The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - May 22, 2022
Important Dates
Mon., May 23 - 8th Grade Recognition Assembly (8th grade parents only)
Tues., May 24 - Spirit Tee Tues. and 2pm dismissal
Tues., May 24 - Buddy Picnic/MS House Sorting
Wed., May 25 - Field Day/Heart Challenge Color Blast (signed up volunteers only)
Wed., May 25 - PTO Eat & Earn at Johnnie’s (all day)
Thurs., May 26 - Last Day of School - 1PM DISMISSAL / NO AFTERCARE
Thurs., May 26 - Feast of the Ascension - School mass (8:15am)
Thurs., May 26 - Light of Leadership
Thurs., May 26 - Yearbook Signing & Pizza Lunch
Last Week of School Reminders!
Classroom/homeroom teachers will communicate directly with their classroom families if there is additional information they need to know.
Also, last chance to select your child's lunch option for Wednesday and Thursday via this cafeteria lunch order form. Please fill out by 10am Monday even if your child is bringing their own lunch!
PreK-5th Parent Input (current students) for Next School Year
Sign Up Now for Fall Volleyball!
Registration for fall volleyball is now open at The deadline to register is Friday, August 12, 2022. The season typically starts the first weekend of September and runs through the end of October. Registration fee is $75.00 per player.
Field Day Reminder
Yearbook Signing & Waitlist
Summer Hours for School Office
Our school is still a busy place in the summer between hosting Totus Tuus, completing maintenance projects, finishing new student enrollment, and planning for the coming school year! There is always much to do, so be on the lookout for volunteer opportunities to count toward Time & Talent for 2022-23. Your older students are also welcome to help out and earn service hours depending on the task. Hopefully we will all still find the time to rest and recuperate before heading into another fantastic year at CSSE!
PTO News
Upcoming Eat & Earns - Always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a donation back to the school. Thank you, and don’t forget to spread the word to family and friends! Have an idea for an Eat and Earn or school fundraiser? Email us at!
- Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler -Britton AND N. May locations - Wednesday, May 25th all day
- Chicken N Pickle (8400 N. Oklahoma Ave) - Tuesday, Jun. 14, 6-8pm
Don’t forget our Simply Sign It fundraiser that you can purchase at any time for them to donate 25% back to our school!
Eagle Excellence
Congratulations to our CSSE Class of 2022 8th grade! We had a beautiful graduation mass and ceremony on Saturday night with friends, family, and parishioners!
Congrats to our 2022-23 House Captains! Aquinas House - Jackson Stone & Bryson Rudd; Drexel House - Rylei McMahill & Maggie LoPorto; Francis House - Kiona Wadmia & Gabriella Kunnath; Kateri House - Ellie Stayton & Charlcie Lawson; Patrick House - Alaina Schoppa & Sophia Pham.
CSSE alumni Landry Jansen, Alyssa Rooks, and Blayne Schwarz helped win the 5A Girls Soccer State Championship with Bishop McGuinness this past weekend! Landry Jansen was selected to the Oklahoma Soccer Coach’s Association All-State. Alyssa Rooks was selected to the Oklahoma Soccer Coach’s Association All-State Honorable Mention. Congrats, ladies!
News on Repeat
Flynn O'Hara Uniform Fitting - It’s time to order new uniforms for the Fall! Flynn O’Hara will be on campus to help with uniform fittings and orders on June 6th. Sign up at their link to reserve your spot.
Time & Talent Requirements - Our Time and Talent program requires each family to contribute 30 hours of service to the school. Only 20 hours are needed for single parent families. Grandparents can earn hours for their children's families, however you must indicate which grandchild's family you are working for in each particular instance. Students may earn up to 10 hours of their family’s obligation, provided it is for an approved and qualifying volunteer opportunity.
Time and Talent hours must be logged through your FACTS Family Portal under Family Information, Service Hours. Deadline to submit hours for the 2021-22 school year is Friday, May 27, 2022. Logging hours is the responsibility of the family. If your family chooses not to donate the minimum service hours, a $10 fee is charged for each hour not completed. The charges will be uploaded into FACTS. Unpaid charges can affect final registration for the 2022-2023 school year.
Please Pray For...
Please pray for the soul of the father of Mrs. Jean Price. He passed away this last week. Eternal rest grant unto him, oh Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon him. | Pray for peace in Ukraine. | Please pray for Mrs. Hackett who continues to recover from the side effects of COVID-19.I Please pray for Mrs. Aleman’s mother who is very ill. | Please pray for Judy Seymour, grandmother of Isla and Lusiana. | Please pray for Linda Skinner, a mentor and dear friend to Mrs. Goldsworthy. She is going through chemo. | Please pray for the healing of Sasha, cousin to Mark Roby and granddaughter to Mrs. Neal. | Please pray for the healing of Dub Wheeler, grandfather or Gehrig and Gabby. He has numerous medical issues, and needs the extra prayers. | Pray for those in our community who are ill, suffering, or lonely. | Pray for our staff, students, and their families.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Parish & Community News
Summer Ministers Schedule is Here - The summer ministers schedule is here. Please check for your name or your student's name in the list for ushers, readers, greeters, altar servers, etc. If you have a scheduling conflict, please find a sub or contact the church office. Use the MyParish app and join the Altar Server group to find server subs.
Do you receive the St. Eugene E-Pistle? Our church sends out a weekly newsletter with updates, news, and events. Sign up to receive the newsletter through Flocknote.
The Eucharistic Revival in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City Join Archbishop Coakley, clergy and parishioners, children and other Church leaders as they process from Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School to The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Oklahoma City. The procession is part of a nationwide Eucharistic Revival. Visit
Register for Totus Tuus at St. Eugene
Register your children for Totus Tuus this summer June 19-24! Registration and release forms can be found HERE. Cost is $35 per student and includes a t-shirt.
Daytime Program: Youth entering 2nd-8th grade
Mon., June 20 through Fri., June 24
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Please provide your own sack lunch.
Please bring snacks/drinks for 12 kids at least once in the week.
Evening Program: Youth entering 9th-12th grade
Sun., June 19 through Thurs., June 23
7:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Registration deadline: June 12th.
Questions? Contact Judi Wilkinson at
BMCHS Summer Athletic Camps
Rocket Summer Camp
Mark your summer calendar now for Rocket camps!
Registration will open May 1 for all Rocket Summer Camps. Below is a list of all camps and dates so you can plan ahead!
Volleyball, Soccer, Speed, Basketball, Baseball, All Sports, Football, Softball, Cheer! Go Rockets!
CCYO Cheer!
Register for Camp OLOG!
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067