The Buzz
Spring Term - 25th April 2024
Message from the Executive Headteacher
Dear Parents/Carers
Walking around the school every morning there is an air of quiet, studious concentration. The pupils in year 6 are making the final preparations for the SATs that they will soon be sitting and I'm sure they will do their very best.
The HJS boys football and netball teams are all in action this week and next. We are "holding our own" in the borough competitions with the boys playing in the quarter finals at 3.30pm today at the field against St Richards (please go and support them). The Netball team is also in action next week in the final borough tournament. This is the furthest we have progressed in this competition in many years so we are very excited. We have also been invited to the London finals for girls swimming after our success in the Richmond finals and 3 girls will be representing the school and Richmond. Good luck to all the pupils and a huge thank you to Miss Stone, Mrs Beaumont, Mrs Fraser and Paul (from Onside) who coaches the boys team for all their time and effort.
Sport and competitive sport is hugely important at HJS. I personally believe that sport allows pupils to learn to win and to lose which are hugely important skills which pupils need to do. The benefits of teamwork and strong communication will be crucial as they continue their educational journey and cannot be underestimated.
As you know we are planning our aspiration week. Thank you to all those who have already volunteered to come and speak to the classes and it's wonderful to see the varied school community we have and what interesting jobs and professions you have! If you have yet to complete the form, it's attached here. We are also hoping to celebrate our alumni. Please do share this form with past pupils so we can get in touch with them.
Finally, as you know we are bringing together FoHJS and HISNA and are seeking a new name for the joint HPP association. I know you are all wonderfully creative so we are seeking your help once again! Please put your ideas on the form attached.
Have a wonderful weekend when it arrives and hopefully the sun will shine.
Ms H Lockey
Stars of the Week
3D: Kieran G
3G: Otto D
3M: Edie A
3S: Hana M
4P - Matteo T
4C - Idris O
4B - Oscar G-W
4S - Theodora J
5C - Nora S
5A - Yousef C
5D - Mia H
5S - Emilia E
6B - Freddie B
6W - Amarley J-B
6L - Daisy F
6GF - Callum I
Autumn Term Attendance Information
The class with the best attendance last week was 4C & 6GF with 100%
The class with the least numbers of lates last week was 6B.
HJS Achievers
3G- Ehsan G
3M- Daisy D
3S- Luis A
4B- Esme S
4C- Lottie H
4P- Sofiya J
4S- Neerav S
5A- Douglas B
5C- Riley V
5D- Anisha K
5S- Tia D
6B- Ethan N
6GF- Miguel E-T
6L- Evangeline B
6W- Albie E
HJS Music Achievers
Congratulations to Akaal in Year 6 who passed his Grade 4 drum exam with a merit!
Well done Akaal. What a fantastic achievement.
Well done for completing the following Writing Challenges.
3G - Charlie R
3S - Mila
3G - Senara
Messages from the Office
Medical/Dental Appointments
May we remind you that if your child does need to attend a medical appointment during the day you endeavour to give the office as much notice as possible. We do appreciate that this is not always possible in the case of an urgent appointment but it allows the office to inform the teacher in advance so that they can get them ready for you.
May we also request that you share a copy of the appointment notification either via email or when you collect your child.
Year 6 News
6L used a variety of materials to create landscape collages in Art this week.
HJS Amazon Wish Lists
Helpful Links
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Contact Details
Location: Hampton Junior School, Percy Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 020 8979 2545