Middle School Message
November 22, 2024
Reimagining education, instilling community pride, inspiring future success.
Lakewood... A family-friendly, inclusive community dedicated to empowering every learner through innovation, collaborative problem-solving and consistent communication.
Principal's Message
Accessing Your Child's School Google Account
We have received several questions from parents recently regarding their child's ability to access school work at home (Google Classroom, IXL, etc.). As long as you have a device with internet access, your child should be able to access EVERYTHING we use from home. Many students are telling their parents they can't log in from home and this is not true. Mrs. Kieffer put together a video for you of how to help your child log into their school Google account from home. Once they are correctly logged into their school Google account, they can access Google Classroom, which contains the links to anything else they would need to access.
Your child's school email is a combination of their first name, last name, and graduation year [6th grade: 2031, 7th grade: 2030, 8th grade: 2029]. They needs this email to log in.
For example:
Peter Parker in 6th grade (class of 2031)
Your child knows his/her Google password--they use it daily here.
Free and Reduced Lunch
We are so excited to be offering free and reduced lunch to all students this year. Part of that package is receiving an application from ALL families. This allows us to access the various programs that allow us to fund this. Free and Reduced Lunch applications are available on the district website. Additionally, the paper forms are purple have have been sent home several times this year. If you have not completed a Free and Reduced Lunch application, even if you know you would not normally qualify, please do so ASAP.
[Parents--you may receive a letter back in the mail stating that you did not qualify for free lunch. This does not change the fact the breakfast and lunch are still free for the 24-25 school year. ]
OH YES Survey
Just a reminder, 7th and 8th grade students will be participating in the OH YES survey on December 3rd. This anonymous survey is provided in partnership with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. The data we receive back is anonymous and reported as an entire group (for example, 20% of 7th graders report they have tried vaping...I made those numbers up for an example) and allow us to identify areas where we may need to add programming or additional education for our students. If you wish to opt your child out of taking this survey, those forms are due back to school by Tuesday, November 26th. If you need more information, please see below.
OH Yes Survey
This letter contains information about your and your child’s rights and why this survey is important.
Please visit https://youthsurveys.ohio.gov/our-surveys/ohyes/ohyes/01-ohyes for additional information.
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Your child’s school will soon offer the Ohio Healthy Youth Environments Survey, or
OHYES! This letter answers some basic questions about the survey’s purpose, content, and
What is the purpose of the survey?
Our school district is committed to offering every student the best chance for success. That may
include support services for students facing depression, anxiety, bullying, or other challenges. To
meet students’ needs, we must first understand what challenges they face.
Who participates?
The survey is designed for children age 12 and above. We are asking students in grades 7-12 to
What does the survey ask?
The survey will ask your child about:
Feelings about their school and community
Personal use of alcohol , tobacco, and other drugs and their perception of risks
Mental health, suicide, and access to health care
Family and personal relationships, and demographics
Health-related behaviors such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise
Sexual-related items.
How long will the survey take?
The survey takes about 15-20 minutes. The survey can be viewed at the school's office, or online
at (https://youthsurveys.ohio.gov/our-surveys/ohyes/ohyes/01-ohyes) – 120 item version.
Who developed the survey?
The survey was developed by the Ohio Departments of Education, Health, and Mental Health and
Addiction Services.
Does my child have to participate?
No, that is a choice for you and your child. But we value your child’s participation, which can help
us make sure all students’ needs are met.
How do you protect my child’s privacy?
The OHYES! will be confidentially administered by trained school staff. Schools have been
instructed on how to protect student anonymity and confidentiality. Please review these instructions
at: https://youthsurveys.ohio.gov/our-surveys/ohyes/consent-confidentiality.
Who will know what my child shares?
No one. The survey is anonymous, so students are NOT asked for their name, identification number
or date of birth. Student responses will be combined and reported together. There are also minimum
reporting requirements of 15 or more respondents.
Data is securely stored on the survey website and downloaded only by trained staff at the Ohio
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. No data is stored on school computers, and the
school does not have access to any individual survey data.
Will participating upset or influence my child?
Many people like sharing their experiences and opinions. If questions do make a student feel
anxious, he or she may skip any questions or stop the survey at any time. There is a back, next,
and quit button on each screen. There is no penalty for not taking the survey or for stopping.
There is also no research indicating any connection between completing a health behavior survey
and trying an unhealthy behavior. You may be reassured to know that many unhealthy behaviors
among young people – including tobacco use, sexual behaviors, and some forms of violence –
have declined since 1991. During that same period, youth surveys have increased nationwide.
How does my family and community benefit?
OHYES! results will help guide communities in creating and improving youth health programs in
Ohio. The results will be shared with everyone, including families, faculty and students, and the
public. State-level and county-level results will be available to the public at
https://youthsurveys.ohio.gov/reports-and-insights/ohyes-reports/01-ohyes-reports . District and
school results will only be available to Superintendents and Principals with secured access.
Do I have to sign a form for my child to participate?
Federal regulations (45 CFR 46) require parent or guardian permission for research involving
children. To protect you and your child, we require parent notification and provide parents the ability
to opt-out. This method is commonly known as passive consent, and minimizes administrative
burden on schools, maintains student confidentiality, and increases response rates. We hope you
will give consent for your child to participate. If so, there is no need to do anything. If you do NOT
want your child to participate in this survey, please sign the form below. A separate form is needed
for each child you do NOT want to participate.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Visit the website at www.ohyes.ohio.gov or email info@ohyes.ohio.gov. You can also call the
OHYES! Team at 1-866-563-6904. You can also call the middle school office and speak to me or Mrs. Kieffer at
Upcoming Events
November 26th--Student Staff Volleyball Game
November 27-December 2: No School
December 11: Middle School Musical, 7 pm (Seussical) (at the HS Performing Arts Center)
December 13: Holiday Dance, 6-7:30 pm, LMS Gym
December 17: Band Concert (at the HS Performing Arts Center)
December 18: Choir Concert, 6:30 pm (at the HS Performing Arts Center)
December 20: Holiday Games Assembly
December 21-January 6th: No School
How can I help?
Students at LMS earn PRIDE cards for demonstrating outstanding PRIDE qualities--Positive, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Engagement. When they earn a PRIDE card, they are able to redeem it in the school office for a small prize. PFO sponsors these prizes. If you would like to donate small prizes, you can drop them off in the school office or shop off our Amazon Wish List!
Additionally, our Clubs needs some supplies...you can donate to those here:
All donations are appreciated!
Meetings will be the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 pm.
November 20
December TBD
January 15
February 19
March 19
April 16
Kona Ice
Winter months:
Coffee truck! --Our first attempt at this was met with mixed reviews. The drinks took longer to prepare and not all students were able to get a beverage who wanted one (we did insure all who prepaid made it through the line). We will keep you updated on plans for this moving forward.
March 13
April 10
May 8
Contact Us
Office Staff
Mrs. Corum--Principal, jcorum@lakewoodlocal.org
Mr. Ellerbrock--Assistant Principal, aellerbrock@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Harkness--Secretary, nharkness@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs Hayes--Secretary Aide/Health Aide, chayes@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Kieffer--School Counselor, vkieffer@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Morrison--District Nurse, amymorrison@lakewoodlocal.org
Website: https://www.lakewoodlocal.k12.oh.us/lakewoodmiddleschool_home.aspx
Location: 5200 National Road Southeast, Hebron, OH, USA
Phone: 740-928-8330
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LakewoodMSLancers
Twitter: @LakewoodLSD_MS
6th Grade Teachers
Mrs. Carpico--ELA lcarpico@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Vayansky--ELA michellevayansky@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Prince--Math jprince@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Przymiersky--Math jprzymierski@lakewoodlocal.org
Miss Lanning--Social Studies mlanning@lakewoodlocal.org
Ms. Britton--Science sbritton@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Day--Intervention Specialist cday@lakewoodlocal.org
Miss Potts--Intervention Specialist bpotts@lakewoodlocal.org
7th Grade Teachers
Mrs. Cunningham-ELA kcunningham@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Weiner-ELA sweiner@lakewoodlocal.org
Mr. Hawk--Math toddhawk@lakewoodlocal.org
Ms. Goins-Math cgoins@lakewoodlocal.org
Mr. Brenning-Social Studies zachbrenning@lakewoodlocal.org
Mr. Sheridan-Social Studies craigsheridan@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. McMillen-Intervention Specialist taramcmmillen@lakewoodlocal.org
8th Grade Teachers
Mrs. Fairburn-ELA jfairburn@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Nice-ELA lauranice@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Painter-Math michellepainter@lakewoodlocal.org
Mrs. Wells-Math amywells@lakewoodlocal.org
Mr. Elwer-Social Studies scottelwer@lakewoodlocal.org
Miss Lanier-Science alanier@lakewoodlocal.org
Mr. Mason-Intervention Specialist jamiemason@lakewoodlocal.org
Life Skills/Resource Room: Mrs. Bowden jbowden@lakewoodlocal.org
Unified Arts
Health: Mr. Young jyoung@lakewoodlocal.org
PE: Mr. Bobalik andybobalik@lakewoodlocal.org
Art: Miss Ashbrook kashbrook@lakewoodlocal.org
Choir/Music: Mrs. Coffey dcoffey@lakewoodlocal.org
Band/Guitar: Mr. Cunningham acunningham@lakewoodlocal.org
Drama: Mrs. Fickle mfickle@lakewoodlocal.org
Pre-Engineering: Mr. Smith geoffsmith@lakewoodlocal.org
Real World IT: Mr. Frischen mattfrischen@lakewoodlocal.org