5. Students planning on attending at least some of the home events will save money by buying the student pass. Student passes are availble for purchase at the HS office. A replacement for a lost student pass is $10. There is only 1 replacement available. If a student loses the 2nd “ID,” s/he will have to buy a regular ticket for each event s/he attends. Go Skins!
Redskin tatoos are available for purchase in the Elementary office for $.50 each. Go Redskins!
Community Center FOB renewals
All Community Center members need to renew their membership/FOB in August. Annual membership is $20 for 1 FOB and $10 for each additional FOB. Please send payment to 391 E. Columbus Street, Attention: Dennis Wendel or drop off at the High School Office or Central Office. Please pay with a check made out to St. Henry Schools.
Community Center rules and regulations are available on the school website. A few reminders:
• Ear Buds should be worn if you wish to listen to music. Loud music and music with inappropriate language should not be played on the sound system. The sound system is for school teams and should not be used by community members. Please wear your ear buds.
• Children in the facility must be accompanied by an adult.
• Please return all equipment to its original location.
• Do not prop open doors to the facility. Everyone entering should be a member with a FOB or a paid guest member. Propping doors should not be needed since all members have a FOB.
• FOB’s are for your household and should not be shared.
School Absences
Notifying School of Absences
The school would like to remind parents of the regulations regarding student absences. If a student will be absent for all or part of a day, the parent is responsible for calling the school each day by 8:15 a.m. stating the name of the absent student and the reason for the absence. Calls can be made by dialing (419) 678-4834 anytime. You may report absences, leave a message for a staff member, etc. If parents have not called by 8:15 a.m., a call will be made from the school to the student’s home inquiring about the absence. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) in any home that do not have a telephone may provide to the principal a signed note delivered before school starts by any member of the family or a student from the neighborhood.
Lunch Account Information
Parents are encouraged to begin placing money in their child(ren)’s lunch account prior to the start of the school year. You may do so by stopping in at any of the building offices, by mail, or online through PaySchools. We encourage payment by check or credit card as this provides the best documentation for any payment. No money will be taken through the lunch line.
-Your student's PIN # (also called Student ID) can be found in FinalForms (login to your account, select your student's name and see "Student ID")
-Payments need to be separated! Children in grades K-4 can be paid with one check and children in grades 5-12 need to be paid with another. Please be sure to write each child’s name, PIN#, and the amount of money you wish to be placed in each child’s account.
-Lunch prices are as follows:
KG-8th grade - $2.20
9th-12th grade - $2.30
Extra Milk - $.40
Please monitor your child's lunch account balance on a regular basis. Low balance letters are emailed weekly for accounts with a balance under $5.00. Students with a negative balance over $20.00 will not be able to purchase any extra items in the cafeteria. Lunch account balances and transaction history are available for review at www.payschoolscentral.com.
CHECK LUNCH BALANCE ON-LINE - (on school website linked here)
CHECK LUNCH BALANCE ON-LINE & MAKING PAYMENTS - (using PaySchools Central linked here)
• Use the PaySchools Central site to manage and check balance
• Add money to your child(ren)’s accounts via credit card
School Fees paid online will incur an internet convenience fee:
-ACH flat fee when using electronic check (direct debit from checking account) is $1.75
-Credit card transaction fee is 4.5%
Census Information
Book Fees
Students of our school district are assessed a fee each fall for workbooks, supplementary reading materials, booklets, art supplies, writing paper, pencils, and consumable science supplies. The following prices were established by the Board of Education at the July board meeting:
Preschool- $100 deposit (includes $10 workbook fee and first month of tuition), $90 monthly tuition
K-4 $50
5-8 $45
9 - 12 $60 Chromebook Fee (to be paid upon pick-up of Chromebook)
9 - 12 Varies*
We are excited to announce that you can now pay your child’s preschool & workbook fees online through PaySchoolsCentral.com. Have you created your account on PaySchools Central? It’s easy! Visit www.payschoolscentral.com and click on “Register.” Simply login with your current username and password or create a new account. Parents will see all outstanding school fees listed in your child’s profile. Simply select your child, add the student fees to your cart, and continue by selecting your next child’s fee. PaySchools Central provides a streamlined and convenient option for paying school fees for your entire family in one transaction. If you have already paid your child's tuition for the year, please note this information for the future.
Payments can be made by credit card or ACH (debit from your checking account) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the parents’ convenience online or via the mobile app. If you pay online, you will automatically receive your receipt by email.
School Fees paid online will incur an internet convenience fee:
-ACH flat fee when using electronic check (direct debit from checking account) is $1.75
-Credit card transaction fee is 4.5%
Payments made by cash or check to “St. Henry Local Schools” are still accepted as well.
PTO Events
The PTO is excited to support the students and staff at St. Henry Schools during the 2024-2025 school year. Below is a list of upcoming PTO events throughout the school year. More details will be shared when events get closer.
• Walk a Thon: September 13, 2024 at the football field. Your students can dress up and get spirited!
- 8:25a-9:10a | 2nd grade
- 9:20a-10:05a | 1st grade
- 10:15a-10:55a | Kindergarten
- 12:40p-1:25p | 3rd grade
- 1:35p-2:20p | 4th grade
• Grandparent Bingo: October 29, 2024 and March 11, 2025
• Mother/Son Bowling: January 26, 2025
• Chicken Dinner Ticket Sales: January 31, 2025
• Father/Daughter Dance: February 2, 2025
We are looking forward to a great year! SUPPORT THE ST. HENRY PTO AS YOU SHOP!
• Download the Box Tops for Education App on your mobile device • Select St. Henry Elementary • Purchase participating products • Open your Box Top App and scan your digital or in store receipt
1. Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com and sign in to your Kroger account (if you do not have an account at Kroger select to create one!)
2. Under the section "I'm a Customer" click on View Details
3. Type St. Henry PTO in the "Find an Organization" tab, Click Search.
4. Click “Enroll” under St. Henry PTO
Each time you checkout at Kroger using your Kroger Plus Card, a percentage of your payment will be donated back to the St. Henry PTO.
Attention, Walmart shoppers! You’ll earn 40 Bonus Box Tops ($4) for your school when you buy 4 participating products and shop with your Walmart connected account or scan the qualifying receipt from your purchase. Shop your favorite eats and support future legends! Ends 9/4.*† Click ad below.
Redskin Way
The Redskin Way is more than just following rules; it's about fostering a positive and inclusive environment where every student feels safe, respected, and valued. This month we are focusing on Responsibility. As part of the Redskin Way Initiative, we'll be having our first Redskin Way Group Meeting on Tuesday, September 3rd. Kindergarten through 4th graders will be intermixed with staff and work together to solve STEM activities while polishing their team building & communication skills. These hands-on activities not only enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills but also provide opportunities for students to work together, demonstrate responsibility, and apply the values of the Redskin Way in real-world scenarios.
Our first Pep Assembly is Friday, September 13th after the Walk-a-Thon. Be sure to ask your child about it!
Use the questions provided each night to talk to your child about his/her behaviors and experiences throughout the day!
Josten Yearbook
Josten's is having their beginning of the year sale for the high school yearbooks! The Josten's yearbook includes the entire district Preschool - 12th grade.
$60 Back to School price ending 9/13/2024. Order online by clicking the image to the right.
Elementary Memorybooks
The Elementary does our own Memorybook for Preschool - 4th graders only through Lange Photography. More information will come out in the Spring on how to order online Memorybooks online.
Recess Expectations
Upcoming & Community Events
We have a busy Fall ahead! Things to look forward to:
- Sept 3 -Redskin Way Group Meetings
- Sept 3 & 4 - 4th grade Drama Auditions in the Elementary Gym after school
- Sept 9-10 - PK & KG Hearing & Vision Screening
- Sept 11 - 1st grade & Mercer Co Low Inciden Room Hearing & Vision Screening
- Sept 13 - 3rd grade & IEP Hearing & Vision Screening
- Sept 13 - Walk-A-Thon & Pep Assembly
- Sept 17 - Picture Day for Tuesday/Thursday Preschool
- Sept 18 - Picture Day for Kindergaren - 4th grade & Monday/Wednesday Preschool
- Sept 18-20 - Make up Hearing & Vision Screening
- Sept 20 - 1st grade Field Trip to the Ft. Wayne Zoo & Progress Reports available online
Keep up to date with the latest community events & activities by scrolling through these flyers!