Start of 2024-2025 School Year Edition
Principal's Update
Dear Parents and Students
I truly hope you have had a chance to enjoy the summer break with your family and friends. Another school year is quickly approaching and the staff at NBC is preparing for the students’ return. Our staff has worked very hard over the summer to make sure everything is ready for the students’ arrival. As you get ready for the first day please keep a few things in mind:
**The front doors open at 7:25 and class starts at 7:40. If you are dropping your child off, please
drop them off no earlier than 7:25.
** We will make sure every student has a schedule first thing Monday morning.
** Monday August 26th is a half day of school. Students will be released at 11:10.
Please be sure to check this newsletter for online registration details and open house dates. Our
website has recently been updated and has plenty of helpful information on the upcoming school year. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact the office between 7:30 and 2:45 during the school year.
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer and we look forward to seeing all of you again soon!
Jim Perreault
Principal, NBC Middle School
NBC Middle School Open House
Meet the NBC staff, register for PowerSchool, get schedules and locker info and more at our Middle School Open House!
August 21st
6th grade- 5-5:30pm
7th/8th grade- 5:30-6:30pm
PowerSchool Parent Portal
PowerSchool Parent Portal opens for yearly online registration August 14th at 12pm (noon). Parents will need to update information in order to access students schedules and grades in PowerSchool. Here are a few guidelines to help navigate the registration. Feel free to contact Mrs. Halverson or Mrs. Kraus for more assistance.
EVERY WEDNESDAY is early release for Montague Public Schools. Which means, NBC Middle Schoolers will get out of school an hour early- dismissal time of 1:40pm!
Upcoming Dates
August 26th ~ First day of school, Half Day dismissal at 11:10am
August 30th & September 2nd ~ No school (Labor Day)
Drop off & Pick Up
The front doors open at 7:25am and classes start at 7:40am.
Students are dismissed daily at 2:40pm, except on Wednesdays when they will be dismissed at 1:40pm. Half day dismissal is at 11:10am.
Picture Day
September 16th
Picture Re-Take Day
October 30th
Parent Teacher Conferences
October 17 (1/2 day of school)
October 18 (1/2 day of school)
Attention Sixth Grade Parents:
Sixth grade camp this fall at Grace Adventures will be on October 10th. Permission slips and fee of $75.00 due by Friday September 13th. Families may take advantage of an "early bird" rate of $70.00 if the permission slip and fee is paid by Friday September 6th.
Click this link BELOW to find NBC's Breakfast & Lunch Menus!
Blue Crew T-Shirts & Passes
NBC Office Staff are now selling "Blue Crew T-Shirts" and "Blue Crew Passes"
These passes and shirts are $20 each. Cash or Check. If you purchase a shirt or a pass it will get your STUDENT into ALL Middle School & High School HOME athletic events (EXCLUDES MHSAA GAMES).
Please see our office staff for purchasing /any questions you may have!
Looking to Join Choir?
NBC is looking to add to their 7th and 8th grade choirs! Reach out to Mrs. Halverson to add choir to your schedule!
Robotics Club Coach
Robotics Club is looking for a Middle School Coach.
Contact Jim Perreault 231-894-5617 perreaultj@mapsk12.org
Fall Sports Schedules 2024
Visit our Athletics Page for more Sports Related Information by clicking on the link below.
Boys Cross Country
Tues 9/10- 5:30pm WMC Mega Meet (Fremont)
Tues 9/17- 5:30pm WMC Jamboree #1 (Fremont)
Sat 9/21- 8am Oakridge Invitational (Oakridge Middle School)
Tues 9/24- 5pm Kelder Poured Walls (Mason County Fairgrounds)
Sat 9/28- 10:30am Fruitport Invitational (Fruitport Middle School)
Tues 10/01- 5:30pm WMC Jamboree #2 (OJ DeJonge Middle School)
Fri 10/11- 4:15pm GMAA Invitational (Fruitport Middle School)
Tues 10/15- 5:30pm WMC Jamboree #3 (Oakridge Middle School)
Girls Cross Country
Tues 9/10- 6pm WMC Mega Meet (Fremont)
Tues 9/17- 6pm WMC Jamboree #1 (Fremont)
Sat 9/21- 8:30am Oakridge Invitational (Oakridge Middle School)
Tues 9/24- 5:30pm Kelder Poured Walls (Mason County Fairgrounds)
Sat 9/28- 11am Fruitport Invitational (Fruitport Middle School)
Tues 10/01- 6pm WMC Jamboree #2 (OJ DeJonge Middle School)
Fri 10/11- 4:45pm GMAA Invitational (Fruitport Middle School)
Tues 10/15- 6pm WMC Jamboree #3 (Oakridge Middle School)
7th Grade Volleyball
Mon 9/16- 4pm Ravenna (Away)
Wed 9/18- 4pm Fremont
Mon 9/23- 4pm Oakridge (Away)
Wed 9/25- 4pm OJ DeJonge
Mon 9/30- 4pm Orchard View (Away)
Wed 10/02- 4pm Whitehall
Mon 10/07-4pm North Muskegon (Away)
Wed 10/09-4pm Ravenna
Tues 10/15-4pm Fremont (Away)
Wed 10/16- 4pm Oakridge
Mon 10/21- 4pm (TBA)
Wed 10/23 4pm (TBA- Away)
8th Grade Volleyball
Mon 9/16- 5:15pm Ravenna (Away)
Wed 9/18- 5:15pm Fremont
Mon 9/23- 5:15pm Oakridge (Away)
Wed 9/25- 5:15pm OJ DeJonge
Mon 9/30- 5:15pm Orchard (Away)
Wed 10/02- 5:15pm Whitehall
Mon 10/07- 5:15pm North Muskegon (Away)
Wed 10/9-5:15pm Ravenna
Tues 10/15-4pm Fremont (Away)
Wed 10/16-5:15pm Oakridge
Mon 10/21- 5:15pm (TBA)
Wed 10/23 5:15pm (TBA- Away)
Wed 9/11 4pm Oakridge (Away)
Wed 9/18 4pm- Orchard View (Away)
Wed 9/25 4pm Whitehall
Wed 10/02 4pm- North Muskegon
Wed 10/09 4pm- Shelby (Away)
Wed 10/16 4pm- MS Co-ed 7/8 Fremont (Away)
Wed 10/23 4pm- Ravenna
Soccer schedule can be found on the Montague Public Schools website!
Work Permits
Work permits are available in the office.
Please see Mrs. Halverson. halversonj@mapsk12.org
NBC is Looking for donations!
-Clothing for the clothing closet
(leggings, t-shirts, sweatshirts & sweatpants)
-Feminine Products (Tampons & Pads)
-Boxes of Kleenex
If you would like to donate, please bring items to Mrs. Halverson or Mrs. Kraus in NBC's office. Thank you in advance!
2024-2025 Montague Public Schools District Calendar
Upcoming Community Events:
Pumpkinfest will be held on October 12 in Downtown Montague with many pumpkin-inspired events, contests, and features. There will be Artisan Market and Farmer’s Market, Arts and Crafts Fair, bake sale, best pumpkin pie contest, biggest pumpkin weigh-in contest, pumpkin painting, cider mill, pumpkin seed spitting contest, pet costume contest, carved pumpkin contest, pumpkin launching, hayrides, biggest pumpkin weigh-in, kid’s activities, entertainment, food vendors, and more! The pumpkin freestyle roll will take place beginning at 11am. Pumpkins will be available to purchase, and folks of all ages can go up the hill and roll their pumpkin. For more information, contact the White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce at 231-893-4585
Christmas Parade
Santa's House
Santa House hours are posted on the City sign and the City of Montague Facebook page each year. For more information, contact the Montague Police Department at 231-893-0810.
Bring the kids down and take their picture while they sit on Old St. Nick’s lap! Kids that want to send a letter to Santa can drop it in the mailbox slot on Santa’s House, or mail it to:
Santa Clause
c/o Montague Police Department
8778 Ferry Street
Montague, MI 49437