Steffen News
October 4, 2024

October 4th, 2024
Principal's Memo
Greetings Steffen Families,
A key focus at Steffen this year is using data to analyze our instructional practices. Often in education, we add new initiatives without fully understanding whether they have the desired impact on student outcomes.
As part of this effort, on Wednesday all of our Math and ELA teachers participated in a fall data review session, one of three such sessions that will occur this year after each of the fall, winter, and spring MAP assessments. During this time, we analyzed the fall MAP data looking for trends across grade levels and within each classroom.
Teachers then worked with our specialist team to create Student Learning Outcome (SLO) goals. SLOs are part of the formal teacher evaluation process through the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. This year, our teacher SLOs are focused on analyzing the efficacy of instructional practices. For example, this year we're working on implementing a new vocabulary program in our ELA classrooms, so a group of our teachers is working to analyze what impact that program has on our MAP assessments in the area of Vocabulary and Acquisition. Hopefully we'll see a positive correlation; if not, we'll need to examine whether the vocabulary program is accomplishing its intended goals.
I often think of a school as a social science laboratory; our teachers are constantly observing, collecting data, and changing practices to meet the diverse needs of our students. Each of the 25 students in any math class, for example, have different strengths and needs that need to be met for in order for each student to succeed.
Thank you,
Sam Nadolsky
Important Upcoming Dates
- Thursday, October 10th, 6:30-7:30pm - 7th Grade Washington DC Trip Parent Information Session (Multi-Purpose Room)
- Wednesday, October 16th, 7:00-8:00pm - SteffenENGAGE (PTO) General Meeting (Multi-Purpose Room)
- Friday, October 18th: Picture Retake Day (8:00-10:00 am). If you would like your child to retake their photo, you must email or leave a voice message on the attendance line. Otherwise, the student will not be called for a retake. Thank you.
- Wednesday, October 23rd - Student late-start day at 10:25 am
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (more information forthcoming)
- Wednesday, October 23rd - 4:00-8:00pm
- Thursday, October 24th - 8:00-8:00pm
- Friday, October 25th - No School for Students (Teacher Inservice Day)
7th Grade Washington DC Trip
The first informational meeting for the upcoming 7th Grade Washington DC trip is Thursday, October 10th at 6:30pm in the Steffen Multi-Purpose Room (SW corner of building). All 7th grade families are invited to attend to learn more about the dates, cost, and other important details about this great opportunity. More information will be shared directly with 7th grade families next week.
Immunization Requirements
Public School Districts are subject to the state student immunization law, which requires us to demonstrate that our students are up-to-date on all immunizations either through proof of immunizations or a signed waiver. This must be completed as a district on or before the 30th day of school.
If you have received an email from myself or Jess Jost, the district nurse, it is because we are still missing some information for your student. If you could please reply as soon as possible, we can get your student updated in the system before our next notice goes out to you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Jackie Gernert
Health Aide
Smart Watches in School
Teachers are reporting that smart watches are becoming a challenge in our classrooms with students texting each other and using the devices for non-instructional purposes. As a reminder, smart watches fall under our cell phone policy as a "wireless electronic device," and as such, should only be used for time-telling purposes during the school day.
If your student has a smart watch, please speak with them about its use during school. Also a reminder that if you need to get a hold of your student during the day, please call the office instead of texting them. We would be more than happy to pass any messages along. Students frequently report, "I'm just texting my mom," when told to put away their device during class. Your partnership in this is greatly appreciated.
Class Tardies & Passes
Any time a student is marked, their parent/guardian can expect an automated message, typically by the end of the work day. Students have three minutes to transition between classes, so some planning ahead on when to stop at their lockers is necessary. Students typically report to class for attendance and then ask to go to the bathroom or their locker in order to avoid being marked tardy.
Students use their school-assigned planners for passes to use the restroom. Students also need passes from their teachers to come to the office or see the school nurse. Parents can look at their student's planner to see their pass utilization during the week.
Halloween Fun 🎃
Please come and join us for an afternoon of Halloween fun.
Homestead Homecoming Parade on October 18
On October 18th, the Homestead High School Homecoming parade will take place through Thiensville. Afterward, there will be a celebration in the Thiensville park including games, food, and live performances by the Homestead Fine Arts. The parade will begin at 4:30, and the celebration afterward will be until 5:30. The route, timing, and all other information can be found in the flyer linked below. We'd love for all families to come out and enjoy the event!
Click here for more information!
Bags in Backpacks
Bags in Backpacks is confidential, with only the building Principal, Social Emotional Coach, and Office Staff being aware of who chooses to opt into the program. If you are interested in participating, all you need to do is contact Ms. Schmidt at aschmidt@mtsd.k12.wi.us. Your child will be instructed to pick up the bag each Friday afternoon before dismissal from the office.
If you sign up initially but later decide that you want to opt-out, please reach back out and your student's name can be removed from the list. Last year, we had over a dozen Steffen families take advantage of this program and we look forward to another year of partnership!
Main phone line: 262-238-4700 Attendance line: 262-238-4700 x1
Sam Nadolsky, Principal: snadolsky@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Joel Sinden, School Counselor: jsinden@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Amber Schmidt, Social Emotional Coach: aschmidt@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Katherine Smith, School Psychologist: ksmith1@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Mary Kasten, Administrative Assistant: mkasten@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Jamie Love, Office Secretary: jlove@mtsd.k12.wi.us and: SteffenAttendance@mtsd.k12.wi.us
School Attendance
Please report your student's absence from school by 8:30 a.m. This includes late arrivals or early dismissals.
There are three ways to report your child's absence:
- Preferred: Directly through Infinite Campus parent portal. Directions for Submitting Absence Requests on Infinite Campus
- Email SteffenAttendance@mtsd.k12.wi.us
- Call the office at 262-238-4700 x1
For early pick-up, parents need to come into the office to sign their student out. For late drop-off, you do not need to sign your student in. Please send in all doctors notes to have attendance updated correctly.
District Attendance Policy
At MTSD, we have developed our attendance policy and procedures to follow Wisconsin State Law and to prioritize regular attendance. Click HERE to read all about it.
Bus Routes Available in Infinite Campus
Your child’s bus stop details can be found in your Infinite Campus account. To view these please follow the steps below:
• Login to your Infinite Campus account
• Click on ‘More’
• Click ‘Transportation’
Note that these times are approximate and may be updated during the school year as changes in student registration occur. If you elected to opt-out of transportation, you will not see route information. If you have any concerns regarding your bus information, please contact Go Riteway at 262-512-1044.
For real-time information on the location of your child’s bus, please download Here Comes the Bus! More information can be found on our website. If you have questions about the app, please contact Go Riteway at 262-512-1044: Here Comes the Bus
SAVE THE DATE: SteffenENGAGE PTO General Meeting - Wednesday, October 16th
Please mark your calendars and SAVE THE DATE for our upcoming SteffenENGAGE PTO meeting!
When: Wednesday, October 16th at 7pm
Where: This meeting will be virtual - Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88266248289?pwd=lGR5qWVpUl4t2DcsOwyoxw0ofaPpzW.1
Our Executive Committee will provide a brief update on PTO happenings, and we will feature TWO guest speakers:
Mr. Nadolsky, our new Steffen principal, will be sharing a bit more about himself and his background.
Our MTSD Board of Education will be presenting information related to the upcoming referendum, which will be on the ballot for the November election.
Black Out Dance - Save the Date!
Save the date for the first Steffen Social Event of the year! On Friday, November 1st, SteffenENGAGE will host a BLACK OUT DANCE for all students. It will be immediately following the school day: 3:30 - 5:00 PM.
Being the day after Halloween and on the Dia De Los Muertos, we decided to go with the “black out” theme. All students are encouraged to wear black clothing. Registration and more information will be coming soon, but mark your calendars now!
Kindness Rocks Recap
Our Steffen students came together on Friday, September 27th for our third annual KINDNESS ROCKS community building event, and boy was it a celebration! Every Steffen student was given the opportunity to show appreciation, KINDNESS and care to their fellow classmates and educators as they shared in challenging yet uplifting activities, including: inflatable obstacle courses, tug-o-war, ROCK painting, ultimate ROCK-paper-scissors, hula hoop pass, Gaga Gaga ball, corn hole, communication challenges and signing their legacy to their class KINDNESS shoutout banner. Check out a few fun photos below to get a glimpse of the experience!
We are very grateful to our parent volunteers, to the Steffen staff who supported the event, and to the administration for partnering with SteffenENGAGE to plan and facilitate the event. A special shoutout to Liz Braatz who originated Kindness Rocks three years ago and has been a fantastic event chair ever since!
SteffenENGAGE would encourage you to echo this message at home because KINDNESS does ROCK, not just during this event, but all the time! There are many worthy organizations serving as change agents in the area of mental health for those who need it most in our community. In the spirit of KINDNESS, please consider donating your time and/or tender to one of these charities (or one that you hold close to your heart):
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Ozaukee County
Rogers Behavioral Health
SpiritWear Update!
Our fall Spirit Wear sale concluded on September 23rd. All orders will be delivered to Steffen this fall; additional delivery details will be shared once known from the vendor. A very big thank you to Laura McDowell for coordinating this effort!
Spartan Fund Kickoff
The 2024 Spartan Fund Campaign kicks off next week on Monday, October 7th!
The SteffenENGAGE PTO manages the Spartan Fund as THE ONLY LARGE ANNUAL FUNDRAISER for Steffen Middle School. For the 2024-25 school year, SteffenENGAGE has once again waived membership fees because we want all families to be included in our organization.
We hope to sustain this approach without taking away the activities and events that our students enjoy. Thus, the Spartan Fund is crucial to our mission.
You can support our children, their teachers, and our school with a contribution to the 2024 Spartan Fund Campaign! More information will be forthcoming on our fundraising goals and how to donate. Thank you for your consideration!
SteffenENGAGE Useful Quick Links
Membership Toolkit - our SteffenENGAGE website. Please take time to confirm that your contact information is updated in the directory to ensure that you receive all communications!
PTOsteffen@gmail.com - our SteffenENGAGE email address. Reach out to us with any questions, ideas, or volunteer opportunities!
Steffen Middle School
Email: steffen@mtsd.k12k.wi.us
Website: mtsd.k12.wi.us/steffen
Location: 6633 W. Steffen Dr., Mequon, WI 53092
Phone: 262-238-4700
Facebook: @SteffenPRIDE