Mill Creek Magic Messages
News and Updates from Mr. Croyle and Mr. Murtha - 8/30/2024
From Mr. Croyle and Mr. Murtha
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Car Rider Pickup Changes for the 2024-2025 School Year
We are beyond excited to embark on a new school year and welcome students either back to school or as new members of the Mill Creek Community! We are ready!
We hope the summer has provided you with the opportunity to relax a bit and to create some lasting family memories, but Mill Creek just doesn't feel "alive" without students! Students and staff bring a vibrancy and an energy to Mill Creek that truly makes it a place of fun and learning. Yes... you can learn and have fun too, and we strive to do that every day!
A few reminders as we head into the new school year...
- School Hours:
- 8:35 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
- Arrival/Dropoff Time:
- 8:15 - 8:35 a.m.
- Dismissal/Pickup Time:
- 3:15 p.m.
- Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home each day. Additionally, if there is a change from their regular routine (e.g. student who is normally a bus rider is getting picked up), please tell the office and classroom teacher.
- Be sure your child packs a snack in addition to their regular lunch "plan."
- The lunch menu for September is linked directly below:
- It is also a good idea to label any home items with your child's name.
Enjoy the long, holiday weekend... and get in those last moments of summer... before it's "go time" on Tuesday morning. Mill Creek Staff will welcome students, and staff will be dressed in our new building-wide themed "WE>Me" t-shirts (black color this year), in case students need to easily identify someone who can help.
Every day at school is a great day, but the first day sure is something special, and we cannot wait!
Matthew D. Croyle
John C. Murtha
Assistant Principal
Welcome Kindergarten and New Family Students!
Yesterday, we held welcome events for our new students. In the a.m., we met with our new Kindergarten families and students. In the p.m., we met with other new incoming families. Thank you for a wonderful turnout, and special thanks to Mill Creek Home and School for their support and to our eight 6th Grade student ambassador tour guides:
- Fatima S-G.
- Sydney F.
- Jax D.
- Eliana E.
- Adrian S.
- Mia S.
- Brennan B.
- Raja M.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Car Rider Pickup Changes for the 2024-2025 School Year
Dear Mill Creek Community,
We wanted to make you aware of an important change that will be taking place at the beginning of the school year. Afternoon “Car Riders” (3:15PM) will now be picked up utilizing the main playground (gymnasium doors). This decision was made for two major reasons:
- Safety. Unfortunately, utilizing our previous system, too many students, and family members, were walking thru the car line and into the parking lot. We also had numerous cars driving around one another in line. We feel this new system will eliminate those situations and increase our students’ safety.
- Weather. Students will walk out of the gymnasium doors. If we have inclement weather, students will stay safely undercover until their parent/guardian arrives.
Student Procedures:
Students will be dismissed, from their classrooms, to the gymnasium at approximately 3:15PM. They will wait for parents/guardians outside the gymnasium (along the wall) if weather permits. Once their name is called, they will approach and enter their vehicle.
Parent/Guardian Procedures:
Parents/Guardians won’t have access to the back lot until 2:45 (gates will be closed). Parents should form a single file line that wraps around the recess lot. We ask that Community Members to have their “Placard” in their passenger side window (or front right of windshield). Placards will be handed out on the first day of school. A staff member will call out the child’s last name and then the student(s) may approach the vehicle. If at all possible, we ask drivers to stay in line unless directed otherwise.
We realize that the first week or two will take a little longer than normal. As always, change takes time; however, we believe this adjustment is in the best interest of our students. Thank you for supporting us with this minor change.
We’ve attached a picture below may be of assistance.
We are Hiring!
We're hiring! Are you passionate about working with kids? We have multiple support staff positions available and we're looking for dedicated individuals to join us. Visit and apply today!
Mill Creek / Personal Device Technology Expectations:
At Mill Creek, students are asked to place their cell phones in their backpacks while at school.
For smart watches, the school would prefer students to leave them at home. However, we also understand that, for some families, they can serve as an important communication device.
If your child does wear a smart watch to school and/or brings a cell phone, we are requesting that parents discuss the following information with their child(ren).
Building administrators and classroom teachers may prohibit the use of personal Electronic Communication Devices in classrooms and common areas of the school if they are determined to be disruptive to the educational process. Cell phones should be stored in student backpacks throughout the school day and during the bus ride. Students are prohibited from using personal electronic devices to take pictures or videos at school and on the school bus.
We understand that many personal electronic devices are used by parents and students after school and for added safety measures. We are reaching out to ask parents to not use personal electronic devices as a communication avenue during the school day. If you would like to alert your child to a dismissal change and/or other notification, please reach out to the classroom teacher and/or the main office. We will make sure that your child receives the update. Our goal in the classroom is for your child to learn and be engaged in the learning activities. Our number one goal is to keep our students and staff safe. We do not want to miss any communications that you would like your child to know to ensure that they are getting to and from school in the safest way. We have also found that sometimes a student will reach out to a parent, or loved one, because they aren't feeling well. As a school team, we would like to encourage your children to go to the nurse if they aren't feeling well at school or speak directly to their teacher. This will help to ensure that we are all on the same page.
Additionally, cell phones/laptops should be stored in backpacks during the bus ride. Most bus rides are relatively short and to make sure that students are getting on and off the bus quickly, safely, and without breaking any electronics.
Parents/Guardians, it is important that we are sending the same message to our children/students. If your child is utilizing their electronic watch as a communication device (i.e. texting) during the school day, we will treat it like a cell phone. It will be removed and placed in the child’s backpack. If it continues, administration’s direct involvement will take place. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
Important Dates...
- Tuesday, September 3 - First Day of School for the 2024-2025 School Year
- Monday, September 9 - Back to School Night, Grades 1-3 and Specialists - 5:30-8:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, September 11 - Back to School Night - Grades 4-6 and Special Education - 5:30-8:00 p.m.
- Friday, September 13 - Rita's Water Ice Dine and Donate (proceeds benefit Mill Creek) @ Chalfont location - 3:30-8:30 p.m.
- Monday, September 16 - Back to School Night - Kindergarten and PEN - 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Thursday, September 19 - Kindergarten/1st Grade Outdoor Picnic - 5:00-7:00 p.m. (rain contingency - indoors from 6:00-7:30 p.m.)
- Friday, September 27 - Picture Day
- Monday, September 30 - Early Dismissal
- Thursday, October 3 - No School (Rosh Hashanah)
Home and School Association News and Flyers
Home and School Info...
Volunteer Clearances
The District is now insistent that adult visitors to school buildings beyond the main office have their Volunteer Clearances. There is an application process, which only takes a bit of time and is fairly simple. The link below will take you to a page with detailed information about obtaining your Volunteer Clearances.2024-2025 Committee Help Needed!
Mill Creek's HSA is planning for this school season's events! Please help by volunteering your time to participate and/or lead any of the committees listed in the sign-up below.
We want to thank all of our amazing parents that have volunteered last school year and look forward to future years!
Spring 2025 PSSA Dates
For your planning purposes, the Spring 2025 PSSA dates will be...
- PSSA ELA - April 21-25, 2025
- PSSA Math and Science - April 28-May 2, 2025
Student Technology Information...
Need access to ClassLink, but you are using an "at home" device? Use the following link:
Need to submit a Technology Help Desk Ticket? Click the link below for a video on how to do it!
Student Counseling Office Information
Free and Reduced Meals Information
2024-25 Application for Free and Reduced Meal Pricing Now Available
The application for free and reduced meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year is now open. Breakfast is available at no charge to students, and lunch costs vary depending on grade level. Your child(ren) may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Learn more and apply by visiting the full informational webpage on here.
Helpful Links...
Contact Information...
Mr. Matthew D. Croyle
Mr. John C. Murtha
Assistant Principal